Chapter 1833
"Are you so sure?" Master Yunhai said in his voice.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Don't be polite when you seize the opportunity later, just make them unable to hold their heads up."

Gu Niansheng blinked. Master Yunhai had mentioned this matter more than once before. Now that he finally caught the opportunity, he naturally wanted to take back the power of the housekeeper.

There are really a lot of things in this warehouse. I even took this opportunity to take away some more things and then directly frame them on this guy.

Anyway, it’s already unclear, so let’s just be more thorough.

Leave him no chance to turn over.

Master Yunhai didn't know Gu Niansheng's entire plan, but since he had already said it, he couldn't let it go.

Thinking about this, he turned to look at Dai Shu directly.

"It's best that everything you say is true. After what happened before, the family is already in a very difficult situation. If someone wants to deliberately take advantage of the situation at this time, it would be too much."

Dai Shu's expression changed, "Brother, what do you mean by this? I am dedicated to the family, and none of us want to see something like this happen now.

Could it be that you think I did this just for the little money?Is it so necessary? "

The man spoke with righteous indignation, and his confident look was even more unbelievable, as if he couldn't believe that his eldest brother would treat him like this.

"You have to ask yourself, how do I know?"

Master Yunhai didn't give this guy any face. Anyway, this guy himself was not a good person and he wanted to be the head of the family.

Anyway, no matter whether this guy did it on purpose or not, in his eyes he did it on purpose.

Live it!

Dai Shu was choked by Master Yunhai's words. What he originally wanted to say was suppressed at this moment and could not be said.

Soon, the people who were searching for the news were back.

"Master, according to our investigation, there was nothing wrong with the Fan family."

"Fan Nai is fine. I heard that he went back home directly after the auction, and he didn't go with anyone else."

As the man finished speaking, everyone's gazes on Dai Lan and others became questioning.

"How could this be?"

Dai Lan's expression changed. It was clear that things were exactly as he said. What exactly went wrong?
"Could it be that the woman hated me more? After this incident happened, she was alone, so she only had time to do something to me and not to anyone else?"

As his words fell, everyone was completely speechless.

"Miss Dai Lan, why are you still talking nonsense?"

"The lies have been exposed, how can you still be so brazen?"

Everyone didn't know what to say for a moment. They used to think Dai Lu had a bad temper, but now they think Dai Lan is shameless. This is completely treating everyone as a fool.

"I just sent someone to follow him to see if he took action directly. Why did he do this?"

At this time, another person said frankly: "I went to the auction house to inquire specifically, and it was said that people from the four major families have inquired about this girl.

I heard that this girl is very powerful. All the pills that attracted everyone at the auction today were made by that girl. Even the people in the auction house are curious about this girl's identity, but what is certain is that this girl This girl has an unusual identity. "

"What pill?" Gu Niansheng asked pretending to be surprised. "I heard that a very powerful elixir appeared in the auction house today. It did not cause any harm to the body, and the recovery effect was very good, which attracted everyone to take action.

However, I heard that other families only spent [-] or [-] yuan on the same elixir, but we only spent [-] yuan and only got one bottle..."

This news is not a secret, and there is no need to inquire about it. There are many people talking about it in the streets and alleys, and they simply regard it as a joke.

Dai Shu's expression froze after hearing this.

I only knew about this matter before, but I didn't know that there were other things.

Others exchange [-], but they spend [-]?
As a result, others can get two copies at that price, but they can only get one copy at this price?
At this moment, even he felt that these people in his family were really stupid.

Simply shameful!
"Is this what you mean by careful preparation? That you can definitely get things done?"

Master Yunhai glanced at Dai Shu indifferently, "Second brother, I know you have been dissatisfied with me all these years, but since I am the head of the family, you should restrain yourself.

This time I saw that you were very interested in the housekeeper, and you didn't take it after you came back. But now you give me such a result, how can I trust you? "

Dai Shu gritted his teeth, facing such a situation, but didn't know what to say.

"Father, I think this matter needs to be investigated clearly. We need to improve our strength as soon as possible. Training resources are important to everyone.

So much money was suddenly gone, and there wasn't even a single person who doubted it. How could we just let it go? "

Gu Niansheng looked dissatisfied.

"Dai Lu, what do you mean? What I said is the truth. It was definitely that woman who attacked me!"

Dai Lan looked at Dai Lu angrily, "You clearly took this opportunity to deliberately wrongfully accuse me!"

"Why did I wrongly accuse you? What you said about this matter is baseless. There is no evidence at all except that you said you were injured and robbed."

Gu Niansheng looked at Dai Lan, "You said it was the woman who attacked you, who followed you and then attacked you. She didn't kill you directly, but just stole your belongings?

A person who can easily spend 100 million to buy a magic rope, will he covet these things on you?Think about it for yourself, is it credible? "

"We are all very sad about my grandfather's death, but at least I still have witnesses. Even if you don't believe what my father said for me, there are also what others said.

You obviously know all this, but you still want to blame my grandfather's death on me. Compared to what you are saying now, isn't what I say much more credible? "

Gu Niansheng's words were immediately thrown down.

Dai Lan opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but couldn't refute a word.

Even she herself couldn't figure out why the other party just took away the money after attacking her, and she was not hurt at all.

So angry!

It would be fine if the injury was more serious, but with his current appearance, no one would believe what he said.

"Could it be that people from other families are deliberately causing trouble for us?"

Dai Xu suddenly spoke with a very serious expression.

"What do you mean?" Dai Shu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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