The madam is cool and sassy when she slaps her face

Chapter 452 Can’t shut your mouth?

Chapter 452 Can’t shut your mouth?

"You should be wise and go out by yourself. Otherwise, don't blame me for having someone take you out."

The words fall.

The short-haired woman's face turned pale, and she felt suddenly uneasy.

She didn't know what was going on, but she always felt that Liu Xu'er had gotten into trouble today.

Suddenly, a faint sneer sounded from the other side.

Liu Xu'er's entire face darkened.

"why are you laughing?"

Su Ran glanced at her lightly and lazily finished two words.


"What did you say? Say it again?!"

Liu Xu'er's expression suddenly changed, and she stared at Su Ran with gritted teeth.

"Don't you know that your voice is ugly? It's sharp and rough. If you have the time and money to make that snake face of yours, why can't you take good care of your voice? Even if you don't worry about scaring the colleagues who work with you , aren’t you worried about scaring customers?”

a time.

The entire lobby fell silent in vain, and the atmosphere instantly became condensed.

Many people's eyes fell on Liu Xu'er's face, suppressing laughter.

Snake face?
This lady’s description is so apt, it’s true!


She went to France for half a month, could it be to repair her face?
Liu Xu'er's entire face became distorted, and a ball of anger rose in her heart.

He pointed his colorful fingers at Su Ran and spoke in a sharp and mean voice.

"You... bitch, who do you think you are? You're just a shameless mistress, but you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. What's wrong? You're so intolerable of loneliness that you even found someone in the company to find someone. How... are you? …ah!!"


A crisp sound!
Before Liu Xu'er finished speaking, a loud slap fell heavily on her face.

Surprised around.

Liu Xuer was stunned for a long time, and after a period of numbness on her face, she felt a burning pain.

She reacted and looked at Su Ran in front of her with wide eyes.

"You dare to hit me?"

Su Ran raised her eyes, a cold light flashed deep in her eyes, and she spoke three words slowly with her red lips.

"I don't need to clean up."


Liu Xu'er reached out to cover her sore and swollen cheeks, she was about to explode with anger!

She really wanted to step forward and tear this woman apart.

"Bitch, how dare you hit me, I..."


Another slap.

Su Ran curled her lips, her smile not reaching her eyes.

"Can't you shut your mouth?!"

Liu Xu'er stayed on the spot, wondering if she was stunned by Su Ran's two slaps.

a long time.


She couldn't help clenching her fists and screaming, and the scream made the short-haired woman next to her tremble.

She felt that the dust in the building was shaken by the scream.

She was furious, pointed at the security guard at the door, and said angrily:

"Are you all dead? Why don't you throw this woman out quickly..."

As she spoke, the corner of her eye fell on Su Ran's masked face.

"No, catch her. I want to see what kind of shameless face this vixen has."

The security guard stood at the door, looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

The atmosphere was stagnant and heavy.

Liu Xuer's face was as red and swollen as the bottom of a pot. "Are you deaf? You dare not even listen to my words. Believe it or not, I will tell you to pack your things and get out immediately."

The security guard's eyes flashed, his expression moved.

Liu Xuer usually dominates this floor, and anyone who goes against her will be squeezed out of the company by various means.

The various departments of Fu's consortium were complicated, and before the news even reached the top, she used her family's power to warn them.

Many people are afraid of getting into trouble and voluntarily suffer the consequences of being dumb.

The wages offered here are very high, and of course they are reluctant to leave.

The security guard hesitated and glanced at Su Ran with embarrassment.

But facing her eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and filled with coldness, her legs felt like they were rooted to the ground.

Not a single move.

Liu Xuer's face turned pale, "You..."

at this time.

"When did it become your turn for the Fu Consortium to make the decision?"

Su Ran's voice was loud and unbridled, and sounded unhurriedly.

Liu Xuer was condescending and looked confident.

"If you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future! Besides, I have the final say here at the main station."

At this moment, at the entrance of the Fu Group Building.

A black, steady car stopped slowly, and a group of senior leaders in suits and ties got out of other cars first.

They stood on both sides of the door, looking respectfully at the back seat of the car.

Qin Feng quickly got down from the driver's seat, bent over and opened the door.

"Mr. Fu."

Fu Qiyuan got out of the car, his handsome and indifferent face, his tall and straight body suddenly straightened up, and his noble and awe-inspiring aura hit his face, which was so powerful that it shocked people's hearts.

Without any pause, he walked towards the building, with a group of senior leaders following behind him.

Qin Feng followed beside him, not daring to raise his head. Mr. Fu took some of the company's senior executives to inspect the branch.

If you don’t check it, you don’t know.
Really found a lot of problems.

Mr. Fu got angry at that time and fired all the people involved.

The two most serious ones were even taken away on the spot!
Those people didn't understand Mr. Fu's methods too well. They thought the sky was high and the emperor was far away.

Let’s see if they dare in the future!
If they still have a future.

Even from a distance of one meter, he could feel the cold air emanating from Mr. Fu's body.

A group of people walked into the building in a mighty manner. Everyone did not dare to speak out and lowered their heads.

Just when Qin Feng was considering whether to call for help, Fu Qiyuan, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped.

Before Qin Feng could even raise his head, he heard a familiar voice.

"When did it become your turn for the Fu Consortium to make the decision?"

Miss Xiaoran?

Qin Feng raised his head suddenly, his savior was right in front of him.

At this moment, he felt that Su Ran was walking towards them wearing colorful rays of light.

However, before Qin Feng had time to be happy, another unruly voice came slowly.

"If you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future! Besides, I have the final say here at the main station."

Qin Feng's tiger body trembled and his eyes widened!
Last second:
Fog grass! !
what's the situation? !

Next second:

He is done!
The last time something like this happened when Miss Xiaoran came to the company, Mr. Fu personally gave instructions that no one should stop Miss Xiaoran from coming to the company anytime she wanted to.

Unobstructed flow must be ensured!
But according to Miss Xiao Ran's own wishes, her relationship with Mr. Fu was not to be disclosed for the time being, so while blocking the news, he also said hello to the most critical place like the front desk.

He has clearly told you countless times that if you offend anyone, don't offend the ancestor in front of you. Why don't they listen to others?
Qin Feng looked up again and saw the mask and sunglasses on Su Ran's face: "..."


It's their fault that they can't hear voices or recognize people.

That's it!

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(End of this chapter)

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