Chapter 1842 Don’t tell them!
Seeing how scared they were, Xiaoxiao and Leiting felt that it was an exaggeration.

How can it be so serious?
If it was really that serious, the owner wouldn't have gone in.

However, as they waited outside longer and longer without seeing their master come out, the familiar feeling between the little fox and Tian Liao became stronger and stronger.

I think it was the same when the owner came here.

I thought it would come out soon, but as I waited longer and longer, I didn't notice any signs of coming out, and my heart started to lift unconsciously.

"You tell me, what if the master is still the same as before, and his injuries are so serious after coming out, and he will soon go to Rose City to participate in the Seed Battle?"

The little fox couldn't help but worry that even if his body recovered faster than before, it would still take time.

"Master should be sensible, let's wait."

Tian Ling actually believed in his master. The master was always very powerful anyway, so he should have considered this when he entered.

Gu Niansheng kept practicing the whip technique inside. From having only a little understanding of the whip technique to now waving the whip constantly, he gradually mastered how to use the whip in his own hands.

The whip didn't obey the orders at first. He obviously wanted to attack here, but after swinging out, the whip would often hit another place.

But now, she was finally able to swing the whip exactly where she wanted it.

The whip went from being inflexible at the beginning to becoming as flexible as a snake.

He did not directly practice martial arts, but continued to deepen his understanding of whips.

Whether it is martial arts or weapons, it actually takes many attempts to find the method that suits you best and the best solution.

Time passed little by little.

It was as if she couldn't feel the passage of time at all here. This perfect opportunity was in front of her.

She understood that if she didn't have the best opportunity here to assist her, she probably wouldn't know when she would be able to reach this point.

It would not be bad to take advantage of this opportunity to improve.

You have so many skills that you never know when you will be able to use them.

Master Qinghai has a certain understanding of these martial arts after practicing for a long time.

At least, seeing the power getting stronger and stronger, he gradually felt a little more relieved.

At least when the time comes, no one will notice the problem at a glance.

However, while he was resting, he discovered that the Crown Princess had gone somewhere and never appeared, and he couldn't help but have doubts in his eyes.

"Where did this go?"

Master Qinghai looked around and had to say that the environment here was really good, but the area was still very wide.

In other words, he didn't know how big it was, or where Gu Niansheng went.

"I'm afraid the Crown Princess is also practicing, she is really working hard."

Master Qinghai stood up and said, "Since the Crown Princess is still practicing, I can't just be lazy."

Looking in the mirror at the guy in front of him who was practicing his martial arts skills over and over again, he couldn't help but said: "The progress is still just barely. I don't think they are improving as fast as that girl and the boy."

Just as the mirror finished saying this, he suddenly noticed the gaze on the opposite side turned towards him.

His expression was slightly stiff.

Master Qinghai looked at the mirror in front of him with the same surprise, and he couldn't help but feel surprised.

I thought this mirror was of no use before, but now I suddenly found that this mirror can actually talk.

So, this is also a magic weapon that gave birth to spiritual consciousness?
However, Master Qinghai didn't care what the mirror said at this moment, because another thought came to his mind.

The Crown Princess is really amazing!Such an inconspicuous mirror turns out to be a magic weapon.

I'm afraid there are not many treasures in this small world.

"After practicing for so many years, I always thought that my harvest was very rich, and I had nothing to argue with the younger generation. But after seeing everything here today, I feel that my life has been in vain for so many years."

I am really envious.

"No wonder that guy Luo Wen always said he was poor. I thought he was deliberately telling nonsense, but now I realize that everything he said was true..."

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Anyway, after seeing the Crown Princess's things now, I just feel that I am really poor.

Too poor!

How poor is this!
In a blink of an eye, it was dawn the next day.

Master Qinghai saw that the princess had not come out yet, and he couldn't help but wonder, where on earth did she go?
He looked around the area but didn't see him. He was unfamiliar with this place, so he was too embarrassed to ask directly.

"If not, just take a rest first."

He had exhausted all his strength and felt like he was about to collapse.

As an elder, I wanted to pretend, but now I really can't pretend.

He sat down under the Bodhi tree. Sitting here, he felt a sense of tranquility and natural coolness.

All distracting thoughts seemed to disappear at this moment.

My mind becomes extremely clear, and my thoughts become clear.

"Sure enough, if you just stay under the Bodhi tree when you can't figure out the problem, everything will soon become more open-minded and clear."

After Master Qinghai's continuous practice, he gradually understood what he didn't understand at first.

"It turns out there's something wrong here."

He stood up excitedly and continued to practice at the front.

"The purpose of your stay here is to make people understand?"

The mirror glanced at the bodhi tree and spoke calmly.

"Otherwise?" Bodhi Tree asked back, "Isn't it nice to be able to help others? Didn't you hear his thanks to me?"

"What's the use of thanking you?" Mirror curled her lips, "There are many people who have thanked you over the years, but I don't see any use."

"Why do I need to be useful? I am just a tree. Wouldn't I be happy to get a thank you?
It's nothing to lose for me, I think it's pretty good. "

The Bodhi tree doesn't matter. As a Bodhi tree, he already has such abilities. What's more, the guy in front of him is very polite, which is quite likable.


"Don't you have your own abilities? You've been here for so many days. Why don't you give me a little help?"

"What's so good about this? I won't tell them."

The mirror curled her lips, thinking that it was good just like this. They didn't like each other anyway, so she didn't bother to say anything more.

"Sooner or later you will figure it out. If you always have such a temper, you will actually lose a lot of happiness."

The Bodhi tree seems to have seen through all this a long time ago.

The mirror didn't say anything, which made this guy feel more and more strange. It was just that he had such a strange temperament, but he actually wanted to convince her.

What a dream!

(End of this chapter)

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