Chapter 239 A birthday gift for the [-]th birthday

Xiao Naituan's words made Mrs. Ye and Qin Yanyi sigh in relief at the same time.

But Xiao Naituan's next words stunned them again:
"An'an wants to give Grandpa Ou a whole dairy farm~~~!"

Qin Sui'an remembered clearly what his grandmother said just now.

100 million is just enough to buy an entire dairy farm!
Mrs. Ye couldn't help laughing, she wanted to laugh, but she was helpless.

The little breasts seem to be on par with 100 million.

Either buy milk worth 100 million, or buy a dairy farm worth 100 million.

Qin Yanyi was confused when he heard Xiao Naituan's decision.

Isn't the little milk group giving away the family's dairy farm?

Just when Qin Yanyi was about to speak, he heard Xiao Naituan say again:

"Second brother, who should I buy the dairy farm from?" Qin Sui'an asked seriously.

In her opinion, if the second brother can buy the family's [-] cows, he will also know where to buy the dairy farm!

"Huh?" Qin Yanyi was confused again, and then realized that Xiao Naituan was not going to give away the family's dairy farm.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I'll go and ask. It seems that the previous farmer opened another dairy farm."

The cows from the farmer's previous dairy farm were sold out by Qin Yanyi.

Not long after, the farmer's cows will be sold out again, and this time even the land will be sold in one pot.

Qin Sui'an's eleven million was spent smoothly not long after he got it.

Qin Haochen knew that Xiao Naituan's gift had been changed from milk to dairy farm, so he calmly supported all Xiao Naituan's decisions without blinking an eye.

The Ye family did not stop him. Whether it was 100 million or the dairy farm, it was not their concern at all. They only cared about whether the little milk ball was happy.

The Qin family and the Ye family gave gifts without any pressure, and all the pressure would only fall on the recipients of the gifts.

After deciding on the birthday gift for Grandpa Ou, Qin Sui'an began to look forward to the banquet.

She knew that her grandmother had said that attending the banquet would take two hours, which was about the same time as taking a nap.

The next day, on the day of the banquet, Qin Sui'an did not take a nap. She just stayed by her mother's bedside, flipping through the storybook that her third uncle bought and telling stories through pictures, and whispered the stories in it to her mother. .

Mrs. Ye was afraid that the little girl would be too sleepy, so she tried to coax her several times but could not persuade her to take a nap.

She was very helpless, but more importantly, she felt sorry for the little breasts.

Perhaps it was the novelty of attending the banquet that made Qin Sui'an very excited. He didn't take a nap in the afternoon, but he looked very energetic.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Ye asked Lu Xi to prepare snacks.

The gift for Mr. Ou was also ready. Qin Yanyi put the transfer documents of the dairy farm in a document bag.

The little girl followed the tutorial on wrapping gifts online, wrapped the document bag with beautiful colored paper, and tied a cute bow with a ribbon.

After eating snacks, Mrs. Ye took her little breasts and put on her little dress, and went to Mr. Ou's birthday party with Mr. Ye, Ye Liyuan, and Ye Rongyuan.

Mr. Ou's [-]th birthday was held in the Ou family manor. The large lawn was filled with joyful decorations and melodious music sounded in the manor.

The Ye family did not often attend various banquets in the past. After the accident at home, they completely refused to be invited to various lively occasions. But this time, because the little girl is full of novelty about other people's banquets, the Ye family rarely makes an exception. , accompanied by the little tit group to participate.

Ouyang Fu knew from Ye Rongyuan in advance that the Ye family was going to attend the banquet. The news that the Ye family had signed the top domestic dress designer Morse also spread. Suddenly, more people attended Mr. Ou's birthday party than before. There are even more people.At this time, there was still an hour before the official start of the banquet, but the Oujia Manor was bustling with people chatting and laughing while drinking and drinking.

"I haven't seen Mrs. Ye since she was the daughter of the Ye family..."

"When my daughter is sick, a mother must take care of her wholeheartedly. How can she occasionally show her face like before?"

"I don't know what kind of illness her daughter is ill from. The news is really tightly sealed."

"Shh, don't talk about this. If you want to offend the Ye family, don't drag us into trouble."

"Change the topic - I heard that Mrs. Ye will bring her granddaughter to the banquet this time."

"Mrs. Ye's granddaughter? Isn't that the little daughter of the Qin family who got lost and came back?"

"Yeah, I also went to the Qin family's banquet a while ago. The little daughter is so cute!"

At this moment, a bright yellow GTR sports car drove into the manor accompanied by the low roar of the engine.

With a beautiful flick of the tail and sudden braking, the bright yellow GTR stopped at the door of the manor's villa.

The crowd on the other side of the lawn heard this arrogant noise and turned their heads to look over. Naturally, the topic changed again:

"That's the young master of the Ou family, right? He is indeed a son of old age. The Ou family really dotes on him."

"I heard that Young Master Ou spent tens of millions to buy a painting and give it to Mr. Ou."

"It's so expensive! Which artist's painting is it from? I haven't heard any news about any great paintings being auctioned recently."

"I don't know, but it's mysterious... It should be some great foreign painter."


Ouyang Fu opened the car door and strode into the villa.

The servant immediately greeted him and said softly: "Young Master, the old gentleman is waiting for you in the living room."

Ouyang Fu caught a glimpse of his slightly cautious expression and said, "I didn't cause any trouble. Why do you react like I'm going to be in bad luck?"

"No, no." The servant hurriedly shook his head and reminded: "The old gentleman doesn't look very happy."

Ouyang Fu clicked his tongue and muttered: "How can this be done? Today is his sixtieth birthday! How can he lose his temper at this age?"

He quickened his pace and walked towards the living room, shouting: "I'm back!"

Entering the living room, there is indeed an unusual and weird atmosphere.

Ouyang Fu glanced around the living room.

The Ou family is a big family. Mr. Ou has five sons. Except for the youngest son Ouyang Fu, they are all married.

In the living room, there was not only Mr. Ou, but also the other four young masters of the Ou family.

Seeing his youngest son coming back, Mr. Ou snorted loudly: "You still know that you came back to attend your father's sixtieth birthday!"

"You must know that! Dad, I searched all over the country and abroad and found a very good one..." Thinking that the little painter was still young, Ouyang Fu quickly changed an adjective: "A very powerful and very talented little painter! Specially designed for You painted a picture!”

Mr. Ou resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "I'm not blind, I saw the 100 million that was deducted from my bank card."

Using his money to buy his birthday present was the only thing that this young son dared to do.

(End of this chapter)

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