Chapter 188 Who Leaked the Secret
Mr. Ye frowned.

He knew that "that person" mentioned by his third son Ye Rongyuan was referring to Qin Yanyi of the Qin family.

But like his third son, he couldn't understand what Qin Yanyi's question meant.

Mr. Ye turned to look at his wife, and was about to ask her what she thought, when he noticed her slightly lost expression, "Wen Ting, what's wrong?"

Mrs. Ye came back to her senses and shook her head, "It's nothing. I suddenly felt a little sleepy. Maybe it's because I didn't take a lunch break today and I'm not used to it."

When Qin Sui'an heard this, he held her grandma's hand anxiously and stopped eating even the greedy cake. "Grandma is sleepy. She needs to have a good rest and sleep."

Mrs. Ye smiled brightly and touched the top of her hair, "Okay, listen to An An, I'll go to sleep for a while."

Qin Suian shook his little head and said seriously: "You can't wait a moment."

What adults say is to coax children. It may be 10 minutes, it may be ten hours, it may be ten days.

Mr. Ye laughed and patted his wife's hand gently, "Quick, listen to An An, go get some sleep now."

Mrs. Ye did not refuse, "Then I will go to the next room to sleep for a while, and you guys will take good care of An An."

"Okay, rest assured and go to sleep." Mr. Ye nodded.

Ye Rongyuan stood up and was about to send his mother to rest when she suddenly called out to him.

"Just be patient." Madam Ye looked back at him, as if she disliked him and didn't need his help.

Ye Rongyuan sat back and said, "Mom, remember to call us if you need anything."


Watching his mother walk out of the ward, Ye Rongyuan stared in deep thought.

I wonder if he is too suspicious, as if his mother is hiding something from them.

Seeing his solemn expression, Mr. Ye asked him, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy because your mother dislikes you?"

"Dad, am I that naive? I'm not..."

He swallowed the words "three-year-old child" at the end. There was also a three-and-a-half-year-old child here.

Ye Rongyuan looked at the small breasts eating a small cake and raised the corners of his lips.

He happily leaned over and wiped away the cream on the corner of her mouth with his fingertips, "An An, is it delicious?"

Qin Sui'an ate happily and said in a vague voice, "Good times!"

"As long as it tastes good, eat more."

Ye Rongyuan's eyes were full of laughter, and he forgot about what happened when he met Qin Yanyi just now, as well as Qin Yanyi's nonsense.


There is only one ward on this floor occupied by patients, and the other wards have been converted into the Ye family's lounge.

Mrs. Ye walked out of the ward, but did not go towards the lounge, but towards the elevator.

Lu Xi followed her and asked softly: "Old lady..."

Where is this going?

Mrs. Ye raised her hand to stop her from speaking.

Lucy shut her mouth and followed her quietly.

Mrs. Ye took the elevator, left the top floor, and came to the parking lot.

She got into the back seat of the black Maserati Quattroporte and told the driver: "Drive out of the hospital first."

The driver responded: "Okay, madam."

Lucy sat in the passenger seat with a puzzled look on her face, unable to guess where the old lady wanted to go.

The car slowly drove out of the parking lot and out of the hospital entrance.Mrs. Ye looked out the window, glanced around, and then told the driver, "Pull over."

The driver complied and found a temporary parking space to stop.

As she expected, within a minute of her car stopping, someone came up to her.

Qin Yanyi hasn't left the hospital entrance yet.

The communication with Ye Rongyuan was unclear. The conversation between the two could be said to be about you talking about you and him scolding him. They were not on the same channel at all.

Qin Yanyi could only start with other members of the Ye family.

He was very patient and waited at the door until now, and finally waited for other Ye family members to leave the hospital.

Qin Yanyi glanced at the Maserati, which suddenly stopped on the side of the road after driving out of the hospital entrance, for a few seconds without meaning.

It seems that you are waiting for him?
After a long while, Qin Yanyi walked decisively towards the car.

In the passenger seat, Lu Xi saw Qin Yanyi coming and immediately said, "Old madam, Master Yan Yi is here."

Mrs. Ye took a look and said without any surprise: "Open the door."

"Okay, madam." Lu Xi got out of the car, waited for Qin Yanyi to come closer, opened the back seat door for him, and said politely: "Master Yanyi, madam invites you."

Qin Yanyi stood two steps away from the car door. He looked into the car and saw Mrs. Ye alone. He was a little disappointed.

I thought An An would follow Madam Ye out of the hospital.

Qin Yanyi was Qin Haochen's nominal son, so he followed An An and called her: "Grandma, good afternoon."

Madam Ye frowned slightly, obviously not used to such a grandson, "Let's get in the car."

Qin Yanyi got into the back seat.

Lu Xi closed the car door for them and listened carefully. She didn't hear the old lady asking the driver to get out of the car, so she got into the passenger seat again.

"Go to his hospital." Mrs. Ye told the driver.

The driver quickly agreed, started the car, and drove towards Qin Yanyi's hospital.

Qin Yanyi asked, "Did An An sleep this afternoon?"

"Yes, I just woke up not long ago and I'm having some snacks." Speaking of her granddaughter, Mrs. Ye couldn't hide her happiness, and the coldness between her brows and eyes faded a little.

She glanced sideways at him and said, "You prescribed vitamins and calcium tablets for An An. Is it the Qin family's daily diet to supplement An An's nutrition?"

It seemed that as long as he answered "yes", she would take An An back to the Ye family to raise him.

"No." Qin Yanyi said with a smile, "I gave my third and fourth brothers some body conditioning medicine. An An saw it and saw that she was very curious, so I gave her some vitamins and calcium tablets."

"That's it." Mrs. Ye was reluctantly satisfied with this statement. Thinking about it, it really suited her granddaughter's childlike innocence.

Qin Yanyi remained calm and said politely: "You should eat a balanced diet, which will help your sleep. If necessary, I can also help you adjust it."

Mrs. Ye glanced at him and said, "You kid, you have sharp eyes, and you can see it."

Qin Yanyi was silent, seeming to be considering his next words.

After a moment, he said slowly: "You should also take less medicine. Long-term dependence will occur and cause irreversible damage to the body."

The air in the car suddenly condensed.

Lu Xi, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, suddenly felt cold sweat pouring down her back.

How could Master Yan Yi know?
This matter is very secret. Except for a few members of the Ye family, she, who is the old lady’s special assistant, and the attending physician, it is impossible for anyone else to know.

Madam Ye looked indifferent and ordered in a cold voice: "Lu Xi, go check who has such a loose mouth."

Just as Lu Xi was about to agree, she was interrupted.

(End of this chapter)

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