After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 459: Answer questions collectively!

Chapter 459: Answer questions collectively!

"They want to cultivate our divergent thinking early. We should not only know how to refine the elixir according to the elixir recipe, but also think about the ingredients of the elixir."

"Hey, it's been a while, I haven't seen you for a while. You really know a lot!" Wen Chengyu said with a smile.

"That's natural." Lu Ying put her hands around her chest. As a direct disciple of Master Chiyun, her vision is naturally different from that of ordinary alchemists.

“Almost all the alchemy recipes in the alchemy world have been handed down for a long time, and there are fewer and fewer alchemists who can create alchemy recipes.

Most alchemists only know how to refining, but they don't even know the most basic pharmacology. Therefore, the Alchemist Guild now also intends to train alchemists in this area. "

Gong Shaoze rarely said such a long speech, but it also made Wen Chengyu and others understand the current plans of the Alchemist Guild.

If we continue like this, we will only be able to cultivate alchemists who can make alchemy, and this is obviously essential if we want to make the alchemy industry develop better and better.

Gu Niansheng listened to everyone's conversation and naturally noticed that these young alchemists were very good, both in terms of strength and insights. They were undoubtedly much better than the Yao Xue people they had seen before.

Moreover, judging from their high confidence, it is obvious that they have never given up studying pharmacology when they were learning alchemy. There is really a big gap between the disciples trained by the master and others.

"Then let's see who can answer this question correctly."

Wen Chengyu and others chuckled lightly, with confidence in their brows. Since they learned alchemy, they have been exposed to many more things than their ordinary peers.

Nan Ling on the side listened to their words and put away her usual arrogance. The master had told her before that these young alchemists in Linyao City were very powerful.

They are just ordinary alchemists. These people are all disciples of the master. Her master, Master Jiuyang, is indeed very powerful among many alchemists, but the other masters should not be underestimated.

At this time, it would be great for her to get to know more people and form good relationships.

Gu Niansheng analyzed the topic carefully. The role of the Golden Elixir is to help cultivators successfully break through to the Golden Elixir realm. It must contain enough energy to enhance the energy in the cultivator's body, allowing him to break through the shackles in one go.

However, if you want to break through the bottleneck, sometimes strength alone is not enough, and you need an unstoppable sharpness.

After understanding what he needed, he began to think about which of the currently known medicinal materials could speed up this process without making the medicine too powerful and affecting the cultivator himself.

This point also needs to be taken into consideration, otherwise once these are ignored, the meaning of the golden elixir will be lost, which violates the focus of the question.

There was a lot of excitement around, and some people were discussing with each other what kind of medicinal materials would have such effects. Some people proposed, some refuted, and some people were immersed in their own thoughts, thinking silently, but no one was in a hurry to write at the moment. .

Master Hongshen looked through the window at the young alchemist below who was thinking seriously, with relief in his eyes.

"At this age, I like to watch the younger generation and hope that they can become talented."

Master Chiyun chuckled, "You old guy used to like to give guidance to the younger generations, but later you didn't accept many disciples. Don't worry, these young people are also outstanding people. We won't be gone anymore. The members of the Great Xia Dynasty The alchemy world collapsed."

Master Hongshen glanced at him helplessly, "The older you get, the more poisonous your mouth becomes."

Master Chiyun didn't care either. They had known each other for so many years and already knew each other's temper very well.

"Do you think these juniors can answer the questions? The previous questions were not too difficult, but they were hung here for several days and no one could answer them." "That's because you didn't let your grandson answer the questions. Could he still be able to answer them?" Can't answer?" Master Chiyun said, "I specially brought Lu Ying here today. This girl came here specifically to answer your question. I didn't expect that someone else got there first."

"That little girl is indeed proficient in pharmacology, but now that you have an indifferent temperament, why would you take the initiative to help her out?"

Master Chiyun became interested. Ever since what happened, Hongshen's temperament has changed a lot. He doesn't give guidance to young people as often as before. There are very few people who can make him stand out again. .

"Stop testing her." Hongshen could tell what he was thinking at a glance, "This girl's background is not simple either. Just know what's going on."

After receiving this answer, Master Chiyun became even more curious. What kind of backer could make Hongshen have such an attitude?

"It seems that this is really an interesting girl." Chi Yun did not ask any more questions, "Do you think these juniors can answer her?"

"You have no confidence in your disciple?"

"Of course there is." Chi Yun raised his eyebrows with a look of satisfaction, "This girl Lu Ying is just a little younger. She has always been the apple of her eye and has not suffered much, so she has a bit of a domineering temperament. But here comes Linyao City, I believe you will be able to understand it gradually."

As an elder, you don’t have to worry too much about this.

Even if the junior has been reminded many times and has never really suffered, he still won't believe it.

Instead of repeatedly telling her not to let her endure hardships, her temperament naturally calmed down after she realized that there are people outside the world.

"I just hope that your grandson can make her understand that what she has learned now is not enough."

Hearing this, Master Hongshen chuckled, "You are just talking, but in your heart you don't know how much you hope she can win."


After waiting for a while, some people started to write.

Gu Niansheng also had the answer in his mind and began to slowly write the analyzed answer on the paper. Gong Shaoze and others beside him were faster and had already written down the answer first.

"I've written down all ten kinds of medicinal materials, what about you?"

Wen Chengyu always had a lively temperament. After writing the answer, he looked at the people around him proudly.

They are all familiar with the younger generation of alchemists in Linyao City. They have known each other for many years and have a good relationship with them.

"I also wrote ten types." Lu Ying said, "Although it is a little difficult to imagine, it doesn't trouble me."

Nan Ling frowned and thought hard before finally writing the answer. Listening to the conversation between the two, she also participated, "I also wrote out all ten."

After all, this medicinal material is not written randomly. Except for the first few medicinal materials that can be thought of, it becomes more and more difficult to think of later, which shows the difficulty of the question.

At this time, she turned to look at Gu Niansheng, "How many medicinal materials have you written?"

(End of this chapter)

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