Chapter 875 The Girl's Mind
That was the first time she mustered up the courage to walk in front of the young master.

He was still dressed in black, but it was the most handsome color to her.

He was sitting in front of the desk, writing something eloquently. His handwriting was very beautiful, and the hand holding the pen was slender and fair, with well-defined joints. She couldn't help but wonder how someone could be so beautiful no matter what he did.

When the young master saw her, he stopped writing.

"Mr. Young Master." She spoke nervously and awkwardly, "This is your jade pendant."

The man glanced at the jade pendant in her hand and took it, "Are you feeling better?"

She froze on the spot. This was the first time she heard the young master speak in such a long time that she had lived in Huxinting. It was clear and pleasant.

"Okay, better. Thank you, sir." She nodded repeatedly, cautiously and cautiously.

The young master seemed to notice her nervousness and said, "It's easy to get suffocated if you stay in the house all day long. No one else is coming to Huxin Pavilion, so you can move around as you like."

After that, her courage gradually grew, and she began to realize that the young master was not so unkind. Although he still didn't talk much, he was not cold and heartless. She didn't have to worry about the young master going to kill him in anger. killed her.

Even... when she first asked the young master if she could buy a hairpin, because her hair was long, it was always inconvenient to wear it.

The young master didn't say anything, but gave her a red hairpin and a red dress the next day.

The dress looked just right, the flame-like color complemented the red hairpin. She was very happy, and her pounding heart was reflected in the red luster.

Later, Wei Shilin and Wei Qiongshu also came often. She was no longer the submissive little girl before, she seemed to have become the mistress of the Huxin Pavilion.

Shi Lin was always playing around and was often scolded by the young master.

Qiong Shu was young and regarded her as a sister. She wanted to eat delicious food all day long, so she wanted to learn from her.

Seeing that she wanted to learn, the young master brought a cook to teach her the next day. Not only did she learn cooking skills, but the young master also gave her guidance on how to practice.

She felt that no one was happier than her.

Shi Lin always joked that the young master has reached the age of marriage, but there is not even a girl around him, and the girl arranged by the family is never willing to meet him, for fear that he will have to become a monk.

When he said this, Shi Lin looked at her, and the young master also looked at her.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated and her face turned red, as if the secret hidden in her heart had been discovered, and she felt a little sweet again.

Later, some maids came to Huxinting, and she seemed to be the most mysterious existence in the eyes of these maids. No woman could get close to the young master, only she could.

The young master taught her how to read and write, and guided her in cultivation. The young master was willing to teach her whatever she wanted to learn, and everything she did was approved by the young master.

As she was just beginning to fall in love, she felt that the young master should also like her.

So she had the courage to ask him, "If the young master doesn't like a girl in the future, will it be okay if he likes me?"

She clearly remembered that when she asked for the first time, the young master's slightly stiff expression showed a bit of surprise, but his eyes were not harsh, but made her feel a little gentle.

The young master touched her head and said, "Shengsheng, you are still young."

She argued unhappily, "I'm not young anymore. I know my feelings. I just like the young master."

Under the sky full of peach blossoms, she saw the young master smiling. The smile was like the breeze and the moon, imprinted on the apex of her heart, and she also smiled.

But the young master did not answer her directly.

Later, she realized that the young master was the high-ranking Crown Prince, and that the Holy Queen had made a marriage contract for him, Bai Lingzhen, the proud daughter of the Bai family.

She had heard this name from Qiong Shu and knew how outstanding this girl was. The Bai family was a top family, which made her realize that only such a proud girl was worthy of the rich and handsome Crown Prince.

She began to call him Your Highness.

She once pestered him and kept saying that she wanted to marry him, but she didn't dare to mention it again.She likes him so much, as much as anyone else.

But her identity is unclear, and her past memory is blank. Even her name was chosen for her by His Highness. She is a woman who cannot even show her true appearance. How can she still dream of becoming a crown princess?

So she could only bury everything in her heart without mentioning a word.

His Highness seemed to have changed from usual. He became more serious and his aura became depressed.

She heard Shi Lin say that His Highness didn't seem to want to get married, which made her a little happy, but her reason also told her that even if His Highness didn't want to get married, he probably wouldn't like her.

What does she have that compares to others?

Even though His Highness had praised her for her beauty and her extraordinary talents, other than that, she had nothing.

Besides, His Highness never said he liked her.

Later, she met the legendary eldest lady.

His Highness once said that ordinary people could not step into Huxin Pavilion without his permission, but this woman came anyway.

It must have been approved by His Highness.

She looked graceful and luxurious, her brows were filled with confidence, and her every move and smile showed the bearing of a young lady from an aristocratic family.

At that moment, she felt very uncomfortable.

"Are you Mo Shengsheng?" Bai Lingzhen sneered and looked at her as if she was not a person, just an ordinary object, with a bit of ridicule and ridicule in his eyes.


"Unruly thing!" Bai Lingzhen scolded angrily, "You are just a maid, but you dare to look directly at me?"


Is this how His Highness introduced Miss Bai to her?

She still did not bow her head because her self-esteem did not allow her to bow her head. She could bow her head to anyone, but she was unwilling to bow her head in front of her love rival.

Even death.

Until——Bai Lingzhen told her a secret, which seemed to tear away her last fig leaf and let her face the cruel truth.

"You are just a stinky girl with no identity and no background. Do you know why His Royal Highness kept you?"

"Because you were the murderer sent to assassinate His Highness!"

"Keeping you here is just trying to catch the person behind you!"

"Otherwise, how would you be able to enter the Holy Palace and appear next to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Her face gradually turned pale, recalling all the past events, she shook her head and said, "No, this is impossible!"

"Do you know that the Holy Queen has ordered you to be killed?" Bai Lingzhen sneered, "I heard that you were the one who wanted to assassinate His Highness, broke into the cold pool where His Highness practiced, absorbed His Highness's spiritual consciousness, and caused His Highness's natural divine body. It failed to transform into a natural holy body, and it also left hidden diseases."

"Why has His Highness kept you until now? Because only by killing you when you turn 16 can His Highness fully recover."

"You are the culprit!"

"If I were you, I should die consciously instead of wishing here!"

(End of this chapter)

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