Chapter 24 The little breasts are very brave and great
"It's over! You scared our Chairman Qin!"

"I think Chairman Qin almost cried because of our loud voices! She is still holding tears in her eyes!"

"This is how to do ah?"

"I'm just saying that the president doesn't like this format! You don't listen to my opinion. Now, everyone has to pack up and leave!"


Discussions broke out one after another in the general manager's office on the top floor, and everyone was panicked.

Inside the President's Office.

Qin Haochen sat on the sofa, gently patted her small breasts with her palms, and coaxed softly: "Don't be afraid, An'an, daddy is here."

The surroundings were quiet and there was only Baba's voice in his ears. Qin Sui'an slowly calmed down.

She looked around quietly. There were no strangers, not even Uncle He.

Sensing that Xiao Naituan's mood had stabilized, Qin Haochen continued, "Is An'an afraid of strangers?"

After spending the past two days together, Xiao Naituan seems to be subconsciously defensive, vigilant, and uneasy about unfamiliar environments and strange people.

This discovery made Qin Haochen feel as if his heart was being grabbed. He wished he could bear all this instead of the little nipple.

"A little bit scared..."

Qin Suian didn't want to cry at first, but when Dad asked this, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

The little mouth was squeezed hard, and the eyes were filled with crumbling tears.

She lowered her little head deeply, not wanting Daddy to see her like this, and whispered in a low voice mixed with a thick nasal voice: "Daddy, An An is not brave, An An is not Daddy's little baby..."

She knew that bravery meant not being afraid of anything or anyone, but she still felt afraid.

Qin Haochen froze for a moment. The next moment, he immediately hugged the small breast in his arms tightly and coaxed in a gentle voice: "Whether An An is brave or not, she is daddy's little baby."

He couldn't imagine what kind of gloomy life Xiao Naibuan led in the orphanage, which made her so insecure.

"An'an, my father was not very brave when he was a child. An'an is still young now." Qin Haochen couldn't help but choke up his voice, and looked at the small breasts with deep eyes full of love, "An'an, let's take it step by step, don't be in a hurry. Become braver slowly, okay?"

Qin Sui'an nodded his head gently.

Following the movement of the small nipple, the tears in her eyes hit Qin Haochen's hand with a "pop" sound.

This is thousands of times more uncomfortable than facing Qin Haochen to death.

Qin Sui'an seemed to realize that she couldn't hold back the tears. She hurriedly raised her little face and explained in a nasal voice: "Daddy, An An doesn't want to cry. It, it didn't obey and fell out."

Qin Haochen endured the sadness in his heart and raised his lips with a smile, "Dad, I know, it's okay. An An can cry. The brave little baby is not afraid of anything, let alone crying."

Hearing Dad's words, Qin Sui'an was confused, blinked his watery round eyes, and murmured to himself: "Is it okay to cry..."

She seemed to be in a trance, as if she heard the dean's fierce roar again:

【Don’t cry!Do you want to be beaten? 】

【Cry, cry, cry!I just know that crying is bad luck! 】

【If you cry again, you won’t get to eat today! 】

[With a dead girl like you, no wonder no one wants you! 】

"An'an, An'an?" Qin Haochen called softly when he felt the little nipple in his arms was distracted, and touched the cheek of the little nipple, "What are An'an thinking? Can you tell daddy?"

Qin Sui'an called out softly, "Daddy..." "Dad is here, An An." Qin Haochen slightly tightened the hand holding the little breast.


Qin Sui'an raised her little face and looked at the daddy holding her, as if she had vented her past grievances, her little mouth deflated, and tears rolled out of her eyes one after another.

She sobbed and cried: "An'an is not an unwanted child. An'an has a daddy and a lot of brothers..."

Qin Haochen's eyes were wet and the tip of his nose was sour. He nodded and responded to the little girl's words: "Yes, An'an is everyone's little baby. Everyone loves An'an."

The little girl cried hard, but what she said was very clear and sure: "An An can eat well, An An can cry, An An can become very brave and not afraid..."

Qin Haochen stretched out a hand and wiped away the tears on the little face.

He nodded again and responded to the little nipple: "Yes, An An is great, great!"

He thought that Xiao Naituan had adapted to life outside the orphanage. He thought that Xiao Naituan had received everyone's care and love for her and would no longer be frightened.

It turns out that all this is just his self-righteousness as an adult.

An An is very well-behaved and sensible. Although her character is a little timid, she has always tried hard to be brave, but she is only a three-and-a-half-year-old girl with small breasts.

After nearly three years of oppression in the orphanage, it will be difficult to get out of the shadows for a while.

Qin Haochen lowered his head slightly and kissed the top of the hair, "An'an is great. In dad's heart, An'an is the bravest little baby."

Qin Sui'an's little body twitched, and once he started crying, he couldn't stop it no matter how hard he held it in.

She wanted to stop, she wanted to stop crying, but Dad's embrace made her feel so warm and comfortable that she couldn't stop crying.

Dad said, An An can cry, and crying is brave.

So An An will just cry for a while, that's enough...

outside the office.

He Yan prepared a bottle of milk and a cup of coffee and knocked twice on the CEO's office door.

Usually the CEO responds to him quickly, but this time he was delayed in waiting for his response.

He Yan was worried that something would happen to the CEO and Miss An An in the office, so he opened the door nervously and carefully.

In less than a second, He Yan slammed the door shut again, even pouring warm milk and scalding coffee all over himself, without any thought to deal with it.

There was only one thought left in his mind: The entire general manager's office was going to die!

It actually scared Miss An An to tears, and she cried so sadly and miserably. Miss An An was really frightened!
And He Yan also clearly saw the CEO's red eyes.

After standing there and calming down for a while, He Yan returned to the tea room sluggishly carrying the unrecognizable milk coffee. Then, he returned to his office and started preparing the recruitment information for the general manager of Qin Group.

When entering the positions that needed to be recruited, He Yan was stunned again.

Will he, the president's special assistant, also have to be fired?
At this moment, He Yan intuitively felt how important Miss An An was to the CEO.

Just as He Yan was preparing his resignation letter and words for his resignation, the landline phone in the office suddenly rang.

Caller ID: President's Office.

He trembled and quickly picked up the phone in panic.

(End of this chapter)

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