Chapter 483 Loss
Could it be that he came to add insult to injury?

Su Ran caught Meng Weiwei's expression in his eyes and curled his lips into a smile.

"As your former manager, you care so much about my artists. As my current manager, I naturally want to come and say hello."

The reporter's hand holding the camera was shaking with excitement.

Ex versus current?
An earth-shattering scene!
Meng Weiwei's expression changed for a moment, and she said bravely:
" need..."

Su Ran smiled softly and nodded lightly.

"In that case, let me inform you of something."

Meng Weiwei raised her head, glanced at Chu Ling behind Su Ran, and then returned her eyes to her.

"what's up?"

Su Ran raised his eyebrows and looked at her condescendingly.

"Remember to appear in court for Monday's lawsuit, but don't run away."

Hearing this, Meng Weiwei looked stunned. After she came to her senses, her expression changed drastically.


"Ms. Meng is so powerful and even said harsh words at the press conference. I believe you have already found a lawyer. Then we...see you in court!"

Meng Weiwei panicked. The words she said at the press conference blocked her escape.

Who would be willing to help her now?

"Chu Ling, do you really want to be so heartless?"

Chu Ling sneered, "I'm heartless? Compared to when you forced me to die, what I did is nothing!"

Meng Weiwei's expression changed and her tone softened.

"Chu Ling, I had no choice but to look at our friendship for so many years, let me go."

"Love? Why didn't you let me go because of the love we have gained over the years? Meng Weiwei, you brought this on yourself, you can't blame others."

"No, Chu Ling, I..."

"Shut your mouth, I don't want to hear it!!"
Su Xinyan finally entered the company building with the help of security guards. She was in a panic. Gu Heng was in a meeting. Meng Weiwei was also in the whirlpool of public opinion, so the assistant informed her of the first news.

The assistant hurriedly came to her office and was slightly startled when she saw Su Xinyan who was all dirty and messy.

"what's up?"

Seeing this, Su Xinyan asked quickly, not caring about her own miserable appearance.

And seeing the assistant in such a hurry, I had a bad feeling.

"We have asked for replacements for several filmings that were previously discussed..."

"What?! Impossible, this was all told by Teacher Huang Yan himself, how dare they."

Su Xinyan's voice suddenly rose, and she stood up suddenly.

"The song you collaborated with Teacher Huang Yan, Meng Yixuan asked to find someone else to revise it, and the MV recording you participated in was also taken down and re-filmed, and..."

"What else?"

Su Xinyan asked again, with an ugly and nervous expression on her face.

The assistant quietly looked at Su Xinyan, lowered his eyes, and whispered:

"Investors and crew are calling. All your advertisements, movies and TV series are asking for replacements. The company directors are also putting pressure on Mr. Gu, asking to temporarily hide you..."

Su Xinyan's face suddenly turned extremely pale, with no trace of blood on her face.

"Xue... Xue Zang?"

She shook her head in confusion, "No, I have created so many benefits for the company, why should they hide me?"

The assistant glanced at her secretly, considered his tone, and then said:

"This incident has brought a big crisis to the company. Several investors that Mr. Gu talked about before are now clamoring to withdraw their capital. Not only that, in just one night, the company's stock market value has evaporated by two percent. Hundreds of millions..." Su Xinyan's face was gloomy and tense. She forced herself to calm down, gritted her teeth, took out her mobile phone from her bag, and dialed Meng Weiwei's number directly.

At this moment, Meng Weiwei was sitting on the sofa in her apartment, looking decadent and confused.

The phone rang for a long time before she answered the call.

"Hello..." The voice was hoarse and dry.

"Meng Weiwei, what on earth did you do? How did things become like this?"

Su Xinyan bit her lip, filled with anxiety and anger.

Meng Weiwei glanced at the apartment and sneered.

"I'm always following your orders. You ask me why it's like this? Ha, I want to know too."

"What does it mean to act according to my orders? Don't you know what it means to be respectful and cautious? When the matter has reached this point, how do you think we should solve it?"

Su Xinyan suppressed the dissatisfaction in her chest and said sternly.

"How do you want to solve it?"

Su Xinyan's eyes flashed, and a faint light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"It's gotten to the point where you have to speak out."

Meng Weiwei slumped on the sofa and smiled sarcastically.

What can she do?

She is just an ordinary agent, her arms cannot twist her thighs.

"Don't worry, everything is my own fault and has nothing to do with you..."

Su Xinyan immediately relaxed, "I won't treat you badly, and I will give you a fee afterwards."

Meng Weiwei said nothing and hung up the phone.

Su Xinyan breathed a sigh of relief temporarily, and then waited for Meng Weiwei's statement.

Before she could put down her phone, she received another call from Wen Peipei and rushed to Hongyang without stopping.

Carry forward is also in crisis.

When Su Xinyan arrived, the assistant was reporting on the company's situation. Wen Peipei leaned on the chair, rubbing her eyebrows with her fingers, unable to hide the fatigue on her face.

"Director Wen, the company's stock price has dropped to the limit this morning. Currently, five partners have proposed to withdraw their capital..."

"Three shopping malls refused to renew their contracts and forced the company's brands to withdraw from their shopping malls. Miss Xinyan's negative impact this time was too serious and was not good for the public image of the shopping malls. The other party asked us to pay liquidated damages, and... "

Su Xinyan sat on the sofa with a pale face. Every time the assistant said something, her face became paler.

"Due to strong resistance from fans and mass riots, more than ten stores have been forced to close and cannot operate normally..."

Calculating this, Hong Yang lost hundreds of millions in just one day.

Wen Peipei's old eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes. She glanced at Su Xinyan, who was absent beside her.

"Xinyan, how will Chongguang deal with it?"

Su Xinyan bit her lip, "Sister Meng will issue a statement to explain clearly to everyone, proving that this matter has nothing to do with me."

Wen Peipei pondered for a moment before nodding tiredly.

"She was the one who did it. If she comes forward to admit it, it will be over. At this time, you must try your best to distance yourself from her and never be soft-hearted."

Su Xinyan nodded obediently, "I understand, grandma."

Seeing her resigned look, Wen Peipei's stern expression softened slightly.

At this time, on the TV screen hanging opposite, the picture shifted to the downstairs of Zisu Entertainment.

(End of this chapter)

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