After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 394 Gu Nianen’s identity

Chapter 394 Gu Nianen’s identity
Winning or losing does not matter.

Gu Niansheng thought about it carefully. If what Yunmeng said was true, then the good relationship in the past might be because they thought the relationship between the two families was very good, but the Jiang family did not think so.

Maybe they would think that their father had robbed Duke Wei of his glory. After all, not everyone was tolerant, so they went out of their way to do this.

It's just that this move was started more than ten years ago, and Qin Minglang was not that old at that time. How could they conclude that Gu Nianen was of such great use?
"Speak clearly." Yu Xianchi said.

"I just listened to the arrangements from above. I don't know the rest." Yunmeng looked weak. After just two days here, she could no longer hold on.

"Is Gu Nianen a member of the Jiang family?" Gu Niansheng frowned. Even after knowing who the other party was, the situation was still a bit confusing.

"Yes." Yunmeng responded.

"Whose heir is he?"

Gu Niansheng's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. Gu Nianen's affairs have now been exposed. If her status was low, then the Jiang family would have killed people and silenced them without her taking action.

She can live to this day and still have the opportunity to get close to Qin Minglang again, and she has won the trust of the Jiang family. She should have a certain status, but if she is a direct descendant, she will not be left at the door of the Gu family like this.

"Jiang Mingxu has three sons. I heard that his third son was charming and had many affairs when he was young. It was once rumored that he had a love affair with a courtesan and left a child behind. Could it be Gu Nian'en?"

Yunmeng was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Gu Niansheng could guess Gu Nianen's true identity.

Noticing his expression, Gu Niansheng knew that his guess was not wrong.

Because the two families have always been on good terms, she heard about this romantic affair through gossip. She had only been back for just over a year. In fact, she was not familiar with the Jiang family. It was just that when she first returned to the family, the Jiang family came People visited.

Now that I think about it carefully, the poison on my face must have been inflicted by the Jiang family and Gu Nianen at that time.

"The order I received was just to find a way out for Gu Nianen. The original intention was to let her get close to His Highness the Crown Prince, but she was focused on Prince Ming, and the Crown Prince was not easy to get close to, so I just wanted her to stay with Prince Ming. "

After hearing this, Gu Niansheng also understood that although Gu Nianen was just Jiang Maoyan's illegitimate daughter, Jiang Maoyan still cared about this relationship after all, even if she beat this good move to pieces.

Thinking about it, the Jiang family must have been extremely unhappy when they found out about this. Jiang Maoyan must have been under a certain amount of pressure to save Gu Nianen, but with just this move, something happened.

Yunmeng obviously didn't have a high status in the Jiang family. He was just being ordered to do things, but just knowing someone from the Jiang family was enough.

At least Gu Niansheng knows who their opponent is now.

After Yunmeng said everything, she didn't even have the slightest thought of survival, she just wanted to be happy. Obviously, she couldn't bear such inhuman torture, and even death was a kind of relief.

Gu Niansheng looked at Yun Meng like this and secretly sighed at Yu Xianchi's methods. This torture method could even pry open the mouth of a dead man. It was so powerful.

"Sister-in-law, it seems that the Jiang family is dissatisfied that your family's influence now exceeds theirs, so they are resentful?"

Wei Shilin also understood a little bit at this moment. This kind of thing is actually not surprising. There are too many people who share the same hardships but not the same wealth. What's more, the other party watched helplessly as his deputy built up such a fortune step by step.

Many times, if you treat others sincerely, they will be narrow-minded and distort everything. This kind of thing happens everywhere. "Probably." Gu Niansheng nodded slightly, "I just asked about Jiang Maoyan specifically. Yunmeng's expression didn't look like she was pretending. This matter was a romantic affair more than ten years ago. Given her age, if she hadn't If you really knew this, you wouldn’t have such an expression.”

"Gong Wei was once a famous general who conquered the West. After being injured on the battlefield, he has been recuperating in the mansion. Among the three sons, only the eldest son Jiang Weicheng became a general. However, although he has the brains to fight, he lacks the strength. Therefore, he is now He has no reputation, he is just an ordinary general in the court."

Naturally, Yu Xianchi knew this kind of thing very well when he was in the court, "If it weren't for the reputation of Duke Wei that had always supported the prosperity of this family, once Duke Wei fell, the Jiang family's prominence would no longer exist. .”

Gu Niansheng knew in her heart that many times the person who wants to harm you is not the enemy you think, but the friend hidden beside you.

They understand your personality and your situation, so their plans can always hit the target with one hit. They are really ruthless...

"He saw that none of his three sons could succeed, so Duke Wei made another move."

Yu Xianchi looked at Gu Niansheng, who immediately understood that since they could no longer maintain the family's prominence and were filled with resentment against the Gu family, the Jiang family made such a move.

By using the Gu family as their stepping stone and supporting Qin Minglang's rise to power, they will be the great contributors and ensure the Jiang family's longevity.

"It's really a big game of chess."

Gu Niansheng sneered. In his previous life, all the members of the Zhenguo Palace died tragically. Until his death, he did not know that they were the masterminds behind this...

At the same time, Gu Nian'en's face became extremely ugly after suffering the pain of hundreds of claws scratching her heart. She didn't take what Gu Niansheng said before too seriously, because she thought that the most she could do was die.

But not long after Gu Niansheng left, she understood the feeling of life being worse than death in his mouth. There seemed to be ten thousand poisonous insects crawling in her body, biting her body. She felt pain and itching, as if Even the spirit is gradually being swallowed up by a terrifying force, torturing people to the point of going crazy.

With her hands and feet tied, she couldn't even commit suicide. She was going crazy from the pain.

"Come here! Tell Gu Niansheng for me, I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything!"

Gu Nianen yelled crazily. She didn't ask for anything now. It was enough to give her pleasure and free her from such terrible pain.

After yelling for a long time, a guard came in. Looking at Gu Nianen's hysterical appearance, there was no strange color in his eyes.

"If you don't say it when I ask you to, it's also a shame to ask for trouble."

No one in the Zhenbei Palace would have any sympathy for this woman who had repeatedly poisoned their mistress.

Do it yourself.

When Gu Niansheng came out of the dungeon, he heard the announcement. After thinking for a moment, he came to the place where Gu Niansheng was imprisoned.

At this moment, she was in an extremely embarrassed state. The wounds on her face were hideous and covered with bloodstains. The tears flowing onto the wounds brought about heart-wrenching pain. At this moment, she was crawling like maggots crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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