Chapter 241 Genes are amazing

Mrs. Ye smiled and responded to her words softly: "Yes, this is the Ou family's manor."

Qin Suian was full of surprise, "Wow~"

The word "manor" is so unfamiliar, and it is so similar to a garden. Does a manor look as beautiful as a garden?

Ye Liyuan and Ye Rongyuan also got out of the car.

Mrs. Ye did not continue to hold the little breast, put her on the ground, carefully arranged her beautiful little dress, then held her hand and walked slowly towards the entrance of the manor.

Mr. Ye, Ye Liyuan, and Ye Rongyuan followed behind them.

Ouyang Fu saw the little painter he was thinking about at a glance.

The little painter is wearing a priceless little dress, which is dotted with hand-encrusted diamonds, sparkling in the light.

But no matter how shining the little dress is, it is not as bright as the little painter's big round eyes.

The little painter's round, watery eyes seem to be able to speak, and coupled with her pink little face, they are so cute that you can't help but smile like an aunt.

His eyes burst out with light, as if they had turned into two love light bulbs: The little painter looks so good-looking!

No wonder Ye Rongyuan has been hiding it and not letting him video chat with the little painter!

If this was his milk baby, he would treasure it too!

Mr. Ou was so nervous that his hands and feet were trembling. He took a deep breath and stepped forward: "Mrs. Ye! Mr. Ye! Welcome!"

With excitement, his voice got a little louder, like thunder.

Qin Sui'an was startled, his round eyes blinked, and he raised his little face to look at the old man with a loud voice in front of him.

Oh ~ what a familiar old grandpa ~ ah!It’s Grandpa Ou in the video!Sure enough, the third uncle did not lie to An An. Grandpa Ou is older than Grandpa Ou in the video~
Mrs. Ye felt the slight trembling of her little breasts, and squeezed her little hand comfortingly. Then she looked at Mr. Ou and congratulated him politely: "Mr. Ou, happy birthday."

"Hahaha...Thank you! Thank you very much!" Mr. Ou was flattered. "It is really an honor for Mrs. Ye to come to my [-]th birthday party!!!"

Ouyang Fu couldn't stand it anymore and tugged on his father's sleeve, "Dad, please keep your voice down, you scared An An."

"Ah?" Mr. Ou was stunned for a second before he realized that "An'an" was Mrs. Ye's granddaughter.

Just now, Mr. Ou, who had been nervous about the two elders of the Ye family, shifted his gaze and looked at the little milk baby that Mrs. Ye was holding.

With just one glance, Mr. Ou suddenly took a breath: The Ye family's genes are amazing!How could there be such a cute little baby?

He was dumbfounded and yelled crazily in his heart: Why doesn't their Ou family have such a cute little baby?

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion, wondering why Grandpa Ou kept staring at him.

Ouyang Fu was keenly aware of the sudden coldness on the Ye family's faces. He quickly tugged on his father's sleeve again: "Dad!"

If they don't come back to their senses, the Ou family will be blacklisted by the Ye family!

Mr. Ou suddenly came back to his senses and instantly received the vigilant and cold gazes of the four adults of the Ye family, as well as the curious and innocent eyes of the little milk baby.

"I, I'm not, that, I..." Mr. Ou waved his hands repeatedly and hurriedly explained: "Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, your granddaughter is so cute! I don't mean anything else!"

If he had other intentions, the Ye family's bodyguards would have detained him long ago.

Mrs. Ye first looked at Xiao Naituan. Seeing that Xiao Naituan was not frightened by Mr. Ou's presumptuous gaze, Mrs. Ye reluctantly relaxed a little and reminded: "Mr. Ou, it's time for the banquet to begin."

(End of this chapter)

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