Chapter 649 His Responsibility
"It's funny to say that you send people to help arrange these every time, but I don't have to worry about anything."

Gu Niansheng turned around, from their wedding room to the courtyard of Linyao City to his current bedroom, he seemed to have arranged everything for her properly, so that she would have a stable place to stay no matter where she was. .

Things like shelter may not be considered very important sometimes, but if they are not available, they will be like duckweed, making it difficult for people to settle down.

"Your Highness, the Holy Queen is here." Yu Xianchi's secret guard said quickly.

Yu Xianchi narrowed his narrow eyes and gleamed, "He came as soon as he came back. He really kept staring at me."

Gu Niansheng also realized that the Holy Queen had arrived as soon as they returned, and the next scene was almost predictable.

"Nian Sheng, you stay here..."

Before Yu Xianchi could finish his words, Gu Niansheng took his hand and said, "I'll go with you."

The Holy Queen came here today just to see her, and she would not be reconciled without seeing her. Even if Xianchi helped her block it this time, she would face the same situation next time.

She couldn't rely on Xianchi for protection all the time, so it was better to face it directly.

Looking at the woman's fearless gaze, Yu Xianchi understood what she was thinking, "Okay."

As the two walked outside the palace, they saw the graceful Queen. She was wearing a gorgeous red dress with a phoenix totem embroidered with gold thread. The golden phoenix crown was even more luxurious, but such dazzling decorations did not cover it up at all. A woman's unparalleled elegance cannot be lost.

Time has not left many traces on her face. She is beautiful and full of the charm of a mature woman. Her innate aura of nobility makes people subconsciously feel that she is out of reach.

Gu Niansheng immediately understood that Xian Chi and Shi Lin were so good-looking, thanks to the beautiful Holy Queen in front of them.

"I have met the Holy Queen."

Mu Zhifu looked at the young woman in front of her. She was wearing a red dress that covered her well-shaped figure. She had an unforgettable and stunning face. Even if she didn't like this girl, she had to say that this face was very beautiful. .

Lingzhen's appearance is indeed slightly inferior to that of the woman in front of her. This woman is naturally charming, and her every frown and smile is full of charm. Even if she is just obedient and obedient at this moment, people still can't ignore her beauty at a glance.

Just seeing that bright red dress, Mu Zhifu couldn't help but think of Mo Shengsheng from before.

That girl who died a long time ago also liked to wear a red dress and hang around Xian Chi all day long, but now the girl that Xian Chi brought back was also dressed in red like this?

"Is this the woman you want to marry?" Mu Zhifu said in a cold voice, "I didn't think you would be deceived by beauty, but I didn't expect you to be so superficial!"

Yu Xianchi pulled Gu Niansheng up and looked at Mu Zhifu coldly, "If you like the person chosen by the queen, you are superficial? Then besides the queen, there is probably no one who is not superficial."

"You!" Mu Zhifu was furious, "How dare you talk to me like this!"

Xian Chi has always been obedient to her. From childhood to adulthood, Xian Chi has always done well in the things she asked her to do. Therefore, at a young age, he has become the recognized candidate for the crown prince in everyone's mind. Her pride.

But ever since she ordered the killing of Mo Shengsheng, everything began to change.

The first time Xian Chi disobeyed her order, she thought it was just a tantrum, but she didn't expect that the persistence Xian Chi showed for the first time was so amazing.From the moment he refused, there was no objection to any lobbying. It was also from that time that she realized that her son, who was outstanding in all aspects, already had the ability to stand on his own, but the person he wanted to protect... actually didn't. People can move!
If Mo Shengsheng hadn't taken the initiative to walk out of the Lake Center Palace without telling Xian Chi, no one would have made that woman disappear...


As soon as Wei Shilin heard the news that his mother had arrived at the Prince's Palace, he realized that something was wrong and hurried over. As expected, when he arrived, he saw a tense atmosphere between the two of them, and they quickly tried to smooth things over.

In fact, no one understands the eldest brother. His mother always thought that the eldest brother was very obedient, but he understood that the eldest brother has always been a person with strong opinions of his own.

The reason why he went back and did everything the Queen Mother said before was because he also felt that those things to become stronger and better were right, and it was not like everyone thought that the eldest brother was like a puppet and just listened to the Queen Mother's orders.

He just doesn't show his emotions, and every step he takes is in accordance with his own plan...

When Mu Zhifu saw Wei Shilin coming, his expression still didn't improve, "Your news was quick. Did you come to help your brother immediately?"

"Mother, look at what you said." Wei Shilin chuckled, "Eldest brother has already told the world about his sister-in-law's identity, and everyone in the entire Holy City who is well-informed about it already knows about it.

Think about it, the eldest brother is the prince and will rule the entire imperial dynasty in the future. If you let him lose face in this matter, won't you make him lose face in front of the world? "

Mu Zhifu's cold and tough attitude changed slightly until he heard this sentence.

Wei Shilin winked at Yu Xianchi and Gu Niansheng proudly. This was the argument he had thought about for a long time to convince his mother.

"Mother, everything I have done since childhood has been in line with what you have in mind. Whether it is studying or practicing, I have never let you down."

Yu Xianchi spoke calmly, "I know you have always wanted to train me to be the best emperor's choice, and I have done a good job.

I can agree to anything else, except feelings. "

"My marriage to the Bai family is certainly a boost, but water can carry or capsize a boat. I don't need to consolidate my position through marriage."

As he said that, Yu Xianchi took Gu Niansheng's hand and said, "This is the person I like. I will not marry anyone else in the world except her.

I hope you will respect my decision for the sake of everything I have done over the years. "

The man's calm voice was full of determination, without any emotion, and explained his true thoughts.

His words were so reassuring. Gu Niansheng felt the warmth coming from her palms. Listening to what he said, her eyes felt a little sore unconsciously.

From the beginning, she understood that this man was very responsible. Unlike ordinary men who were only in love for a while, but were easily defeated by other resistance, he had never thought of giving up since they were together.

Mu Zhifu did not expect to suddenly hear such serious and calm words from Yu Xianchi. He had always been taciturn. Even as a mother, she could never understand what her son was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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