My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 22 The little baby’s new mission: accompany dad to work

Chapter 22 The little baby’s new mission, accompanying dad to work~
Qin Sui'an was stunned for a moment after hearing this, his big round eyes blinking cutely twice.

She turned her little head to look at her big brother, then turned her little head back to look at the big white goose who was crying and very emotional.

From what Qin Haochen heard, the living room was filled with the sound of geese, which made his head hurt.

I don’t know if it was the right decision to leave this big white goose in Bay Villa.

He lowered his head to look at the small nipples, and then glanced sideways at Qin Fuga.

Qin Fuga was accused one after another by the big white goose, but his expression remained calm and calm. His eyes slowly fell on the big white goose, showing the attitude of a saint looking at the mortal goose.

He opened his lips lightly and said slowly: "It seems that I am still too excited. I will continue to chant sutras and meditate later."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue to the big white goose.

The quacking of the big white goose stopped suddenly, and he looked at Qin Fuga blankly, as if the goose's life was uncertain.

Will he spend the rest of his days chanting sutras and meditating?
Qin Fuga looked at it and said slowly and leisurely: "You can also choose to leave Bay Villa."

The big white goose is a creature of the animal realm. In the six paths of reincarnation in Buddhism, only those who have sown ignorance and committed evil deeds in their previous lives will fall into the animal realm.

Qin Fuga wants to cleanse the bad fate of the big white goose's death as much as possible. On the one hand, it will help the big white goose's reincarnation in the next life. On the other hand, it can also let it put down the evil thoughts of animal nature in its heart and accompany his sister Xiao Sui. install.

Qin Fujia has only been practicing in the mountains for three years, but he has a high level of understanding, profound Taoism, and is known as Master Fukong. Countless people are vying to spend a lot of money just to have him personally recite sutras for them to ward off evil spirits.

If others knew that the big white goose could chant sutras and meditate with him, the life of the big white goose might be in danger.

The big white goose suddenly looked at him in surprise, as if he really understood Qin Fuga's kindness towards him.

After a moment, it lowered its little head, let out a "quacking" sound, walked to the sofa, flapped its wings, flew onto the sofa, and sat down obediently as before.

Before it was forced, now it is voluntary.

Qin Haochen saw the little nub in his arms looking at the big white goose with a small expression on his face, thinking about something seriously. He asked softly: "An'an, what did the big white goose say?"

"The big white goose said that it will be obedient in the future." Qin Sui'an repeated what the big white goose had just said in a sweet voice.

She looked at her eldest brother, as if she was extremely curious, and asked in a cute voice: "Can eldest brother also understand what the big white goose said?"

Obviously An'an didn't tell the big brother what the big white goose said~ but the big brother seemed to know everything~
Qin Haochen was also very curious about this and wanted to ask him this question yesterday.

Qin Fuga received the same gaze from their father and daughter, with a calm expression and a calm tone: "I guessed it."

"Wow~" Qin Sui'an's round eyes suddenly lit up, looking at his eldest brother with admiration, and praised sweetly in his little voice: "Big brother is so awesome!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he placed his palm on her little head and rubbed it twice gently.

The big white goose couldn't believe it when Qin Fujia said it was a guess. It called "quack" twice.

How could it be possible to guess so accurately?
Qin Fuga turned his head and glanced at it: "It's not difficult to guess."

Big White Goose: ...

It only feels that this human being is so terrifying.

He Yan was waiting for the CEO outside the castle. When he saw that the time was almost up, he walked into the castle, came to the president, and reminded in a low voice: "President, it's time to go to the group."

Qin Sui'an heard what Uncle He whispered to Dad, and his round eyes lit up instantly. He looked at Dad with joy, his little face full of expectation.Daddy said, An An has an extra task today, which is to accompany Daddy to work~
Qin Haochen received the sight of the shiny little breasts, raised his lips and smiled, "Okay, let's go now."

Qin Sui'an was so happy that she immediately waved her little hands to her big brother and the big white goose, and said in a sweet voice: "Goodbye, big brother~ Goodbye, big white goose~ An'an is going to work with daddy!"

Anyone who heard it could tell that there was undisguised joy in her little milky voice.

Qin Fujia looked at his father with slight surprise. Dad actually wanted to take An An to the group?
Then, he nodded to the small breasts and said with a smile: "Goodbye, An'an."

The big white goose also responded to the human cub's words: "Quack~"

Qin Haochen suddenly remembered something and paused for a moment. He signaled He Yan to leave first, and then asked the little girl softly: "An'an, does the big white goose have anything else to say?"

He was worried that something unexpected would happen if he brought his small breasts to the group.

If the big white goose can predict the future, accidents can be avoided.

Although relying on a big white goose is a bit outrageous, as long as it has to do with the little milk balls, he will do it no matter how outrageous it is.

The big white goose tilted its head, and a few seconds later, it let out a "quacking" sound.

So far, it hasn't seen any bad pictures, so it doesn't know if there will be any accidents.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes, and said obediently: "Daddy, the big white goose said it doesn't know~"

Qin Haochen nodded gently, "Okay, dad understands."

Then, Qin Haochen looked at Qin Fuga again, telling him with his eyes that if anything happens to the big white goose, he should tell him at any time.

Qin Fuga nodded calmly.

After the explanation, Qin Haochen walked out of the castle with his little nipples in his arms, got into their Qin family's luxury car, and went to work at the Qin Group with his little nipples.

All his shares have been transferred to the name of Xiaonaituan. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is working part-time.

Qin Sui'an's small breasts are sitting in her exclusive child safety seat.

After all, this was her third time going out by car. The first time was when Daddy took her home from the orphanage, and the second time was when she and Daddy went out to eat and buy toys at noon yesterday.

Her excitement lasted the whole way, her little neck stretched hard, her big round eyes looked at the receding scenery outside the window, and her little mouth pursed a smile.

When Qin Haochen usually goes to the group, he always takes advantage of the car to read some documents first, but at this moment, he ignored the pile of documents.

He paid full attention to every move of the little nipples. When the little nipples smiled, he also raised his lips and smiled. The little nipples showed curious eyes, so he ordered the driver to drive slower so that the little nipples could take a few more glances at those things. Something new to her.

The journey from Bay Villa to Qin Group originally only took 10 minutes, but this time it took twice as long.

Ten minutes later, the luxury car parked at the main entrance of Qin Group.

He Yan quickly got out of the car, walked around the back of the car, and then respectfully opened the back seat door, carefully protecting the president and Miss An An.

Qin Haochen walked out of the car with her small breasts in her arms and took a steady step.

(End of this chapter)

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