Chapter 296 I’m on your side!
Looking at the concerned face in front of him, Gu Niansheng realized that his eldest brother was not unhappy at all after knowing that this matter was related to her. On the contrary, he was very worried that this matter would be related to her, and he felt warm in his heart. meaning.

She understands that her eldest brother has always been on her side and is the help she needs in this matter.

"The whole thing was a trap designed by Gu Nianen for me." Gu Niansheng said frankly.

As the woman finished speaking, Gu Hongzhen's eyes suddenly condensed, but he didn't seem too surprised.

A lot of conjectures had already appeared in his mind the moment he heard the news. The one who had the deepest conflict with Nian En now was Nian Sheng, and he didn't believe that Nian Sheng would devise such a plan, so he started from scratch. Some people began to speculate on this possibility.

However, when he truly knew that all this was true, he still couldn't help being shocked.

"Did she devise such a sinister plan?"

Even though he had known before that Nian En was not as simple as they thought, when he found out all this, he still couldn't believe it. How sinister must he be to do such a crazy thing?
"Actually, it's not just the first time." Gu Niansheng said again.

Gu Hongzhen's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. He originally thought that the conflict between Nian En and Nian Sheng during this period was the dispute between Lingsheng Tower and the First Floor, but he never expected that there were so many other things under these. .

"Brother, I know that my parents raised Nian En and they must have a lot of intolerance towards her, but you should understand the reason why you should continue to resist her."

Gu Hongzhen nodded, "I understand."

"Gu Nianen is not as simple as we see on the surface. There are others behind her." Gu Niansheng said solemnly, "Last time she sent a group of dead soldiers into my yard to attack and kill me. "

"What?" Gu Hongzhen said in shock.

"The King of Zhenbei helped me at that time, otherwise I would have been in danger."

Gu Niansheng looked very calm when talking about all this, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

"Yesterday I just reported to the seed class and practiced in the training room for another day. When I came back, I was chased by a group of men in black. I pretended to be unconscious and found out that they planned to send me to a brothel."

"So you treat others the same way they treat you?"


Gu Hongzhen understood in an instant. He had previously been confused about how Nian Sheng did all this, but only now did he understand how thrilling it was to do all this.

If Nian Sheng's reaction speed and ability were not strong enough, she would be the one who was ruined today!

The tragedy of all this... He simply didn't dare to think about it!
"You escaped from trouble last night, were you the King of Zhenbei?" Gu Hongzhen asked.

Gu Niansheng nodded slightly, "He saved me, but he didn't know what happened next. I did it."

"Thank you so much to King Zhenbei."

Gu Hongzhen sighed. Before, he couldn't understand how his little sister could suddenly become close to the King of Zhenbei, but now he realized that the King of Zhenbei had saved Nian Sheng many times before they knew it. among.

Without him, Nian Sheng would be too dangerous now.

"I really didn't expect Nian En to be so vicious. What are you going to do?"

After Gu Hongzhen recovered from the harmonious shock, he looked at Gu Niansheng. He understood that his sister had many ideas now, and she must have thought about how to deal with this matter before telling him this.

"Now she has been ruined and has lost her status as a princess, but we cannot let her stay in the house, and we must completely cut off all relations with her, completely.

The Zhenguo Palace has always had a good reputation over the years, and it must not be ruined because of her. Gu Niansheng said. "Indeed." "


Gu Niansheng slowly explained a plan, and Gu Hongzhen understood everything after hearing it.

"it is good."

Today's birthday celebration started at noon, and a theater troupe was invited to set up a stage in the afternoon. Officials from each family would accompany their female relatives, making it very lively.

Luo Yi had already arranged for all of this to be prepared before, so even though everyone was caught off guard by today's news, it did not affect the arrangement of everything.

Although Gu Hanxuan and Luo Yi were in no mood after such an incident, they still greeted the guests with smiles and pretended that nothing had happened.

All the guests who were coming and going were already aware of this, so although they all said congratulations on their faces, they inevitably felt a little bit more like a joke in their hearts.

Gu Niansheng and Gu Hongzhen were not idle either, and were busy entertaining guests together.

For them, Gu Nianen was not one of their own, and the occurrence of this incident had nothing to do with them at all, so there was no need to take it to heart at all.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with their expressions, everyone naturally didn't want to ask more questions. Wouldn't it be offensive to ask these questions at this time?
"Everyone, please come in. The fruits and snacks are ready."

With a smile on her face, Gu Niansheng gently and politely led the women to the backyard for a small gathering.

When these guests come, men usually gather together, and women's families gather together. These ladies don't go out very often on weekdays, and it is only at this time that they get together with others.

"Miss Gu is indeed the most beautiful woman in the imperial city. Before, we thought that we didn't know whose girl could be worthy of King Zhenbei. Otherwise, it would be a pity that King Zhenbei would not even have a wife in his family during his great years.

It wasn’t until I met you today that I realized that you are indeed a beauty paired with a hero. "

"Miss Gu only came back last year, but she looks like everyone else. She is really outstanding."

Gu Niansheng listened to the compliments beside her, with a faint smile on her face. She was not familiar with these people, but she had met some of them at the previous night banquet.

On such occasions, everyone usually praises each other. As for whether it is true or false, there is no need to delve into it.

"Master, do you think Gu Nianen will really come today?" the little fox asked curiously.

The master had expected Gu Nianen to come back, and today so many people happened to gather at the Zhenguo Palace to reveal her true face in front of everyone, so that the Zhenguo Palace would be completely separated from her from now on.

But if she doesn't come today, then naturally there will be no way for all this to continue.

"She will come."

Gu Niansheng's eyes were calm and not in a hurry.

After such a long time, she knew Gu Nianen's temper very well. After suffering such humiliation and being ruined, it was impossible for her to swallow this breath, so she would definitely come to her in person to argue with him.

After all, she was already ruined, and now she didn't care about other people's opinions. She just wanted to ruin her reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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