Chapter 290 Despicable Means
"Don't even think about escaping. You can't escape today."

The leading man in black stared at Gu Niansheng. This woman was not as easy to deal with as they thought.

Last time so many people broke into the Zhenguo Palace, I thought it would not be difficult to deal with Gu Niansheng, but I didn't expect that the final result was that the entire army was wiped out.

The Duke of Zhen Guo was also well-known back then, but because he was getting older and had not been on the battlefield in recent years, they felt that the defense of the Duke of Zhen Guo was no longer as good as before.

But it was not until the last test that they realized that the strength of the guards in the Zhenguo Palace was still so amazing. It was not easy to let these dead soldiers die quietly.

Therefore, they did not choose to go into the Zhenguo Palace to take action this time, but chose to take action outside. They even made special inquiries to find out that Gu Niansheng's power had been exhausted today and that he was in extremely poor condition before taking action.

Unexpectedly, even under such circumstances, this woman still poisoned the three of them!
"What do you want to arrest me for?" Gu Niansheng frowned, realizing that the purpose of these people today did not seem to be to directly kill her and silence her.

"Then you don't need to know."

As soon as the man raised his hand, the others immediately attacked Gu Niansheng!
Gu Niansheng was not polite. The blood of hundreds of people in Zhenguo's mansion was inseparable from the people in front of him.

During this fight, she took the opportunity to pierce two of them with poisonous needles, killing them on the spot.

This time, they saw two people being poisoned and fell down immediately. The poison was so fast that it was frightening, and the effect of the poison was more shocking than any poison they had seen in ordinary times!

Sure enough, this woman is not as simple as she seems on the surface.


The energy in Gu Niansheng's body exploded, and after kicking one of them away, the other two quickly controlled her hands.

As she struggled, the other person stuffed a pill into her mouth.

After Yu Xianchi noticed this scene, his eyes suddenly changed. He wanted to stop him directly, but was stopped by Gu Niansheng's eyes.

She actually didn't know what the other party was feeding her, but just in case, she had already taken an antidote pill before coming out.

Her self-made detoxification pill has a very good detoxification effect. As long as it is not a very rare toxin, generally speaking, there will not be any big problems.

After Yu Xianchi noticed the look in her eyes, he did not take action in the end. He just looked at the men in black with more violence in his eyes. Like a bloodthirsty beast, he temporarily put away his fangs, but his murderous intent became more and more intense. The thicker.

After giving Gu Niansheng the medicine, the four of them left two to deal with the remaining five corpses. It was getting late now, and the people in the imperial city had not noticed the matter yet, but if it was not solved early, once If this news spreads, I'm afraid there will be trouble tomorrow.

With a knife attack, Gu Niansheng pretended to fall into coma and let the two men carry her forward.

"It's strange. Didn't you plan to kill this woman directly last time? This time, you didn't kill her."

The man carrying Gu Niansheng was a little confused. If they could just kill this woman and complete the mission, they could go back and recover now.

"How can you and I be able to speculate on the tasks assigned by above? Just follow the instructions." The leading man said solemnly.

"Boss, this woman is unconscious now. Where exactly are we taking her? You don't need to keep it a secret anymore, right?"

"It's quite simple, just throw her into a brothel." The man chuckled, with a little emotion in his expression, "If you want to blame her, it's her own restlessness. If she hadn't caused so many troubles, she wouldn't have ended up like this. Such a result." "Brothel?" The man was slightly stunned, but also a little regretful, "This girl is so good-looking, the most beautiful woman in the city, wouldn't it be a pity to give her to the people in the brothel to waste like this?"

"Put away your little thoughts." The leading man scolded, "If you want to enjoy happiness, you must have a life. Have you forgotten her identity? The fiancee of King Zhenbei."

With just one word, the man carrying Gu Niansheng stopped his thoughts immediately.

Although they did this very covertly and the other party may not be able to find them, they have all heard of the reputation of King Zhenbei. If he touches his fiancée, the consequences will be really terrible.

"But those people in the brothel don't have the guts!"

"Don't worry, the people above have already made arrangements. None of those guys are from the Imperial City and don't know her at all."

Gu Niansheng listened to the conversation between the two and sighed secretly in her heart. It seemed that Gu Niansheng was really desperate now and hated her to the core.

He was not in a hurry to kill her directly, but he wanted to destroy everything about her and make her life worse than death!
Her beautiful dark eyes were covered with a cold light. She really didn't expect that Gu Nianen could be so vicious.

She had thought that this woman was cruel and cold-blooded when she killed hundreds of people in the Duke's Mansion, and now it seemed that she had underestimated her.

Once she is humiliated, it will naturally be impossible for the marriage to continue. She will become a stain on the Zhenguo Palace and a joke in the eyes of everyone in the imperial city. At the same time, this will completely stop Qin Minglang's thoughts. She really got her wish. …

After knowing all this, Gu Niansheng was not in a hurry and let these two people carry her and continue walking. She wanted to know which brothel was her final destination.

Finally, when they arrived at the door of a brothel.


Two bursts of energy shot out, and with the sound of bones breaking, the two men fell down. At the same time, Gu Niansheng had fallen into a warm embrace.

"How are you?"

Yu Xianchi ignored the body and looked at Gu Niansheng nervously, "What did they feed you just now?"

"I did not eat."

Gu Niansheng spit out the pills in her mouth, with a look of disgust in her eyes, "The pills they made are not good, they should melt in your mouth anyway."

This is a little trick she recently learned from the tutor in the small world. If she encounters a pill that melts in her mouth, it will be useless. But when it comes to pills that melt very slowly, she can use this little trick to pretend Give the illusion of swallowing it.

When she first learned this, she didn't expect it to be very effective, but she didn't expect to use it so quickly.

When Yu Xianchi looked at Gu Niansheng's proud and clever look, the tension in his eyes quietly dissipated and turned into a faint smile.

"I didn't expect my wife to be so clever."

"Of course." Gu Niansheng blinked proudly, "But although the pill melts very slowly, I still took a little bit. It should be a love potion."

(End of this chapter)

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