Chapter 266 Didn’t treat her like a child

Ye Rongyuan pondered for a while and shook his head, "No, I'll go check it out here."

After all, this is their Ye family's business, so I won't bother Ouyang Fu to ask again.

Ouyang Fu glanced at him and knew that he had a plan in his heart. He put back the cell phone he had just taken out, "Then why don't I mention An'an to Teacher Chu Youlin?"

"Yeah." Ye Rongyuan had this in mind and turned to look at the little girl sitting in the children's dining chair who was listening attentively.

His slightly serious expression disappeared, leaving only a gentle smile, "An'an, third uncle, please don't let your identity as a young painter leak out, okay?"

"Okay!" Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes. There was no adult depth in his clear black eyes, only pure innocence.

She knew that her third uncle was protecting her, although she didn't know what kind of danger the young painter's identity would bring to her.

But she felt a little happy because her third uncle didn't treat her like a child and would really ask her opinion because it was something related to her.

The little girl liked this feeling so much that she always had a smile on her face.

The waiter brought their snacks and juices to the table one by one.

The little breasts were even more happy when they saw the delicious food, and their cheeks were flushed with excitement, showing a lovely pink color.

Speaking of being happy, Ouyang Fu was even happier than Xiao Naituan. He handed the strawberry cake that Xiao Naituan had chosen to her, and then passed on all the other desserts. He wished he could put all the desserts in the store. Get in front of the little milk ball.

When Ye Rongyuan saw him like this, he stared at him speechlessly, warning him with his eyes that it was enough not to be too enthusiastic, so as not to scare the little nipple.

Qin Sui'an saw Crazy Uncle's behavior and blinked curiously and blankly, "Crazy Uncle, An An didn't order so many desserts! An An only ordered strawberry cake~"

"It's okay. Let me try it for you and see if it tastes good. If not, just give it to me." Ouyang Fu handed her juice to her again.Qin Sui'an rolled his eyes, "Then An'an, just try a little bit~"

The desserts after lunch were really rich and varied. I only tasted one bite of each of the small milk dumplings, and my stomach was full in no time.

She only ate one bite of the strawberry cake, and Ye Rongyuan and Ouyang Fu ate the rest without wasting it.

After staying in the coffee shop until early two o'clock, Qin Sui'an was a little drowsy, and the sleepyhead waving at her.

Ye Rongyuan hugged the small breast so that she could rest on his shoulders, said goodbye to Ouyang Fu, and walked towards the hospital.

Ouyang Fu was reluctant and walked all the way to the hospital's elevator door. He didn't turn around and leave until the elevator door closed.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye were reading newspapers in the living room of the ward, and Ye Liyuan was reading the script of his next new drama next to them.

As soon as the door of the ward opened and saw the person coming, the three of them put down the newspapers and scripts in their hands at the same time, stood up and greeted him.

Mrs. Ye saw the little nipple leaning on her third son's shoulder. Before she even saw the little face, she knew that the little nipple was asleep. She lowered her voice and asked, "Why have you been out for so long?"

"Ouyang Fu talks too much." Ye Rongyuan also replied in a suppressed voice, entering the room and carefully placing the small breasts on her exclusive little bed.

Madam Ye followed and covered the little nipple with a quilt.

"Mom." Ye Rongyuan saw that she wanted to stay in the room with her, and gestured to her to indicate that she had something to say.

Mrs. Ye frowned, looked at the small breasts, then at her daughter on the hospital bed, and then followed him out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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