Chapter 207 Video forwarded online

Qin Sui'an slept for a long time. It seemed that the game in the morning had exhausted her energy.

When she woke up again, she rubbed her eyes drowsily. After seeing her surroundings clearly, her round eyes suddenly brightened.

Qin Sui'an turned his little head and saw his mother sleeping in the hospital bed.

She immediately laughed happily, got up from the cot, stretched out her little hands very skillfully, got under the sheets of the hospital bed, and held the hand of the comatose person.

"Mama, An An is here!"

Qin Sui'an spoke very quietly, as if she was afraid of disturbing her sleeping mother, but her full joy was hidden in the small volume.

The little girl didn't want to leave, she just looked at the person on the hospital bed quietly and obediently.

Mrs. Ye was sitting on the sofa in the living room outside, gently flipping through some documents that Lu Xi had brought over from the Ye Group.

From time to time she stopped what she was doing and listened.

There had been no movement in the room, it was very quiet.

Mrs. Ye raised her eyes and glanced at the time.

The little girl slept for a long time during her nap this time.

The door to the ward was gently pushed open, and it was Lu Xi who came in.

After Xiao Naituan fell asleep, Mrs. Ye told them not to knock on the door, but to just come in and talk if they had anything to do.

Lucy came in at the right time according to the old lady's usual speed of correcting documents.

Looking at the half-approved documents on the desktop, Lu Xi looked surprised.

Why did the old lady approve so slowly this time?
Soon, Lu Xi suddenly realized something.

The old lady allocated most of her attention to the young lady and Miss Chaosi.

Lu Xi didn't speak, kept a certain degree of silence, and silently left the ward and closed the door.

Mrs. Ye ignored the movements from Special Assistant Lu Xi.

She glanced at the direction of the room, thought about it, and put down the documents in her hand just in case.

The door to the room was not closed tightly, but only vaguely opened.

Mrs. Ye carefully opened a crack in the door and looked into the room.

The room was very quiet, but it was not because the little breasts had not yet woken up, but because the little breasts had woken up, but still remained quiet.

I saw a small figure standing next to the hospital bed, bent over and lying on his stomach, with his little face facing away from the door.

Mrs. Ye has seen this familiar scene before.

The corners of Mrs. Ye's lips raised unconsciously. She walked in with gentle steps and whispered softly: "An'an."

Qin Sui'an stood up straight, turned his head, saw his grandma, his round eyes curved, and he responded to her in a soft voice: "Grandma~"

"How long has it been since An An woke up?" Mrs. Ye came to Xiao Naituan and hugged her into her arms.

Qin Suian shook his little head, "Soon."

Mrs. Ye stayed with her in the room for a while, and then took her to the living room.

Qin Sui'an's eyes were immediately attracted by the documents on the table, "Is grandma also busy with work?"

She recognized that the documents looked similar to the ones her father read at work.

Mrs. Ye knew that Xiao Naituan was smart and attentive, so she did not deliberately coax or hide anything. She said, "Part of it has been dealt with, but there is still some left to do."

When Qin Sui'an heard this, he immediately took her grandma's hand and asked her to sit on the sofa. "Grandma is busy, An An can do it by herself." Mrs. Ye raised her lips and smiled, not rejecting her kindness and following her words. , sat down and picked up a document, "Then I'll be busy for a while, An'an, if you need me if you need anything, just call me."

Qin Suian nodded his head seriously: "Okay~"

Seeing her obedient appearance, Mrs. Ye followed suit and read the documents obediently.

This time, no big white goose followed. Qin Sui'an strolled around the living room, but was worried that it would disturb her grandma's work, so she returned to the room and continued to hold hands with her mother.

The video of Qin Sui'an's game this morning has been circulated by many people. A three-and-a-half-year-old chess god suddenly appeared in the chess world. Most people are asking about the little chess god's family background.

At the same time, a video clip of Qin Suian playing the piano in a restaurant was also posted on the Internet by onlookers.

Although the face of the little breasts was not photographed, the melodious piano music alone, coupled with the cute and serious back view, has captured the hearts of many netizens and reposted it everywhere.

Hengdian Film and Television City in H City.

The movie "The Blind Painter" is entering the end of its shooting period. In one week, the entire movie will be officially completed.

Perhaps because the filming date is getting closer and closer, the atmosphere on the set is relaxed but also a little anxious, as if everyone can't wait to finish filming. After all, this movie took nearly nine months to shoot.

After the director's "click", the actors in front of the camera went into intermission, while other staff members were busy preparing for the next scene.

The man with a tall and tall figure and a clear and handsome face slowly left the camera and returned to his rest area.

His assistant immediately handed over a cup of American ice coffee, "Brother Yuan."

"Thank you." The man's voice was clear and clear, and his calm tone contained no emotion at all.

He closed his eyes, and his thick eyelashes cast a shallow shadow under his eyelids.

The actress who was one of the supporting actresses in this movie took advantage of her break to come up and talk to her, "Senior Ye, thank you for your hard work. Were you hurt by the fall just now?"

The man opened his eyes and glanced at the other person with indifferent eyes, "No."

Occasionally minor injuries during filming are nothing, as every industry has its own set of workloads.

"I just happened to bring a bottle of bruises ointment today. Senior Ye, this bottle is for you." The actress handed forward the bruises ointment she held in her hand, her cheeks flushed, and she lowered her head shyly.

The man did not speak.

The assistant saw Brother Yuan's thin lips slightly pursed into a straight line, and quickly stepped forward and politely asked the actress to leave: "Sister, Brother Yuan wants to be quiet for a while. Brother Yuan has to continue filming later."

The actress was reluctant: "Then my ointment for bruises..."

The assistant continued to say politely: "We brought a medical kit, please keep this bottle for yourself."

The actress bit her lip, looked at the man's cold and indifferent face, and finally left with her bruise ointment in hand.

The surroundings were finally quiet for a moment.

The assistant didn't speak anymore and looked around from time to time, fearing that another actress would come and try to get close to their brother Jiayuan.

The filming of the scene is almost over, why are they still so obsessed with making friends with Brother Yuan?
Alas, he really didn't understand.

"Where's my phone?"

The assistant snapped out of his thoughts.

He quickly took out a black mobile phone from his bag and handed it over with both hands: "Brother Yuan, your mobile phone is here. There are no missed calls and no messages."


The man reached out and took the black mobile phone. His slender hand had clear joints. The black mobile phone made his skin whiter and whiter, forming an extremely sharp contrast.

(End of this chapter)

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