Chapter 1 An An is the child no one wants

On the outskirts of city A, Happy Orphanage.

A middle-aged man with a fierce look was in the yard, grabbing a small breast by the collar and yelling, "You damn girl! You're so lazy! You dare to run around after I ask you to sweep the floor!"

"An'an didn't run away, dean..." Xiao Naituan is three and a half years old, her nickname is An'an, but she still doesn't know her surname.

An'an has been underfed for a long time and is malnourished. She appears to be a little thinner than children of the same age, with not much meat in her small body.

She shrank her neck in fear and explained to herself in a low voice: "Dean, I just went to the kitchen to eat. An An didn't eat last night or this morning. She's hungry."

She was so hungry that she couldn't stand it anymore, but before she could finish even one steamed bun, the dean took it out.

Zong Jianren, the director of the orphanage, looked at An An's thin face and became even more angry. He poked her forehead so hard with his index finger that a red mark appeared.

"Eat, eat, eat! You just know how to eat! The yard has not been swept clean, so don't even think about entering the kitchen to eat!"

I took An An in before because she was fair, fat and good-looking!
Zong Jianren was counting on An An to be able to sell, bah - find a wealthy family to adopt An An. In this way, the orphanage would also receive sponsorship and support from wealthy families, and his wallet would be a little bigger.

Unexpectedly, An An is getting thinner and thinner as she grows older, and she doesn't seem to have any luck at all!
Every time a wealthy family comes to the orphanage, An An always looks timid and timid, which is not lovable at all!
Zong Jianren couldn't get enough of the scolding, so he was ready to beat her with a broom to vent his anger.

An An squatted down in fear, held her head and closed her eyes tightly.

Just then, a little fat man walked out of the house, wearing beautiful silver bracelets on both hands, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Grandpa, I'm hungry! I want to eat big pieces of meat!"

He is Zong Jianren's grandson Zong Xiaoqiang. Zong Xiaoqiang usually stays in the orphanage with his grandfather.

Zong Jianren was mean and mean to other children, but extremely indulgent and doting towards his grandson. Whatever good sponsorship or resources the orphanage received, it was given priority to Zong Xiaoqiang.

Including the pair of silver bracelets that originally belonged to An An, he also took the opportunity to take them as his own without paying attention and gave them to his grandson.

When he heard that his grandson was hungry, Zong Jianren felt distressed and hurriedly took his grandson to the kitchen, "Okay, eat big pieces of meat! Eat a lot of meat! Grandpa will take care of it!"

Before entering the kitchen, Zong Jianren turned around and glared at An An fiercely, "Clean it up quickly! If it's still dirty, don't even think about eating today!"

Zong Xiaoqiang also turned back to look at An An, making a proud face at her.

An An's stomach growled, her eyes were red, and she felt aggrieved but had nowhere to vent her feelings. She was the child no one wanted.

Tears rolled down uncontrollably. An An wiped her tears, picked up a broom that was taller than her, and tried hard to clean the yard, otherwise she would have nothing to eat today.

The morning sun gently awakens everything in the world, and there is a sound of car engines in the distance, gradually approaching the direction of the Happy Orphanage.

Two minutes later, an extended Lincoln and four black Bentleys parked in front of the Xingfu Orphanage.

The first to get out of the car were four bodyguards in black suits. The bodyguards stood neatly on both sides of the extended Lincoln rear seat door.

One of the men in a leather suit respectfully opened the back seat door and whispered: "President, the Happy Orphanage has arrived."

In the back seat, the backrest of the seat was lowered a little. The person sitting on it had his eyes closed, and his long eyelashes cast a shallow shadow under his eyes.

Qin Haochen slowly opened his eyes.

The morning wind caused the shadows of the surrounding trees to sway and the leaves to rustle.

A pair of black leather shoes landed firmly on the ground. Qin Haochen was wearing a thin white shirt and straight black trousers. The very simple clothes made him look extra dignified.

His eyebrows are raised, his eyes are deep and lively, the bridge of his nose is high, his lips are thin and tightly pursed, his facial features are as deep as a sharp knife carving, and his aloof temperament makes people feel terrified just by looking at him.

Qin Haochen fixed his eyes on the words "Happy Orphanage" on the door in front of him.

This is the 129th orphanage he has found, and it is also the thousandth day since his biological daughter was kidnapped and disappeared.The kidnapper has been duly punished, but his daughter has disappeared.

Every time there was a little bit of news, Qin Haochen would put down everything and go find out personally, but every time he was given endless disappointment.

Even so, Qin Haochen never gave up looking for his daughter.

According to the latest news obtained by the private detective, the children who had been taken in by this remote orphanage in the past two or three years were similar in age to his daughter. Qin Haochen rushed over overnight.

Years of insomnia gave him an unconcealed look of exhaustion, but also a shudder that kept strangers away from him.

Qin Haochen took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Just as he was about to ring the doorbell of the orphanage, a soft and soft voice came from the front:

"Uncle, who are you looking for?"

Qin Haochen looked down slowly.

Inside the closed iron door, stood a little girl holding a broom that was much taller than her.

I don't know if it's because of his thin and dirty face, but his round eyes are extremely bright and agile.

The little breasts are timid, but very well-behaved and polite.

At this moment, the little girl was looking at him with great curiosity.

Qin Haochen's breathing stagnated for a moment, and his head went blank for a few seconds.

These little breasts looked almost exactly like his wife Ye Chaosi’s when she was a child!
Standing behind Qin Haochen, the president's special assistant He Yan also saw the small breasts. He was startled and whispered in surprise: "President, these small breasts look like a lady!"

Qin Haochen suddenly came back to his senses.

Subconsciously, he opened his thin lips and whispered in a low voice: "An'an..."

An An showed a puzzled expression and used a small hand to scratch her hair, as if she couldn't figure out why this strange and handsome uncle could call her by her name.

She tilted her little head and asked softly: "Does uncle know An An?"

Qin Haochen's eyes gradually moistened as he looked at the small breasts in front of him that looked very similar to his wife's.

Just when he was about to lightly open his thin lips and say something to the little nipples, an angry scolding sound suddenly came from:

"An'an! Didn't I tell you to clean up the yard? Why is the ground still so dirty? Are you hiding and being lazy again?"

An An's little body trembled subconsciously when she heard the familiar yelling.

She hurriedly held the big broom in her hand, her round eyes full of panic, and her little voice full of fear: "Uncle, An An is going to sweep the floor."

After saying this hastily, An An turned around and ran away in panic.


Qin Haochen's call did not stop the little nipple.

With his deep eyes reflecting the thin and frightened back of the little girl, Qin Haochen had a gloomy face and ordered in a cold voice: "Tear down the door!"

"Yes! President!"

(End of this chapter)

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