My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 220 The lie is exposed, no match for the little breasts

Chapter 220 The lie is exposed, no match for the little breasts

With a smile on his face, Ji Yi looked at Shao Xinxin up and down with his penetrating eyes, "So you are Shao Xinxin."

Previously, the Shao family wanted him to accept Shao Xinxin as their disciple and wanted to bribe him with money. He had a very bad impression of the Shao family at that time.

I didn’t expect that we are not a family, we don’t enter the same house.

I saw that Shao Xinxin, who was only five or six years old, dared to pretend to be Xiao Naituan and tried to become Gu Maowen's apprentice.

Gu Maowen heard Ji Yi's ambiguous words and asked curiously: "What? Do you know her?"

"I don't know. I've just heard of this name. It's been spread outside that the person you're looking for is Shao Xinxin." Ji Yi said with emotion: "I don't know who spread the word. Even you, Gu Maowen, I didn’t even know you were looking for Shao Xinxin.”

After finishing his words, Ji Yi glanced at Shao Xinxin intentionally or unintentionally.

Shao Xixin pursed his lips slightly and said nothing.

"It's just rumors." Gu Maowen was not young and had already seen through such unfounded rumors.

He turned to look at Shao Xixin and asked: "The little breasts in the video are only two or three years old. Are you five or six years old? Why do you say the person in the video is you?"

Shao Xinxin knew in her heart that her plan would be disrupted by Ji Yi, but she was not panicked at all.

So what if Ji Yi knows Qin Suian?So what if he recognized that the person Gu Maowen was looking for was Qin Suian?
She has been taking piano training classes, and she has lived her life again, but she doesn't believe it. Her piano skills are not as good as Qin Sui'an!
As long as she plays a piano piece in front of Gu Maowen, Gu Maowen will realize that she is more powerful than Qin Suian!More suitable to be his apprentice!
Thinking of this, Shao Xinxin raised her chin confidently and looked at Gu Maowen firmly: "If Teacher Gu doesn't believe it, you can listen to me play the piano!"

"Oh?" Gu Maowen chuckled, but the little girl's tone was arrogant.

Ji Yi crossed his arms over his chest, as if watching a good show.

The assistant listened with interest, the light of gossip twinkling in his eyes.

Seeing that the little girl seemed to have some strength, he whispered: "Teacher Gu, what if it is really her? Why don't we let her play it and see?"

Gu Maowen looked at Shao Xinxin and said, "Okay, I'll give you a chance."

"Thank you, Teacher Gu!" Shao Xinxin raised a bright smile, "Teacher Gu, I will not let you down!"

There was an electronic piano in the lounge. Gu Maowen pointed at the electronic piano and said, "Go ahead and play your best song for me."

Shao Xinxin looked at the electronic piano, with a flash of disgust in his eyes, "Teacher Gu, aren't there any other pianos? I usually use the same brand of Steinway piano at home as on the stage."

The most expensive electronic piano costs only tens of thousands of yuan. How can it be worthy of her status?

Gu Maowen frowned.

Ji Yi laughed and said, "Lao Gu, the electronic piano you grew up with has been despised."

This electronic piano is quite old. Gu Maowen used to have a very poor family environment. This electronic piano was the first time he participated in the competition and won the No. 1 prize.

Gu Maowen has always cherished it and even took it with him wherever he went. On the one hand, this electronic piano gave him a different life, and on the other hand, he wanted to use it to warn himself not to be blinded by money and interests.

Shao Xinxin was stunned. Ji Yi's words reminded her of the origin of this electronic piano.

She reacted very quickly, immediately showing regret and remorse, and whispered:

"Sorry, Teacher Gu, I can play on this electronic piano, but I may not be used to the feel and may make mistakes. I hope Teacher Gu doesn't mind."

Gu Maowen no longer wanted to hear her play the piano.

Even if she might be the person he wants to find, if her character is so low and her talent is so great, he will not accept such a person as his apprentice.

Perhaps they spent too long at the door of the lounge. There were many people quietly watching from a place not far away.

"I just heard that this little girl is Shao Xinxin." "Ah, isn't that the person Teacher Gu is looking for?"

"But why does the atmosphere seem not right?"

"Did Teacher Gu bully her?"

There was a rustling sound of discussion.

Looking at Shao Xinxin again, he looked like a pitiful victim, with his head lowered and his shoulders shrinking.

Gu Maowen was about to issue an eviction order and ask his assistant to take away this liar. On the side, Ji Yi stopped him:

"There's no need to ruin your reputation over this."

Gu Maowen has been abroad all year round, and he still doesn't understand that domestic public opinion can "kill" someone, no matter how powerful or high-status you are.

Ji Yi, however, was used to seeing these unsavory tricks. He was calmer and knew how to deal with them better than Gu Maowen.

Gu Maowen glanced at him, and after a moment, he turned to look at Shao Xixin: "Go and play."

"Thank you, Teacher Gu!" Shao Xinxin didn't dare to cause trouble anymore, lest she be driven away and her chance would be gone!
She trotted to the electronic piano and sat down, straightening her back and placing her hands on the black and white piano keys.

What Shao Xinxin plays is her best, and it was also the piece that she won No. 2 in the piano competition in her previous life.

She is very confident that this piano piece will definitely make Gu Maowen look at her with admiration and he can’t wait to accept her as his disciple!
The sound of piano came from the lounge.

Even the nearby onlookers heard the sound of the piano.


"This little girl is pretty awesome!"

"Maybe the person Teacher Gu is looking for is really her!"

A piano piece ends.

Shao Xinxin stood up, bowed slightly towards the electronic piano with a very respectful expression, then turned around and looked at Gu Maowen, with a face filled with anticipation: "Teacher Gu, I've finished playing."

Ji Yi didn't know anything about piano and didn't hear anything about it.

It's just that I just finished listening to the concert of my old classmate Gu Maowen not long ago, and then I listened to Shao Xinxin's playing, and I felt that the latter's playing was somewhat ordinary.

He turned to look at his old classmate.

Gu Maowen's expression didn't change much, but there was a hint of "I saw the right person" in his eyes.

He chuckled softly, "You are not the person in the video."

Shao Xinxin clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and asked him in dissatisfaction: "Teacher Gu, am I worse than her at playing?"

"Hmph." Gu Mao heard a contemptuous smile and said unceremoniously: "It's worse than 01:30."

A piano piece not only allows people to hear the emotions contained in the piece, but also allows people to experience the character of the piano player.

But from the piano music just now, he could hear the superficial emotions, the illusion of performing specifically for people to see, and the improper attitude of the piano player who was eager to "perform himself."

This is the worst way to perform, and the one he hates the most.

(End of this chapter)

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