After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 260 You have changed your mind!

Chapter 260 You have changed your mind!
Ming Palace.

Gu Nianen stayed up all night. She was very aware of the consequences of what happened last night, so when she saw Qin Minglang and was about to leave today, she deliberately blocked him.

"My lord."

Qin Minglang paused slightly and looked at the familiar face in front of him with an indifferent expression, but it lacked the depth of affection and joy before.

"Your Majesty, I know you are resentful towards me, but when you went out to beg the Emperor on such an occasion yesterday, didn't you think about the possible consequences?"

Gu Nianen really couldn't bear this tone. She seemed to have become a joke yesterday. Seeing those people looking at her with pity in their eyes, she felt extremely unhappy.

"What are the consequences?" Qin Minglang said coldly.

"Sister doesn't like you at all. When she broke off the engagement, she didn't quit out of spite of difficulties. She had already fallen in love with King Zhenbei." Gu Nianen emphasized.

"so what?"

Gu Nianen's words were stagnant, and she said incomprehensibly: "Then you should understand that my sister will never look back. Now that she is going to marry King Zhenbei, why should you do this?"

When Qin Minglang faced the woman's questioning, he took a step forward and grabbed her neck with one hand.

"If it weren't for your malicious sabotage, she and I were a legitimate couple, how could it end like this?"

"She clearly had all her heart and eyes focused on me!"

Qin Minglang roared loudly, his voice full of anger and regret.

During this period of time, he regretted it all the time, looking at her red dress, looking at her unparalleled elegance, looking at her hard work, and seeing her being loved by everyone.

He once thought that she was messy, arrogant and domineering, bullying Nianen everywhere. He hated her like this, but in the end he realized that the person he should really hate was Gu Nianen.

It was Gu Niansheng who had been bullied and forbearing. She was also the one who was poisoned and slandered. She sent her sincerity to him, but he never cherished it because of misunderstanding. Instead, he was attracted by the snake-hearted person in front of him. The woman lies all over the place.

He thought he was smart in vain, but now he felt more and more ironic.

"If you hadn't deliberately disguised yourself and confused right and wrong!"

Gu Nianen stared blankly at the man in front of him who was full of complaints and hatred, his expression full of disbelief.

"Are you hating me?"

"We grew up together. Before Gu Niansheng came back, you clearly said that you only have me in your heart. Now that she has only been back for a year, just because she is more beautiful than me, is it worth the relationship we have had for so many years?"

Gu Nianen's eyes were red and she looked extremely disappointed.

"It's obvious that you have changed your mind!"

Hearing this, Qin Minglang chuckled. His eyelids were blue after he had not slept all night yesterday, and he was depressed and embarrassed. Throughout the night, all that came to his mind was what happened after Nian Sheng came back.

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. Even though he wanted to drink to get drunk, he found that the more he drank, the more her appearance seemed to be deeply engraved in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

He stared seriously at the face that was beyond recognition due to anger and jealousy, his voice was cold, and his eyes were even colder.

"Gu Nian'en, it's not so much that I've changed my mind, but that you've been lying to me.

Over the years, I have always liked that girl who is gentle and kind, and considers others everywhere, not you, who is always planning everything, do you understand? "

His eyes were calm and indifferent, as if he looked down upon everything, and even more so on her.

Gu Nianen subconsciously took a step back, her body a little unsteady. These words were like a sharp blade stabbing into her heart, leaving her speechless.

... After Gu Niansheng made her family feel at ease, she went to Lingsheng Tower. The King of Zhenbei had always been a person of concern to the whole city, and the news that he was getting married must have swept the streets.

Sure enough, when she arrived, she found that the restaurant's business was extremely prosperous. All the waiters were smiling when they saw her and congratulated her as soon as they opened their mouths.

"My boss, congratulations!"

Xi Yongan's face was filled with an excited smile, "I thought before that King Zhenbei took special care of our restaurant, but only now did I realize that it was not my conjecture, it was all true!"

Thinking that when he knew that the person whom Prince Ming was marrying was not his employer, he felt aggrieved for his employer. But now that he knew that the person his employer was going to marry was King Zhenbei, the previous resentment had turned into natural excitement.

In their hearts, King Zhenbei is better than King Ming.

"My boss, please tell us what kind of person King Zhenbei is? Is he good to you? Everyone is almost dying of curiosity."

"Yes, have you seen the true face of King Zhenbei under the mask? Isn't he very handsome?"

Looking at the curious faces in front of him, Gu Niansheng looked helpless and funny at the same time.

"He is naturally a wonderful person and treats me very well."

After hearing this, everyone looked sad.

"My boss couldn't help but smile when he mentioned King Zhenbei. He felt like there was nothing more to say. He was so envious of others!"

Gu Niansheng was slightly startled, and then he noticed that he had smiled unconsciously, waved his hand and said, "Go and get busy, there are so many guests today, you still have time to chat here."

The boss spoke, and everyone immediately dispersed.

Gu Niansheng then looked at Xi Yongan, "How are you thinking about it?"

"I discussed with Xiang Ling and she wanted to leave directly with me to avoid trouble."

The man's expression was a little complicated. Obviously, this result was not what he expected, but he was also moved by Xiang Ling's determination to be with him.

Gu Niansheng's lips curled up slightly. She had never doubted Xu Xiangling's choice.

At this moment, an unexpected figure suddenly walked outside the restaurant.

"Xu Tianhua?"

Gu Niansheng raised her eyebrows slightly and said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were here. Unexpectedly, Xu Tianhua actually came to the door at this moment.

The latter apparently saw Gu Niansheng and Xi Yongan standing together as soon as he entered the restaurant. His eyes suddenly lit up and he walked over quickly.

"Miss Gu, Yong'an."

Xu Tianhua's face was full of smiles. Although he was polite and smiling when he saw them in the past, there was a hint of arrogance in that smile, and now his smile was full of flattery.

Gu Niansheng and Xi Yongan are both smart people. As soon as the news spread that Miss Lingsheng was Gu Niansheng yesterday, Xu Tianhua came. They knew exactly what this was.

"Mr. Xu, we are a rare visitor." Gu Niansheng said in a neutral tone.

Sensing her coldness, Xu Tianhua didn't care and said with a smile: "Miss Gu, my second brother was ignorant and offended you before. I am here to apologize today."

"Isn't it too late to apologize after taking so long?"

Gu Niansheng raised her eyebrows slightly. She had already clearly seen the behavior of the Xu family.

(End of this chapter)

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