After I was reborn, I married my fiance's uncle

Chapter 471 The Day of the Contest

Chapter 471 The Day of the Contest
When Gu Niansheng walked out of the room, she noticed that Jiang Cheng and Shi Lin were already waiting for her. When they saw her coming out, they both had happy smiles on their faces.

"Sister-in-law, you spent the whole night in retreat last night. How are you doing today?"

Wei Shilin's expression showed concern. Logically speaking, he should have a good rest the night before the alchemy competition in order to maintain his best condition.

However, my sister-in-law has been in seclusion since last night.

The strange thing is that they did not smell any familiar elixir fragrance while refining elixirs in seclusion, and they had no idea what the sister-in-law was doing.

Gu Niansheng smiled slightly and said, "I'm in good condition, don't worry."

"By the way, Shi Lin, where were you yesterday?"

Gu Niansheng looked at Wei Shilin curiously. He didn't know anyone in Linyao City, and he didn't like to wander around like Jiang Cheng. It was a bit surprising that he was the only one out yesterday.

"It's okay, just strolling around." Wei Shilin waved his hand, a complicated light flashed in the depths of his dark eyes, but his expression was as if nothing had happened.

Gu Niansheng didn't ask any more questions, just a few words of concern.

Yu Xianchi hadn't come back yet, which made Gu Niansheng a little helpless and worried about whether he was in danger.

Because he had said before that he would accompany her to participate in the alchemy competition, and he has always been a person who keeps his promises. Unless there are special circumstances, he will usually not break his promise.

When Gu Niansheng and his party arrived at the location of the alchemy competition, they found that the place was already crowded with people watching.

Because the alchemists participating in the Alchemist Competition come from various cities, there is no such a large venue for the Alchemist Guild assessment, so every Alchemist Competition is held in a specially prepared venue.

This is a huge square, and the high platform in the middle is enough to accommodate hundreds of alchemists making alchemy together.

The entire high platform is circular, and the surrounding stands are also circular and outward, getting higher and higher. This allows everyone present to have a clear view of the alchemist's alchemy.

And with so many people gathered here, even if someone wants to cheat on this high platform, they will be discovered in an instant.

"This battle is really big enough." Jiang Cheng sighed with emotion, "I am afraid that the Alchemist Competition held in the Imperial City is not on such a large scale."

"Linyao City has a special location. Among the many cities in the Great Xia Dynasty, it is second only to the Imperial City. In addition, every alchemist competition is held here, so it is appropriate to have such a scale."

Gu Niansheng smiled slightly, and suddenly noticed Master Hongshen, Master Yunqing, and Master Xuanming sitting in front of the circular high platform, serving as today's referees.

A group of young alchemists also gathered behind them, including many familiar people.

At this time, a figure seemed to notice her presence and waved to her happily.

It's Luying.

Jiang Cheng also noticed this, and after confirming again and again that the person Lu Ying was waving to was indeed his sister-in-law, the doubt in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Sister-in-law, wasn't this girl unhappy with you before? Why did she suddenly change her gender?"

Gu Niansheng's lips curled up slightly, and she gave Wei Shilin a meaningful look, "It's because Shilin is so charming."

After hearing this, Jiang Cheng and Wei Shilin were a little confused, but they soon understood the deeper meaning.

"Isn't it? Does this girl have a crush on Shi Lin?" Gu Niansheng nodded slightly, "I thought the reason why she looked at me so unhappy that night was because she misunderstood my relationship with Shi Lin. After knowing this, her attitude naturally changed. It’s changed.”

Jiang Cheng was speechless, "Sure enough, as long as this guy is by my side, no one will notice my existence."

Wei Shilin patted him on the shoulder, "You should have known yourself."

Jiang Cheng: "..."

Gu Niansheng glanced at the hopeless Jiang Cheng and couldn't help but feel funny. Seeing that the time was almost up, he said, "You can find a seat in the stands. I'll go downstairs first."

Seeing Gu Niansheng preparing to leave, Wei Shilin said: "Sister-in-law, brother will definitely come back, don't worry."

"I see."

Gu Niansheng nodded slightly. She understood that Wei Shilin was worried that her thinking about this matter would affect her performance during the competition, so she agreed with a smile.

In fact, she didn't care whether Yu Xianchi could accompany her to participate in the alchemist competition. Everyone needs to be independent and have their own things to do. She was just worried about whether he was safe.

As long as he is safe, these little things are not worth mentioning.

As Gu Niansheng walked down, Lu Ying came over with a smile, "Miss Gu, you are here."

Gu Niansheng smiled slightly, "Yes."

Everyone around them felt very confused when they saw Lu Ying's warm attitude towards Gu Niansheng yesterday. After all, everyone who knew Lu Ying knew her temperament as a young lady.

Gu Niansheng stole her limelight. No matter how you looked at it, it was impossible for Lu Ying to take the initiative to approach her without forming a quarrel.

It was good at this moment, because her warm and friendly appearance made them doubt whether the person in front of them was the Miss Luying they were familiar with.

"Princess, this Miss Luying is really strange. She shared our hatred before, but now she has become good friends with Gu Niansheng. She doesn't even take you seriously at all..."

Yao Xue looked unhappy. This Gu Niansheng really made her feel unhappy no matter where he went, stealing all the limelight. The most disgusting thing was that no one seemed to be able to suppress her until now.

Previously in the imperial city, King Zhenbei was protecting her, so there was nothing she could do.

Now that we have come to Linyao City, King Zhenbei has never appeared. The princess has the support of Master Jiuyang, but she is also suppressed by her. This feeling is really unpleasant.

Nan Ling was in a bad mood. She had never been ignored like this before. She thought that when she came to Linyao City, with the support of her master and the alchemy field she was best at, Gu Niansheng would definitely be favored by her. Press firmly on one end.

Fortunately, these people didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup they had been fed, and they were all very kind to Gu Niansheng.

"The competition is about to begin. What use can Gu Niansheng rely on just relying on these little things? Doesn't it also depend on his final strength?"

Nan Ling's eyes were full of jealousy. Gu Niansheng was just a first-grade alchemist. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't be her opponent!

As long as she can stand out in this competition and be recommended by her master, she may be included in the candidate list of the Medicine Sect of the Holy Dynasty!
In this way, everyone's attention will shift to her!
Gu Niansheng and Lu Ying exchanged pleasantries. Lu Ying obviously hoped to have a chance to talk to Wei Shilin. Gu Niansheng didn't care, and just wanted to wait for the opportunity to have dinner together after the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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