Chapter 178 The milky sound of the small breasts~
Qin Sui'an was very happy that grandma and grandpa would not dislike the big white goose.

She still remembered that when she went to Shao's house to beg for a little apple, Aunt Shao said loudly that the big white goose was dirty, and she heard it.

The big white goose is not dirty!The big white goose is so clean, its whole body is white~
Qin Sui'an looked at the big white goose and asked, "Is the big white goose hungry?"

"Gah~ I'm not hungry."

In fact, it is a little hungry, but it doesn't take its food out. If it wants to eat, it will be quite troublesome. After all, what it eats is different from what humans eat.

But it doesn’t matter, you can go back to Bay Villa soon, it won’t be a big problem!

The big white goose wanted to remind An An and the cub that they had left Bay Villa for several hours and it was time to go back.

But when she looked up and saw the happy look of An An's cub, she couldn't bear to throw cold water on her.

Forget it, it won’t last long, let’s let the An’an cub have more fun!

Mr. Ye's appetite was beyond normal today. Not only did he eat the rest of the lunch on the table, but he also finished the half of the bread left by the little milk ball.

Unable to sit still, he stood up and walked slowly back and forth in the living room.

Mrs. Ye looked at him funny and said, "If you can't eat, don't force yourself to eat. It'll be fine now."

After laughing, she sent a message asking Lu Xi to get some digestive tablets.

Mr. Ye was in a happy mood. Even though his stomach was feeling uncomfortable, the corners of his mouth still kept an upward curve.

Qin Sui'an had just slept before lunch, and was not sleepy at all now. He followed his grandfather playfully, taking small steps.

When Mr. Ye saw this, the smile on his face deepened a lot.

When Lucy came back with the digestive tablets, she saw this scene. The old gentleman and the young lady were walking slowly in the living room, and the old lady was sitting on the sofa and looking at them with a smile.

This kind of warm, relaxed and happy scene has not appeared in the Ye family for several years.

Lu Xi suppressed the sourness in her nose, placed the digestive tablets on the table, and poured two cups of warm water.

She picked up the bag that the old lady had brought, skillfully took out the pill packaging box and placed it on the table.

After doing all this, Lucy left the ward quietly.

Mrs. Ye put the back of her hand against the water glass, then looked at her wife: "Take the medicine first."

Mr. Ye reluctantly gave up. He bent down and rubbed the top of his hair, then walked to the sofa and sat down.

While he was taking Xiaoshi tablets, Mrs. Ye was also taking her medicine.

Qin Sui'an looked at his grandfather curiously, then at his grandmother, "Are grandpa and grandma also sick?"

Mrs. Ye looked calm and replied with a smile: "Your grandpa is full and needs to take some digestion tablets. As for me, I am old enough and I need to take some vitamins to replenish my body."

Mr. Ye paused slightly and responded to her words, "Yes, take some vitamins."

Qin Sui'an suddenly remembered something and immediately took his Zhuzhu schoolbag over and rummaged through it.

"Oh..." She put down Zhuzhu's schoolbag, "I forgot to bring the medicine that my second brother prescribed for An An."

Her second brother, Qin Yanyi, the second young master of the Qin family, is a doctor with excellent medical skills.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye's expressions suddenly changed, and they asked worriedly: "Is An An sick?"

After asking in unison, Mrs. Ye stood up and came to Xiaonuituan, looking at her nervously, "What's wrong with An'an?"

Mr. Ye also stood up and walked towards the door, preparing to ask the special assistant to call the doctor to come over and check the little breasts in person.

"An'an is not sick, grandma and grandpa, don't worry." Qin Sui'an quickly shook her head and waved her hands. She explained seriously: "Just like grandma, she takes vitamins and calcium tablets." Mrs. Ye instantly said He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled helplessly, "So that's it."

Mr. Ye stopped in time, turned around and asked, "Do you want the doctor to come? Prescribe some vitamins and calcium tablets to An'an."

Mrs. Ye pondered for a moment and nodded, "Let Professor Yuan Bing come."

Professor Yuan Bing is a professor specializing in pediatrics. Vitamins and calcium tablets were prescribed by the Qin family’s second child, so there is no need to re-prescribe them to avoid conflicting prescriptions.

But by the way, you can ask Professor Yuan Bing to do a simple physical check on the little nipple.

Mr. Ye agreed with her idea, opened the door to the ward, and told Jehans to ask Professor Yuan Bing to come over.

Jehans moved very quickly, and since there was a direct elevator, he didn't need to waste much time. After 10 minutes, he brought Professor Yuan Bing to the ward.

Perhaps due to long-term contact with children, Professor Yuan Bing had a loving smile on her face. When she saw the small breasts sitting obediently on the sofa, her smile widened and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes became more obvious.

"Old Madam, Old Sir." Professor Yuan Bing briefly greeted Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye first.

Then, she walked up to the little breasts, bent her knees and squatted down, slightly raising her head to look at the little breasts, "What's your child's name? Can you tell grandma?"

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an said sweetly in a sweet voice: "Doctor grandma, Daddy said, Daddy Mommy hopes that An'an will be safe every year~ so I call her Qin Sui'an~"

Her answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye had heard their daughter Ye Chaosi talk about the meaning of the name given to the little milk ball.

After more than three years, they couldn't help but have red eyes at the same time when they heard the explanation from Xiao Naituan again.

Mrs. Ye took a deep breath, stood up suddenly, and walked to the bathroom.

Mr. Ye followed her figure with worried eyes until the bathroom door closed.

Qin Sui'an caught the adults' subtle emotional changes. She pursed her lips and asked softly: "Grandpa, did An An say something wrong?"

"No, what An An said is great. Your parents really want you to be safe every year." Mr. Ye gently hugged her little body, "Your grandma just has a stomachache and just needs to go to the bathroom."

Professor Yuan Bing spoke at the right time, "Kid, grandma will also call you An'an, okay?"

"Okay." Qin Sui'an nodded.

Because Mrs. Ye left temporarily, Professor Yuan Bing was not in a hurry to check the little milk ball. He just chatted with her casually: "An'an, tell grandma, how many bottles of milk do you drink a day?"

"Five bottles!" Qin Sui'an said without thinking, "Second brother gave An An many, many cows. An An can drink a lot of milk in a day~"

Mr. Ye was stunned: "Cow?"

There seems to be something like that. I heard that the Qin family bought hundreds of cows and raised them in a villa on the bay.

So this is true?

"Yes~ a big cow~" Qin Sui'an opened his hands and gestured: "It's so big~ Bigger than An An~"

The two of them laughed at her childlike words.

Mr. Ye does not object to the Qin family's method. The milk produced and drunk by oneself is indeed more secure than the milk bought from outside.

Professor Yuan Bing saw the milk bottle placed aside. The bottle was no bigger than an adult's hand. It sounded like five bottles a day, but in fact it only added up to about 500 ml of milk.

She gently held the small breasts in her hands and squeezed her palms. They were fleshy but not very fat.

According to five bottles of milk a day, plus daily meals, the nutrition will be sufficient in the long run, and there will definitely be more than this amount of meat.

(End of this chapter)

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