Chapter 202
News about Lingsheng Tower has always spread very quickly, and for a while everyone also smelled a few different meanings.

The news that King Ming was behind it had just come out on the first floor. Everyone went to the first floor one after another. Unexpectedly, before the dinner time, the Lingsheng Building had already announced that monster meat would be served tomorrow. I don’t know whether this was a coincidence or whether it was just in the ring.

After all, if it were a coincidence, it would be too much.

Of course, when the news about Lingsheng Tower spread, Xi Yongan had already heard about the first floor.

"It was actually Princess Ming who helped..."

Xi Yongan's eyes were complicated. He had stayed in the imperial city for so long, so naturally he had already heard that the two young ladies of Zhenguo Palace were at odds with each other.

The second young lady often ruined the reputation of the boss. No one knew about it before and misunderstood the boss. It was not until the second young lady got married that the news was completely spread.

Thinking about it, the reason why the boss took action now must have something to do with Gu Nianen.

This kind of white-eyed wolf should have been taught a lesson!

"Yong'an, what are the conditions of the restaurants next door that I asked you to know about?" Gu Niansheng asked.

She had come up with this idea a few days ago. She originally thought that the first floor could no longer hold on and they could take over directly.

It's just that Gu Nianen has appeared as a variable. The problems faced by the first floor have been solved. Even if they take action now, they will definitely not go bankrupt in a short time.

After all, with Prince Ming's palace here and looking at the Buddha instead of the monk, even if something goes wrong, he can survive for the time being.

As a result, this plan will have to change.

"Master, I've already inquired about it. The business of these restaurants has plummeted since we opened. On weekdays, most of the customers only go to them when our place is full.

Except for two of them, which taste pretty good, the other restaurants are currently in a bad situation. "

Gu Niansheng nodded slightly, not surprised, and said, "Then have you found out whether they have any plans to sell the restaurant?"

"I have asked, and two of them do plan to sell the restaurants to make other businesses, but recently no one else has dared to take over the restaurants nearby."

The number of restaurants in their area was not small. Although it was not in the busiest area of ​​the imperial city, there were still many people visiting this lake, and many people would eat here.

It's just that their business has become so popular that they have robbed all nearby businesses. In addition, the first floor has continued to expand recently, and their condiments were stolen a while ago, attracting many customers.

Immortals fight, little devils suffer.

Their business has truly plummeted.

"Then buy them." Gu Niansheng said.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone in the restaurant were filled with surprise, "Master, are you planning to expand Lingsheng Tower?"

"But didn't we plan to acquire the first floor before?" Xi Yongan asked.

"There is no shortage of money on the first floor now. It will take time to defeat them." Gu Niansheng looked indifferent, "Why is the business on the first floor so good? Because we can't entertain the guests, and many of them have left, so they That’s why there are so many guests.”

"The name of Princess Ming can make the first floor famous in a short period of time. But when it comes to business, the name can only attract people for a while, but not forever. The most important thing for a restaurant is the ingredients and taste."

Xi Yongan understood immediately, "So as long as we have more customers every day, they will have less customers."

Gu Niansheng nodded lightly. In the past, she just wanted to open a restaurant to make some money, and didn't put much thought into it. But now that she has reached this level, she must become bigger and stronger!
"Then I'll go talk now!" Xi Yongan said quickly. "Okay." Gu Niansheng nodded, "You can just take the money directly from the accounting room. As for the reform, I want to think about it carefully and tell you after I think about it clearly."

"Besides, I need to hire a few more reliable people to come back. Once the rhino beef starts selling tomorrow, there won't be a shortage of customers. After buying other restaurants, we will also need manpower."

"I understand, don't worry, Master."

"The people who are elected will be taught a lesson first. There is no rush for them to take office. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Gu Niansheng Yunjuanyun calmly analyzed things one by one. He was not in a hurry to get all these things done at once. After all, once he was in a hurry, it was easy to overlook many problems.


Gu Niansheng left the restaurant, thinking about what to do next.

When running a restaurant, the most important thing is to capture the customers while ensuring the taste.

Therefore, some plans emerged in her mind, but she still needed to think carefully after planning them.

Township government.

When Gu Niansheng came back, he heard that Yang Hongyu was coming, and his brows immediately wrinkled, "What is he doing here? Is it not enough that he was taught a lesson yesterday, and he wants to scold him again today?"

"Miss, I heard that it seems to be related to the Alchemist Guild. The young master also went there after he came back."

Gu Niansheng's eyebrows were slightly raised. She was a little worried at first when she heard the news, but she immediately stopped worrying.

When she arrived, she noticed that everyone in the courtyard had bright eyes, except Yang Hongyu, who looked ugly.

"Young Master Yang is here, do you have any advice?"

Yang Hongyu looked embarrassed and said: "Look at what Miss Gu said, I am apologizing for what I did yesterday. I was too reckless yesterday. I am really sorry."

When Gu Hongzhen saw Gu Niansheng coming, he pulled her over and told her the whole story.

"I heard that the Alchemist Guild heard about yesterday's incident. They believed that Yang Hongyu deliberately insulted the Alchemist. The matter was very serious, so they directly passed the news to the Yang Mansion early this morning.

If Yang Hongyu doesn't come to apologize today, the Alchemist Guild will no longer sell any pills to them in the future, so he has no choice but to come. "

At this point, Gu Hongzhen couldn't help but laugh. Yang Hongyu refused to apologize yesterday. Unexpectedly, it was useless for this damn duck to talk so hard. He directly provoked the Alchemist Guild to take action.

"Sister, you still have more face!"

Gu Niansheng knew in her heart that her parents did not come forward to deal with such matters, leaving everything to their brothers and sisters.

After all, it is better for the younger generation to resolve conflicts among themselves.

"Mr. Yang yesterday ruined my reputation in front of everyone, saying that I spoke nonsense, was shameless, and couldn't get married. Now he wants to expose this matter with a blithe apology?"

Gu Niansheng's expression was indifferent, and his scornful eyes were a bit mocking. It was obvious that he did not intend to forgive him.

Yang Hongyu cursed in his heart. He was scolded by his father before he woke up today, telling him not to go back until Gu Niansheng forgives him!
(End of this chapter)

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