Chapter 1837 Angry Dai Tian
"Second Master, you said that these things have nothing to do with you, but you have been in and out of the warehouse almost every day during this period. On the contrary, we have been guarding outside. We don't know what happened.

How could I steal so many things under your nose, let alone blame them all on me? "

Dai Tian was absolutely furious.

"I have been guarding the warehouse for so many years, and nothing has ever happened to me. If I really wanted to guard the warehouse, I would have committed theft long ago. I just left this family, can you still catch me?"

This is not polite at all.

But it seems like the most favorable evidence.
Dai Shu just focused on shirking responsibility. Although he used a lot of things during this period, it was definitely not as exaggerated as what he used in the warehouse now.

Even he was dumbfounded by the current situation.

If such a serious crime is withheld, how can he have any face in the family in the future?
It wasn't until I heard Dai Tian's words that I suddenly realized that what he said made sense.

The reason why Dai Tian guards the warehouse is because he is strong enough. If he really wanted to steal, he would have already done it.

He could leave immediately after taking the things away. There was no need to wait for their questioning today.

"I believe in Dai Tian. It has been so many years. If Dai Tian wanted to keep things secret, he would have already taken everything away. How could he wait until now?"

"Really? I thought Dai Lan looked ugly about what happened yesterday. I kept saying it was true, but I couldn't even produce any evidence. Besides, it wasn't a hidden place all the way back. How could there be no movement at all?

I asked specifically yesterday, and no one has ever seen such a situation. It is complete nonsense. "

“I thought what happened yesterday was exaggerated enough, but I didn’t expect to hear such news when I opened my eyes today.

Now everyone finally understands why the second head has been reluctant to hand over the things after the head of the family came back. I am afraid it is because of this incident! "

Dai Shu saw the people around him becoming more and more exaggerated, and even after connecting the whole thing together, the crime was directly pinned on his head.

"Great Elder, you have no evidence, how could you just frame me like this?"

"Second Master, this matter is already obvious. I don't need to frame him at all."

The elder's expression was indifferent, and there was even disdain in his brows, "Second Master, we all know exactly what you want over the years.

The reason why the old family leader did not give you the position of family leader is naturally due to various reasons, but you can't act so recklessly just because of this matter! "

"I didn't do it. I definitely didn't do this."

Dai Shu hurriedly argued, facing the eyes that seemed to have confirmed everything, he felt extremely depressed.

"Second Master, when I passed by your yard yesterday, I happened to hear you explaining something to someone."

At this time, the second elder came out, with a hint of amusement in his eyes, "I felt something was wrong with this matter, so I caught the person."

As soon as these words came out, Dai Shu's expression suddenly changed.

After others saw this scene, they didn't need to think too much at all. They could tell some clues just from their expressions.

"I didn't expect that there was even evidence. Fortunately, the second elder happened to catch the person yesterday, otherwise I would have been unable to explain what you said today!"

Dai Tian looked annoyed.

Gu Niansheng and Master Qinghai appeared together.

The two of them bumped into each other when they arrived, but neither of them was in a hurry.Today's bustle is expected. It's best to let things ferment before they come, so that when they come, they can clear up the relationship.

"Princess, you were really awesome yesterday. I don't even know when you came in or when you left."

Master Qinghai was a little helpless. He had always known that Gu Niansheng was very capable, but this matter was easy to say, but it was still quite difficult to actually do it.

Until yesterday, there was no movement at all during the entire process. Even though he knew that this was going to happen, he was completely unaware of the entire process, which was even more outrageous.

"I think this method is very convenient, and I should be able to use this to do many things in the future."

Gu Niansheng smiled slightly. After experiencing it for himself this time, he realized how powerful it was. There will definitely be many benefits in the future.

When Master Qinghai heard this, he immediately understood and felt envious.

The Crown Princess's methods are really eye-catching. If she had any of these skills, she might be able to run amok among the Evil Spirit Clan.

But it happened that all these abilities were concentrated in the Crown Princess.

After the two arrived, they saw the scene of the confrontation between the two sides. They couldn't help but feel funny in their hearts, but they pretended to be concerned on their faces.

"How is this going?"

After Dai Tian saw Master Qinghai, he quickly said: "Master, you know my temperament best. I have been guarding the warehouse for so many years, and I have never lost anything.

When you were in charge of the warehouse before, you always felt safe leaving it to me. However, now that the second boss is only in charge of the warehouse for a period of time, there are so many things missing from it.

Although I am responsible for guarding on weekdays, I never go in. Now they are saying that I stole everything inside. This is really too much! "

Hearing this, Master Qinghai nodded, "I have always trusted Dai Tian's character. He is devoted to his family and has never had other thoughts.

You said that he committed suicide and stole things from the warehouse. I don't believe it. "

Everyone present also felt the same, everyone knew Dai Tian's temperament, and Dai Tian's own strength may be stronger than the head of the family and Dai Shu.

If you really want to take it, you can take it all. If you don't want it, just take part of it.

Therefore, everyone suspected Dai Shu from the beginning.

"Brother, according to what you said, you think it is impossible for Dai Tian to guard against others, but you think I will guard against others?"

"I didn't say anything about you, I just said it was impossible for Dai Tian to do such a thing." Master Qinghai said calmly.

Dai Shu's expression froze. He did not say this directly, but it was clear that this was what he meant.

“Since you said this matter has nothing to do with you, tell me when this thing disappeared.

You should go to the warehouse frequently during this period, and you should be very clear about the items in the warehouse. So many things are missing, so it’s impossible to tell them now, right? "

Master Qinghai spoke slowly. Anyway, this crime has been decided, and Dai Shu would not be able to escape this crime no matter what.

"I checked last night and found that not so many things were lost. But when I woke up this morning, everything was gone. I suspect that this was just a frame-up for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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