Chapter 12 Mukbang Little Milk Group is online

Qin Sui'an slept particularly comfortably this time, feeling as if he was sleeping on soft clouds, floating.

Before the little girl opened her eyes, Qin Haochen had already noticed her awakening. He gently placed his palm on her small back and asked softly: "Are you awake from your sleep?"

"Well..." Qin Suian snorted, and opened his round eyes in a daze. At first sight, he saw Dad's handsome face smiling at him.

She blinked her round eyes in confusion, paused for a moment, then pursed her pink lips and smiled happily: "Daddy~"

She is a child with a daddy~
"Be good." Qin Haochen lowered his head slightly and placed a gentle kiss on the little head. "I have slept peacefully for a long time. I must be hungry."

It was as if the little belly understood what Daddy said, and the sound of "gurgling" came from the little belly.

Qin Sui'an lowered his little head, looked at his little belly, and then nodded shyly, "An'an is a little hungry."

"Then let's have dinner first." Qin Haochen held the little breast in his arms and helped her simply wipe her face and wash her hands before heading to the restaurant on the first floor of the castle.

In the past, the restaurant on the first floor of the castle was basically only used for breakfast. Lunch and dinner were rarely used in the castle restaurant. Even most of the time, no one ate in the castle at all, so they all settled individually.

Now, in the restaurant, on the soft and comfortable gilded dining chairs, Qin Yanyi, the second young master of the Qin family, and Qin Qianyi, the young young master, were sitting respectively.

Qin Yanyi was listening to his sixth brother vividly describing how he beat Zong Jianren.

"As soon as I entered, he started to tremble as soon as he saw me. I even wondered if he was scared to death by me!" Qin Qianyi said excitedly, while gesticulating: "Second brother, didn't you see his... The expression is so wonderful!”

To prevent the sixth brother from being unable to stop talking, Qin Yanyi interrupted him and asked, "How did you beat him this time?"

"I listened to my second brother and punched him in the stomach instead of punching him in the face." Qin Qianyi felt that it was not very satisfying without punching him in the face.

He curled his lips and said disdainfully: "But he still fainted. Tsk, he's really weak."

Qin Yanyi knew that Zong Jianren was beaten unconscious by his sixth brother again.

The bodyguard immediately asked him to save the person, lest the sixth brother's hand would be too strong and beat the person directly.

The problem wasn't big, it was just that his internal organs were damaged and he vomited some blood, but he couldn't die.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Qin Yanyi and Qin Qianyi stopped talking at the same time and stood up immediately, looking eagerly at the door of the restaurant.

Under their expectant gazes, Qin Haochen walked into the restaurant with her little breasts in her arms.

Qin Yanyi and Qin Qianyi shouted in unison: "An'an!"

Qin Haochen stopped and glanced at them with subtle eyes.

This was the first time I was directly ignored by them.

For the sake of my little breasts, I won’t argue with them.

Qin Sui'an's little hands were holding daddy's clothes. When she saw her second brother and little brother, her big round eyes immediately turned into little crescents, and she called out in a sweet voice: "Second brother~little brother~"

Qin Qianyi moved quickly and pulled aside the pink and tender children's dining chair specially prepared for the little girl, "I've slept peacefully for so long, it's already past dinner. Sit down quickly and have dinner!"

Qin Haochen walked slowly to the side of the children's dining chair, carefully placed the small breast in his arms and sat down in the children's dining chair, and then helped her adjust her posture.

The children's dining chair is very exquisitely made and the seat cushion is extremely soft. Qin Sui'an can sit on it just right, as if it was tailor-made for her.

All he could smell in his nose was the fragrant smell of food. Qin Sui'an couldn't stand the temptation, so he swallowed frequently, his round eyes fixed on the food on the table.

Qin Suian's belly growled even more happily.

She nervously covered her growling belly and looked at Daddy, her second brother, and her little brother. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that they were not making fun of her.Qin Qianyi noticed little Sui An's little moves, suppressed a smile and said, "Look at An An, she's so hungry that she's even cooing."

Qin Sui'an shook his little head and explained in a sweet voice: "Brother, it's not An An who's growling, it's his belly that's growling~"

"Yes, yes, it's An An's belly growling." Qin Qianyi chuckled and continued to suit her words.

Qin Haochen touched the little nipple head and asked softly: "What would An An want to eat first?"

"Eat, um..." Qin Sui'an looked seriously at the dining table in front of her, which was very large and long for her.

The 2.88-meter long dining table of rare natural luxury stone is neatly placed with delicious dinners, all made by world-class chefs.

Qin Sui'an saw many kinds of food that she had never seen or eaten before, licked her lips, and finally pointed to the milk she drank this morning.

"Daddy, An An wants to drink milk~"

"Okay." Qin Haochen followed the wishes of the little milk ball and took the bottle over.

He first tested the temperature of the milk on the back of his hand to make sure it would not burn the small nipple, and then handed it to her.

Qin Sui'an stretched out her little hand and hugged the bottle, "Thank you, daddy~"

"You're welcome, An'an." Qin Haochen smiled softly, "Drink slowly."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an held the pacifier in his mouth and drank milk gurglingly. His round eyes were staring at the other delicious food on the table, as if he was already thinking about what delicious food to eat first. .

Qin Haochen, Qin Yanyi, and Qin Qianyi, father and son, just watched the little milk ball drinking milk quietly.

No one moved their chopsticks first. They had completely forgotten that they were sitting in the restaurant to eat, not to watch the little milk balls and drink milk.

Seeing the sweetness of the little milk balls, they all felt like drinking milk inexplicably, and their Adam's apple rolled unconsciously.

Qin Sui'an drank one sip after another, and in a short while he drank down every drop of the 150ml of milk.

She placed the empty milk bottle next to the table board of the children's table and chair, licked the milk stains on her lips, blinked her round eyes, and looked at Dad eagerly.

Qin Haochen couldn't help but laugh, took out a small handkerchief to wipe her mouth, and then asked her softly: "What else does An An want to eat?"

Qin Sui'an pointed, "Daddy, An'an wants to eat light gray pancakes~"

Qin Qianyi said "Huh" in confusion, looked at the little hand, and corrected patiently: "An'an, this is not a big cake, this is called steak."

Qin Sui'an tilted his head in confusion: "Steak?"

Another word she had never been exposed to before.

"It's the meat from the cow." Qin Haochen explained patiently, using the easiest-to-understand way of using small milk balls, "Dad, let's cut a small piece for you to try."

Soon, Qin Haochen brought a small piece of steak to Xiao Naituan's mouth.

Qin Sui'an ate it in one bite and chewed it carefully.

There is still the taste of milk in your mouth, and the meaty aroma of steak.

Looking at the slowly narrowing round eyes of the little nipple and the slightly raised corners of her mouth, Qin Haochen knew that she liked to eat, so he immediately cut a few more small pieces and fed her slowly.

While eating the fragrant and tender meat in his mouth, Qin Sui'an suddenly thought of something, blinked his round eyes, looked at Dad and asked: "Dad, where's the big white goose?"

(End of this chapter)

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