Chapter 260 Knows more than him

The little breasts were full of innocent questions, which directly knocked Qin Haochen down.

He could almost imagine the cute little expression of doubt and curiosity on the little breasts outside the camera.

Qin Haochen couldn't help but laugh. He couldn't hide the smile in his deep eyes. His thin lips were raised, and his faint smile was full of doting and helplessness.

He explained gently and patiently: "An An was not born yet, so she did not attend the wedding of her father and mother."

"Not born yet?" Qin Sui'an's little face was dazed and confused, and her big round eyes were filled with clear curiosity. She had a new question: "Why hasn't An An been born yet?"

"Because..." Qin Haochen felt that all the problems the group had encountered so far were not as difficult as the problem of Xiaonuituan.

He shook his head helplessly and laughed, "An'an, dad can't answer your question."

"Ah~~~" Qin Sui'an was very regretful, and then asked: "Papa can't answer, then who can answer? An'an will ask someone who can answer~"

Qin Haochen couldn't stop the smile on his lips, and his little breasts seemed to be very persistent in answering this question.

Qin Sui'an was so curious that he stopped drinking his favorite milk and frowned in confusion.

She also wants to attend her parents' wedding. She is their daughter, so how can she not attend?

So she wanted to know, why wasn't she born yet?Couldn't he have been born earlier?

Qin Sui'an tilted her little head, puzzled. Then, she looked at her mother sleeping in the hospital bed, "Daddy can't answer, what about Mommy?"

Qin Haochen raised his lips and looked at the woman in the hospital bed like a small breast. He said softly: "It should be okay. Your mother is very powerful and knows more than your father."

"Then when Mommy wakes up, An'an will ask Mommy again~" Qin Sui'an immediately raised his round eyes happily, finally solving the problem temporarily.

Qin Haochen's eyes smiled a little deeper when he listened to Xiao Naituan's cheerful tone.

It was really a bit surprising to throw this "cosmic level" big problem to his wife.

It's really hard for him to answer alone. When she wakes up, they can answer the question of the little nipple together.

Qin Sui'an then drank the remaining milk in the bottle, licked his lips with satisfaction, then replaced the bottle with his mobile phone and held it in his hand.

She announced happily: "Daddy, An An has finished drinking! I'm not hungry anymore!"

Xiao Naituan still remembered that she had not finished talking about what happened at the banquet last night. She had a good memory and immediately continued what she had said before: "After An An gave Grandpa Ou a gift, he started dancing not long after!"

Qin Haochen listened attentively and did not miss any details of what Xiao Naituan said.

Although people reported to him everything that happened at the banquet immediately after the banquet, it was not as good as Xiao Naituan telling him in person.

He couldn't accompany her to the banquet, but he would also experience the joy of small breasts, feel her happiness, and empathize with her.

After telling her parents everything that happened at the banquet, Qin Sui'an didn't feel tired at all, and was even very excited, "Although An An has never met Grandma Ou, Grandpa Ou likes Grandma Ou very much!"

Her mother was sleeping, so the little girl looked at her father, blinked her round eyes, and asked seriously: "Daddy, do you like Mommy?"

(End of this chapter)

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