Chapter 449 Swagger
The group of three people just walked out of the door. Wei Shilin and Jiang Cheng seemed to have a tacit understanding to let Gu Niansheng walk in the middle, and they protected her on the left and right.

The guys from the Guo family haven't found out their identities yet, and they are already furious. But Gu Niansheng's appearance is the most eye-catching presence in the crowd. Even wearing a veil, the eyebrows and eyebrows revealed are still the same. Wait for the stunning beauty.

All in all, you just have to protect your sister-in-law.

Gu Niansheng looked at the two people beside him speechlessly. Do they think this kind of protection is useful?
Originally, she wouldn't have attracted so many people's attention when she was walking alone. After all, she was wearing a veil, but Wei Shilin had such an attractive face, and all the women who passed by couldn't help but look at the two of them, even to one side. He glanced secretly and snickered while covering his mouth.

Jiang Cheng was also a handsome man. Although he was different from Wei Shilin's innate dignity, his gentle, kind and wealthy temperament was also very popular with women.

Therefore, she noticed that all the eyes of the women passing along the way were focused on them. Even though they had gone far away, they were still looking back frequently. There were even some brave ones who simply followed them all the way.

The most helpless person was herself. She felt that the eyes of the women around her wanted to dig a hole in her body!
However, the two people beside me didn't seem to realize this at all...

"Suddenly I felt that Xian Chi was really good wearing a mask." Gu Niansheng couldn't help but sigh. You must know that Yu Xianchi is the most evil person among all the people she has ever seen. If he wears such a handsome face, he will be miserable. His face walks with his own...

The little fox also understood his master's thoughts very well and nodded in agreement, "Sure enough, the general is not only handsome and rich, but also worry-free. There is really no one more suitable to be a husband than him in this world.

Master, you have earned it! "

Listening to the little guy's expression that she really found a treasure and took advantage of it, Gu Niansheng wanted to pinch its face and ravage it, but after thinking about it carefully, she realized that this was indeed the case?

Well, she made a lot of money!

Facing countless gazes, the three finally arrived in front of Dengyun Tower.

This place was originally the most lively place in Linyao City. Many alchemists gathered here, looking at the questions above, thinking about them and even discussing them with alchemists they had never met before.

Gu Niansheng's attention was immediately attracted by the question on Dengyun Tower, but she completely ignored the impact of the two people beside her. She found that the question that appeared here two days ago was still there, and apparently no one had answered it yet. .

She looked at the questions above carefully, and found that they were indeed relatively unpopular questions. Of course, there were also some slightly complicated questions, but she felt that these questions were obviously not difficult for some powerful alchemists.

"Sister-in-law, can you try and answer it?" Jiang Cheng's eyes were full of interest, "The reward for answering a question in Dengyun Tower is still very generous. These questions are all written down by the master and given to Answered by first- and second-grade alchemists.

However, you cannot ask the seniors. Of course, all the senior alchemists have enough tacit understanding on this point and will never give any advice. "

Gu Niansheng did not expect that although Jiang Cheng had never been to Linyao City before, he knew a lot of things. After thinking about it for a while, he realized something and said, "Is this run by the Alchemist Guild?"

"That's right." Jiang Cheng nodded, "Activities like Dengyun Tower are synchronized with the Alchemist Competition. As long as the Alchemist Competition is held, Dengyun Tower will have such activities, which can be regarded as one of its features."

Just when Gu Niansheng and Jiang Cheng were learning about the relevant matters, a man on Dengyun Tower suddenly lit up his eyes and looked shocked. He reached out and touched the man next to him, "Young Master Gong, do you see this? The girl I saw that day?”

Wen Chengyu's lips raised a smile, "Ever since that incident happened, I thought that the Guo family would soon be able to investigate the girl's true identity. Unexpectedly, it has been three days and there is still no news from the Guo family. It's really interesting." Gong Shaoze looked down after hearing his words. He had to say that he also recognized the girl in white at a glance, because she had a special temperament and outstanding appearance, and she could easily stand out among the crowd at a glance. A presence that is hard to ignore.

Therefore, even if he changed his attire, he could still be recognized at a glance.


Wen Chengyu didn't care when he heard Gong Shaoze's harsh words, "This girl is really courageous. The Guo family has never found this woman before. Everyone speculated that she might have gone to the hospital immediately after the end." Leaving Linyao City.

Unexpectedly, she would appear grandly at Dengyun Tower again today. It seems that she is really interested in the topic of Dengyun Tower. "

He rubbed his chin, as if he suddenly realized something, "I guess this girl must be an alchemist. Haven't you heard that Zhou Zejun's poison can't be cured by so many people?"

Gong Shaoze took a look and said, "You'll know after you read it."

Gu Niansheng was looking at the question hanging on Dengyun Tower at the moment. In fact, she was looking at this question when she came here a few days ago. She had the answer in her mind at that time, but it was a pity that she could not give the question to her yet. What happened next was the answer.

I didn’t expect that when I came back three days later, this question was still here, which was really surprising.

In front of the main entrance of Dengyun Tower, there is a long row of tables with pens and papers placed on them. Anyone who wants to give it a try can write the answer directly on it, roll it into a scroll, and hand it to the person beside it. The waiter sent him upstairs.

If the question is answered correctly, the result will be announced. As for the wrong answer, it is not a big deal. This kind of question is meant for everyone to discuss among themselves.

This method is also used so that people who try it will not feel ashamed.

The topic is that the golden horn flower has strong medicinal properties. What will be the effect if it is added to the Huiyuan Pill, and how can we continue to refine the pill.

"This question is really too difficult. We all know the medicinal materials needed to refine the Huiyuan Pill, but Golden Horn Flower has absolutely nothing to do with the Huiyuan Pill. We rashly added them in, and we actually managed to successfully combine them." Refined?"

"I have never encountered such a question. I didn't expect the questions from Dengyun Tower to be so tricky."

"The questions in Dengyun Tower are never easy to answer. If it were so easy, how could there be such a generous reward?"

Gu Niansheng was not surprised when he listened to the discussions around him. In fact, most of the alchemists like them just based on the existing elixir recipes. As long as they could refine the elixir, they were pretty good.

Not many people really study the conflicts between these components and think about how to neutralize and change them.

(End of this chapter)

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