Chapter 489 Grandpa Sheng, the signature is... the signature is... your eldest father! !

As soon as Jiang Feng left, Mr. Sheng struggled to pull the outside of the coffin. While pulling it, he said to Song Weiguo: "Well, Weiguo, look, my house has been tormented by them, which is unlucky. Can I go?" After staying in your village for a few days, I heard Xingxing say that your village is really big!"

When Song Weiguo heard this, he immediately refused.

"Just let me stay for a few days. I promise not to cause any trouble. It'll be convenient for Xingxing and them to attend classes, right?"

In short, Mr. Sheng kept talking, and finally Song Weiguo finally agreed.

When they followed the Song family's carriage back to Zhuangzi, Mr. Sheng was still mumbling: "It's over, this matter is such a big deal, my unfilial sons will definitely write letters to scold me again. When I said I wanted to marry a new wife, When I was a mother-in-law, they wrote letters and scolded me.”

Xingxing, who was touching her beautiful new clothes, heard Master Sheng's words. She tilted her head in confusion and asked, "Grandpa Sheng, can a son actually scold his father?"

Master Sheng raised his eyebrows: "Of course, it's not just me, you can also scold grandpa."

When he said this, he deliberately looked at Song Zhao.

Song Zhao was organizing the medicine box for Li Chengqian. Hearing what Mr. Sheng said, he clicked his tongue and said without raising his head: "At such an old age, don't be a troublemaker. Be careful I let you sleep in the woodshed." "


Mr. Sheng felt that his choice to live in the Song family's village was indeed a good one. He went for a walk in the morning, taught during the day, and went fishing with Song Zhao in the evening. His life was extremely fulfilling day by day, not to mention that the food of the Song family was really good. Very delicious.

However, only five days after this good day, letters began to arrive from the capital.

Xingxing ran up to Mr. Sheng holding a thin letter and handed it to Mr. Sheng with both hands.

"Grandpa Sheng, this is a letter for you. It says... um... dear father... dear father." Xingxing still recognized these words.

"Tear it open and read it to me." Mr. Sheng covered his eyes and did not dare to look.

Seeing Mr. Sheng's insistence on request, Xingxing looked at him several times, and finally could only tear open the letter and start reading it.

However... there were only two brief sentences on this huge piece of paper.

Xingxing lowered her head again and looked carefully at the two lines of words that she knew, and cautiously asked Mr. Sheng, "Grandpa Sheng... Do I really want to read them out?"

Grandma said that you can’t curse.

What is she going to do?

Mr. Sheng gritted his teeth: "Read it! Read it loudly!!"

Xingxing swelled her belly, and the paws holding the letter trembled, and then she read loudly: "Sheng Chong!! No better than pigs and dogs!! You will reap the consequences!! The signature is... The signature is... you Big Daddy!!!”

"Grandpa Sheng, is your eldest father still alive? Is he going to be very old?" Xingxing asked in the direction of Mr. Sheng. If this eldest father is still alive, he must be at an age where his hair will turn gray.

Mr. Sheng was obviously used to it. He took a bite of the fruit and lay comfortably on the recliner. Hearing Xingxing say this, he did not answer, but continued to ask: "Is there any more? Just these few words?" "

Xingxing nodded.

"Okay, next one. Isn't there another one? It's probably from the second child." Mr. Sheng motioned to Xingxing to continue.

Only then did Xingxing react belatedly. Could it be that... this eldest father is Grandpa Sheng's eldest son? ? ?

Is this what Mr. Sheng meant by being scolded? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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