Chapter 598 Lord of Tokens
It was not surprising that Shen Yunjue obtained the token from the Sword Palace. With his strength and talent, it was expected that he would get this token.

Wei Shilin didn't care about what others said. He looked at Gu Niansheng worriedly at this moment, "Sister-in-law, these four roads are separated. I'm afraid we will have to separate soon."

He originally wanted to stay by Nian Sheng's side all the way. If there was danger, he could also help. However, these four passages were probably like the previous bridges of talent. People who did not belong could not enter at all. This meant that It means that they may have to separate.

Gu Niansheng naturally understood Wei Shilin's worries, she smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter, I will protect myself, you don't have to worry."

"But..." Wei Shilin's eyes darkened. If they were just cultivators from the Great Xia Dynasty and nearby dynasties, he wouldn't be worried, but the strength of these guys from the Holy Dynasty should not be underestimated.

"Personally, I can't rely on people to protect me everywhere."

Gu Niansheng's eyes were serious. Everyone had their own opportunities. Relying on others' protection would not work. If she wanted to gain something, she had to go for it on her own.

Perhaps she is like this in her bones, or perhaps after witnessing everything she experienced as a child, her temperament seems to have been affected, and there is more indifference and persistence than the usual peace.

What she wants, she will fight for.

Relying on others, you can never shut up these people who look down on her, you can only rely on yourself!

Wei Shilin's eyes were complicated. He had always known that his sister-in-law had her own arrogance, which was reflected in many things. Even if they wanted to protect her, deep down she wanted to become stronger.

However, he still wanted to try whether he could walk into the road of killing the palace.

At this time, Wei Shilin also raised the token in his hand. On the black flame-like token was a big word - He.

When Bai Lingzhen saw that his judgment was not wrong, and that Wei Shilin indeed had a token, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

"Three tokens, now only the last one is missing - kill, I wonder whose hand it is?"

Her eyes swept over everyone. Among the four tokens, the token of Killing Palace was even more distinctive.

In her previous conversation with the master of the Sword Palace, she also knew that the Killing Palace was the place where the most powerful Sect Killers gathered. Even if she got the token from the Sword Palace, what she really wanted was the Killing Palace.

This Killing Hall has the highest status among the four halls.

But there are only so many top geniuses in this generation, and none of the three of them were chosen by the master of the Killing Palace. Among the remaining people, who is more suitable for the killing palace?
"Slaying the Gate and Killing the Palace sound more suitable. I feel that among the four palaces, Killing the Palace should have a high status, right?"

"I don't know, but I'm really curious as to who will hold this palace-killing token. Does this mean that his talent is as strong as His Highness the Second? Could it be Nie Gaomin?"

"Song Yan is definitely impossible. If he had obtained it, he would have taken it out long ago. It is impossible to be so low-key."

Everyone was talking about it, and for a while they were not sure whose hands the token would fall into.

At this time, Gu Niansheng suddenly took a step forward.

Noticing her actions, Bai Shanshan smiled and said, "Miss Gu suddenly stepped forward at this time. I thought the token to kill the palace was in your hand."

"Can't you?" Gu Niansheng raised his eyebrows lazily. This woman had been verbally trying to bully her since she appeared. She was already very familiar with this kind of thing.

Bai Lingzhen is the proud daughter of heaven in everyone's eyes. She doesn't even like the fireworks of the world. She doesn't need her to target her, and the people around her have already jumped out one after another.This routine is not unfamiliar to her at all.

Bai Shanshan was confused by Gu Niansheng's sudden rhetorical question. What did this mean?Does she really have the token to kill the palace?

"You don't want to say that the palace-killing token is really in your hands, do you?" Bai Shanshan chuckled. Is this woman out of her mind?
"Shanshan." Bai Lingzhen scolded Bai Shanshan, his eyes reminding her to restrain herself, "Don't do this."

The more this happens, the more Bai Lingzhen appears to be gentle and generous, with no intention of targeting Gu Niansheng at all, but the effect is also full.

Bai Shanshan looked unconvinced, "I just want to know what is it about her that deserves His Highness the Crown Prince's special attention."

Gu Niansheng raised his eyebrows and sneered: "His Royal Highness's vision is naturally beyond your comparison."

It was tit for tat as soon as he opened his mouth!
There was a look of astonishment in everyone's eyes. Bai Shanshan had ridiculed Gu Niansheng before, but she never said anything. Even in everyone's eyes, she probably didn't have any confidence to refute.

After all, rebuttal also requires confidence, and rebuttal without confidence is like a joke.

This is indeed a rare beauty, but as soon as she opened her mouth at this moment, the tit-for-tat sharpness surprised everyone.

"You!" Bai Shanshan's face was filled with anger.

Gu Niansheng ignored Bai Shanshan and looked directly at Bai Lingzhen with her cold eyes. She didn't like the pretense. Now that they were in the eye, she had nothing to hide.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone's doubts, the graceful red figure slowly walked to the passage of the Killing Palace, holding a familiar black token with its slender white fingers.

On the black token, the blood-red word "kill" is extremely eye-catching.

Bai Shanshan's expression froze for a moment, and she looked at the token in disbelief. She couldn't believe that the token for killing the palace was really in Gu Niansheng's hands!
This woman is only at the ninth level of Jindan. There are not many people who are stronger than her. Why did this token fall into her hands?

A cold light flashed across the depths of Bai Lingzhen's eyes. Being able to obtain the token meant that he had gained the approval of the palace master.

Of course, this does not mean that the final inheritance will definitely be obtained, but the palace master's optimism also plays a bonus role in this.

As the strongest palace among the four palaces, it is really strange that Shadian chose the weakest person.

Song Yan's eyes were full of wonder, "This Miss Gu is really different. I would say that she is probably not as good as others because of her previous training resources. This talent is extraordinary!"

How could His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, whom he admired most, be deceived by beauty alone? This girl was like a piece of rough jade!

Shen Yunjue looked at Song Yan, and then at Gu Niansheng who had walked into the passage, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

From the moment this girl appeared until now, she has not acted arrogantly and caused trouble because of His Highness the Crown Prince's favor, nor has she been submissive. Instead, she has shown her strength time and time again, and she is extremely powerful.

The token of killing the palace is not easy to obtain. The strong murderous aura is unacceptable to ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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