Chapter 194
Mrs. Ye glanced at the big white goose again and repeated: "Do you need it?"

The big white goose shook his head: "Quack..."

No, although this goose hasn’t eaten anything today, it’s not a big problem.

The big white goose originally thought that he could go back to Bay Villa in the evening after being hungry.

Oh, it doesn't matter, just bear with it a little longer, you can go back to Bay Villa tomorrow to eat and drink!

Qin Sui'an raised his little face and looked at his grandmother in confusion.

Is grandma like An An, able to understand the words of the big white goose?
Mr. Ye and Ye Rongyuan looked at Mrs. Ye at the same time, with confusion in their eyes.

After receiving everyone's gaze, Mrs. Ye lowered her head and asked the little nipples softly: "An'an, do you want to eat the big white goose?"

Ah~ turns out grandma doesn’t understand.

Qin Sui'an replied in a sweet voice: "Grandma, the big white goose said it's not necessary~"

Mr. Ye and Ye Rongyuan looked away. It turned out that they were asking An An.

Mrs. Ye asked again: "Shall someone send it back first? In case it doesn't get hungry."

The little girl looked at the big white goose and blinked her round eyes.

The big white goose shook his head again, "Gah!" No, An'an's cub will go back, and this goose will go back again!

It took the An An cub away, so it should be expected that it would take the An An cub back with it!
Qin Sui'an's little goose language translator came online and said obediently: "If the big white goose doesn't go back, go back with An An~"

Mrs. Ye nodded and handed the bottle to her, "Okay, then I won't give it away."

After dinner, at around eight o'clock, Qin Haochen made another video call.

This time, there was not only Qin Haochen on the screen, but several of An An's brothers stood behind him.

Qin Haochen first aggressively occupied An An for a few minutes, then reluctantly handed them the phone and asked them to chat with An An.

After not seeing each other for a day, Qin Sui'an's two little ears were surrounded by the words of his brothers.

The phone call lasted until 09:30 in the evening. Qin Haochen forcibly stopped the "indiscriminate bombardment" of his sons by his sons and took back the sovereignty of the mobile phone.

Seeing the tired look on the little girl's face, Qin Haochen couldn't bear to see her tired, so he said goodbye to her and ended the call.

Mrs. Ye picked up the little breasts, went to the bathroom in the lounge next door to wash up, helped her change into pajamas, and then came back to the room.

There were piles of dolls around the small bed, and Ye Rongyuan's big bear was placed in the corner, and he just stuffed it inside.

Qin Sui'an lay down on the bed. When she turned her head, she could see her mother, her round eyes curled up.

Mrs. Ye covered her with the quilt, bent down and kissed her forehead, "Good night, good night."

"Good night, grandma~" Qin Sui'an said sweetly, and then said to her mother: "Good night, Mom~"

Mrs. Ye raised her lips and smiled, stepped lightly, and walked out of the room.

The door to the room was ajar and not closed tightly.

She stood outside the room, quietly looking at the little breasts slowly falling asleep, and the little breasts' mother and her daughter.

The big white goose still stayed in the living room, huddled on the sofa and fell asleep.

Mrs. Ye suddenly turned her head to look at it and whispered: "An'an is awake, remember to tell us."

"Huh?" The big white goose looked at her doubtfully.

How is it going to tell them?Even if you call them, this group of humans won't understand.

Mrs. Ye said: "We are in the lounge next door. When I hear your cry, we will naturally come over."

The big white goose nodded in understanding: "Gah!" Okay, when the baby An An wakes up, the goose will call more.

"Yes." Mrs. Ye continued to look into the room and still did not leave.

Until Mr. Ye came to find her, put his arm around her shoulders, and said in a lower voice: "Okay, let's go, it's getting late, it's time to rest." "Okay."

The big white goose watched them walk out of the ward.

Worried that An An would wake up tomorrow and not notice it, the big white goose jumped off the sofa and came to the door of the room.

Although the sofa here is not as comfortable, it is still enough for a night's sleep.

It huddled at the door of the room, ensuring that it would be the first to notice any movement inside.

After adjusting its posture, it hid its head in the snow-white down. Before going to sleep, it thought in a daze: How could An An, the cub's grandmother, understand her own words?


Qin Sui'an fell asleep and woke up naturally.

She stretched herself comfortably, got up from the crib, and carefully held her mother's hand, "Good morning Mom~ Wake up peacefully!"

The little girl slowly lowered her head and carefully kissed the back of her mother's hand, "Mom, please wake up soon."

The big white goose heard the movement in the room and woke up, "Gah~" Baby An An got up really early today, it's not even seven o'clock yet.

Qin Sui'an followed the sound and looked at the door of the room, bending his eyes towards it, "Good morning, big white goose~"


The big white goose responded to her and then walked to the door of the ward.

Just as it was thinking about how to open the door and go to the lounge next door to "notify" An An's family that An An had woken up, suddenly, footsteps came from outside.

A few seconds later, the door to the ward in front of him was pushed open.

Mrs. Ye didn't have time to change, so she opened the door and walked in wearing home clothes.

She first glanced at the big white goose standing at the door, and then walked to the room, "Is An An awake?"

"Grandma~ Good morning~" Qin Sui'an curled his round eyes, "Grandma got up so early too."

"Good morning, I just woke up too." Mrs. Ye walked in slowly, gently held her face with both hands, and kissed her cheek, "An'an, did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah!" Qin Suian nodded his head.

Mrs. Ye held her in her arms, "Let's go wash up and have breakfast first, okay?"

"Okay~" Qin Suian leaned in her arms obediently.

The two left the room and went to the lounge next door to wash up and change clothes.

When helping Xiao Naituan change clothes, Mrs. Ye asked her: "Your father may be busy with work today. An'an, can we go back to Bay Villa in the evening?"

Qin Sui'an nodded: "Okay~"

Mrs. Ye's selfish intention was not to want the little breasts to leave, but she knew she couldn't do this.

After breakfast, Qin Sui'an looked at the time and called her father.

Qin Haochen just got into the car and was about to go to the Qin Group.

Qin Sui'an told him by the way about returning to Bay Villa in the evening.

After listening, Qin Haochen was not surprised and said, "Okay, then dad will get off work in the evening and will just go and pick you up."

The phone call ended when the Qin Group arrived.

As the president of Ye's Group, Ye Rongyuan could no longer "absent work" willfully. Today, he only made a hurried trip to the hospital at noon, and then returned to Ye's to handle official business.

At early five o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Haochen's car stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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