After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 1807 Gu Niansheng loses his temper

Chapter 1807 Gu Niansheng loses his temper

Luo Wen took a look at this guy. Although he didn't know him, he looked pretty good.

He took the elixir directly and had no intention of returning it.

Fan Yuan didn't think there was any problem with this. He was thinking about the death of his father and the death of Dai Kui of the Dai family.

This is absolutely the worst possible situation for them.

This means that in the next confrontation, they will be missing a top player.

Perhaps now that the four major families have been damaged, this problem will not be exposed too much in a short period of time, but as long as this period of time passes, everyone will realize that they are at a disadvantage.

It will be troublesome!

Dai Shu glanced at Gu Niansheng and saw that Dai Lu was not dead either. He didn't know if his father died to protect this dead girl.

Ke An on the other side had already fallen into a coma.

Qing Mo kept him with him, and Ke Tong quickly asked someone to take over Ke'an. He realized that this kid's injuries were very serious, and the loss of his mental power was also extremely shocking.

I'm afraid it was very difficult to survive even if he was forced to do so at the last moment.

"Are there any survivors behind?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

As Qing Mo's words fell, everyone present sighed and felt helpless in their hearts.

They took so many experts to shoot, but in the end they ended up with this result.

Lost the wife and broke down again.

The Bodhi tree was not brought back, and everyone was gone.

Once this news spreads, people in other cities may have to laugh at their jokes.

They were pretty good in these cities before, but now that they are causing trouble like this, as long as it is known, the other party will definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble for them.

Especially when the seed war is about to begin, it is simply terrible.

However, looking at the severely injured people in front of them, who were all left with only one breath left, a deep sense of helplessness filled their hearts.

"Go back first."

Ke Tong looked at the people around him.

Everyone present nodded and sighed in their hearts.

"Okay, go back."

Gu Niansheng was relieved when he saw that the other party did not suspect them at all, but the other party probably would not have thought that someone would impersonate them.

I never thought there would be so many people pretending to be someone.

Before leaving, Gu Niansheng glanced at Yu Xianchi, and their eyes met for a moment. They had to go to their respective families now.

Play individually.

I'm afraid it will take several days until the next time they meet.

Gu Niansheng glanced at Master Qinghai next to him, and the latter also glanced at her, and his meaning was obvious.

You have to perform well next.

Gu Niansheng was relatively familiar with the Dai family now, especially after she appeared, many people around her became cautious.

"Miss Dai Lu is back, but why is her injury so serious?"

"Even the head of the family was seriously injured. Does that mean the situation is very bad this time?"

This thought came to everyone's mind unconsciously, and they all felt a thump in their hearts. This was not good news.

Gu Niansheng glanced at everyone and was too lazy to speak.

With Dai Lu's temperament, he would only have two reactions, one is to be too lazy to speak, and the other is to just tell him to get lost.

She chose the former because she was still injured after all.

"Please ask the doctor to come and treat Miss Dai Lu quickly!"

After seeing Dai Lu's seriously injured appearance, the maid's eyes were full of horror and she couldn't believe it at all.

This is the first time in so many years that I have seen Dai Lu suffer such serious injuries. "I'm fine. Thanks to my grandfather for protecting me. These are just skin injuries. I've already taken pills and will recover soon."

Gu Niansheng waved her hands, thinking that their bodies were different. I wonder if the doctors would find out after seeing them.

To be on the safe side, it is better not to let the doctor see you.

"Just treat my wound."

"Yes, ma'am."

A few people didn't dare to say anything. They all knew Dai Lu's temper. Once he lost his temper, no one could stop him.

If they dare to disobey, they will be the unlucky ones later.

Gu Niansheng asked them to help deal with the wound urgently, while feeling angrily and disgusted.

"Can't you be more careful? It hurts me!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hurry up, I'm tired and need to rest."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Go and prepare some food for me."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hey, are you looking for death?"

"The servant knows it's wrong."

Xiaoxiao stayed aside and couldn't help but sigh when he saw his always gentle master looking so angry.

This is too funny, right?
Don't tell me, it really looks like that.

At least, judging from the trembling looks of these maids, not knowing how to deal with it, I think this should be the effect.

After Gu Niansheng followed them and bandaged the wound, he ate and lay down to rest.

Faintly, you can still hear whispers outside.

"I heard that the old master didn't come back this time. It seemed that he was trying to protect Miss Dai Lu, and that's why he lost his life."

"It's such a pity. Miss Dai Lu's temper is still the same as before. I'm really worried that if I don't take good care of her when I stay here, my life will be lost."

Several people present also sighed deeply, their expressions full of helplessness.

It was actually unlucky for them to follow Miss Dai Lu. When assigning errands, they prayed that this errand would not fall on them.

It's a pity that bad luck is what everyone thinks, and there will always be a few unlucky people in the end.

The unlucky ones are obviously them.

After Gu Niansheng lost his temper, he looked at Xiaoxiao, who immediately understood and followed him out quickly.

Through the conversations with these people, you can know that your master is right.

These people didn't notice anything was wrong at all.

After all, they had asked before, and it was normal for Dai Lu to beat and scold these people when he was here.

If anything goes wrong, these guys will inevitably be unlucky.

Dai Lu's eldest lady's temper has never been a rare thing in Tianlong City, and everyone has long been used to it.

The people serving around me will be replaced every once in a while, and there are very few who can stay.

After all, most people can't stand such a temper, and often beg to leave in the end.

After Gu Niansheng saw that everyone didn't think anything was wrong, and that his casual anger made them accustomed to it, he began to look at the furnishings in Dai Lu's house.

I have to say that just from the furnishings here, you can see its status in the family.

She is truly a rich lady.

However, it is dead.

Xiaoxiao saw that the people outside were already busy with their own things, and quietly came back. '
(End of this chapter)

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