After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 447 Sister-in-law’s good tricks!

Chapter 447 Sister-in-law’s good tricks!
As for other influential families, they are quite familiar with it. They would not miss any slight disturbance on weekdays. If such a person suddenly appears, they must be aware of it.

Moreover, if the background is similar to theirs, there is no need for the other party to be secretive. After thinking about it, the first three possibilities are suddenly magnified.

However, if this is the case, things will become troublesome.

"Great Elder, what do you mean?" Patriarch Guo looked at the Great Elder. The Great Elder has always been brave and resourceful. If these inconvenient forces are involved, they need to think carefully.

"The head of the family doesn't have to worry. If it's really those forces that haven't come to us until now, it proves that they don't really want to be enemies with us.

What happened yesterday happened in full view of everyone. If Shanyue hadn't taken the initiative to cause trouble, I'm afraid the other party wouldn't have taken action. "

Everyone understands this very well. Even as to why Guo Shanyue happened to find trouble with this woman, they could all guess that she must have disliked the Giant Spirit Crystal Hundred Lions. Such a scene happened.


Zhou family.

The Zhou family, which is usually tightly guarded, has changed its style these past two days. Doctors and alchemists have come in an endless stream. Even doctors from the military camp who have some personal relationships with them have been invited.

Even so, Zhou Zejun's condition still hasn't improved at all. This poison is so novel that even a doctor who usually studies poison techniques was amazed when he saw it.

"It's been two days, have you guys come up with a solution?" The head of the Zhou family looked at everyone anxiously. He only has two sons. The eldest son is currently on the battlefield of monsters, and the younger son Zhou Zejun is also very popular.

If Zhou Zejun lost his life because of this, his lineage would appear to be very thin.

Listening to the Zhou family leader's inquiry, everyone present shook their heads in shame.

"Master Zhou, this poison is really unheard of. I tried to decipher the ingredients of this poison, but found that the ingredients inside are extremely complex. The person who prepared this poison must have very high medical skills."

Whether the poison is powerful or not can be known by just researching it. Although it is difficult to crack some complex poisons, there is still a direction. However, the poison Zhou Zejun was poisoned is simply impossible to use. This is the problem.

"That's right. This person may be a poison master. There is no cure for such a rare and powerful poison..."

At this moment, everyone almost believed that the reason why the woman in red gave the injection that day and did not pursue her again was because she knew that Zhou Zejun would definitely die, and even if she went back, she would only have three days left to survive.

The head of the Zhou family gradually sank. Seeing that the Guo family came to ask about the situation again, and even wanted Zhou Zejun to explain the situation to them two days ago, he became extremely angry.

If it weren't for Guo Shanyue's insistence on finding trouble for the other party, Zejun would not be in danger of losing his life.

Now the engagement must be broken off. Given the Guo family's temperament, they may still feel that the problem lies with them, so his attitude now is not as good as before.

"I said it was only three days before, but now half of the third day has passed. So it seems that there is no hope for my son?"

The head of the Zhou family seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, and his expression could not hide his disappointment.

At this time, a servant hurriedly ran in and handed over the letter in his hand.

"Master, someone left this letter outside, and there's a silver needle stuck to it..."

The man lowered his voice, not daring to let others know.

When the head of the Zhou family heard this, his eyes immediately changed. He immediately said a few words and walked into the house with the letter. When he opened the contents, his eyes gradually became complicated.

"Where is the person who sent the letter?" "This letter was thrown with a dagger. Others realized that something was not right, so they sent it here specially."

The head of the Zhou family looked at a pill in the letter with extremely complicated eyes, "Go, give this pill to Zejun to take."

The man was stunned, "Master, this..."



The second son of the Zhou family was cured of his poison. The news spread quickly. It wasn’t that anyone deliberately spread the word, but almost everyone believed that Zhou Zejun would die today. But he didn’t die, so everyone understood the problem. Out of nowhere.

The doctors were helpless, but his poison was suddenly cracked. The problem can be understood by just thinking about it for a moment.

Someone must have sent the antidote.

After the Guo family learned the news, they immediately sent someone to the Zhou family, who sent an antidote. Why did Duan Duan send the antidote?

The key to this is worthy of scrutiny.

Faced with the Guo family's inquiry, the Zhou family head did not hide anything and directly told the process of receiving the letter. After all, the relationship between the two parties has been getting along well over the years.

However, when the Guo family elders heard the news, they only thought it was funny, "This is impossible. How could the other party be so kind as to give you the antidote?"

"There is also a problem in this antidote. What she wants is for us to help her solve some problems."

The head of the Zhou family looked gloomy. The antidote given by the other party could not completely eliminate the toxins in Zhou Zejun's body in one go. He needed their help to solve some things before he could truly detoxify. In desperation, he had no other choice but to agree to this. everything.

After hearing this explanation, the elder of the Guo family said: "I happened to have brought a miracle doctor here, why not let him take a pulse, maybe he can help the second young master get out of this predicament."

"Elder Guo doesn't believe what I said?"

"Master Zhou is too worried..."


Gu Niansheng was leisurely feeding the fish in the water. Wei Shilin came back after finishing his work. He looked at his sister-in-law who seemed to be careless but was actually strategizing, with admiration in his eyes.

"Sister-in-law is very clever. Just one simple move caused a gap in the alliance between the Zhou family and the Guo family."

Jiang Cheng also came over at this moment and asked curiously: "How is it? How did things develop?"

"As soon as Zhou Zejun's condition improved, the Guo family elders took the doctor to the Zhou family to find out what was going on. In my opinion, even if the Zhou family head did not hide anything and told all the truth, the Guo family might not believe it."

The higher the position, the more serious the suspicion. The two families had already had a rift because of this matter. Now it is just a rift. As long as it ferments further, the rift will only get bigger and bigger.

Gu Niansheng's lips curled up slightly, "Guo Shanyue is dead, but Zhou Zejun is not. This is the beginning of the rift."

This was something she had thought of from the moment she let Zhou Zejun leave.

(End of this chapter)

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