Chapter 268 Return to Bay Villa

At the same time, the office of the president of Qin Group.

The little girl was not in Bay Villa these days, so Qin Haochen did not go back to Bay Villa at noon.

When He Yan knocked on the door, Qin Haochen was still sitting at his desk handling official business.

Without raising his head, he scanned the document in his hand with his deep eyes: "Come in."

He Yan opened the door of the office, walked to the opposite side of his CEO, and reported: "President, Mr. Ye's special assistant Jie Hans called and said that the painter Chu Tulin saw the painting painted by Miss An An and was looking for Miss An An. "

It was about the little breasts. Qin Haochen paused with his pen and raised his eyes, "When did it happen?"

He Yan had already inquired about the matter clearly and answered quickly and carefully: "Ouyang Fu, the young master of the Ou family, just told Master Rongyuan about this matter at around one o'clock this afternoon."

Qin Haochen glanced at the time, but it was around two o'clock in the afternoon, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

In such a short period of time, the Ye family sent someone to send a message, which is enough to prove that the Ye family's attitude towards him has softened slightly.

Qin Haochen quickly made a decision and told He Yan: "Go and check."

Needless to say, He Yan naturally understood: "Yes, CEO."

After He Yan left the office, Qin Haochen did not continue to process the documents. Instead, he folded the documents and took out his mobile phone.

He tapped the screen twice with his fingertips to wake up the screen and light up. The phone wallpaper was a cute smiling face shot with a small nipple on the face.

The corners of his lips raised unconsciously, and he looked at the small breasts on the wallpaper.

It was as if this photo had magic power. Just looking at it for a while, Qin Haochen felt that all the fatigue in his body had disappeared and he was not tired at all.

Xiao Naituan is staying at Ye's house for a few days. According to their previous agreement, it's time to take Xiao Naituan back to Bay Villa.

Thinking of meeting the little breasts soon, the smile on Qin Haochen's lips became more obvious.


Qin Sui'an took a nap comfortably for an hour. When he opened his eyes in a daze, he saw his grandmother first.

Mrs. Ye was sitting between the cot and the hospital bed, holding her chin with one hand and closing her eyes, as if she was taking a nap with them.

The little breasts had not yet fully awakened from the hazy drowsiness. She bent her eyes first, not daring to disturb her grandma when she was sleeping, and silently called out: Grandma~
After saying hello to his grandma, Qin Sui'an climbed down from his crib with gentle movements.

Although her movements were very light, Mrs. Ye was sleeping lightly and woke up suddenly.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the little nipple leaning towards her mother. Mrs. Ye raised the corners of her lips and did not disturb the little nipple, looking at her quietly and tenderly.

As usual, Qin Sui'an held her mother's hand under the quilt and spoke to her mother in a low voice. Her voice was soft and waxy: "Mom, good afternoon~ An'an woke up from her nap~"

The smile in Mrs. Ye's eyes deepened a bit.

Qin Sui'an whispered to her mother for a while before getting ready to go out of the room.

Turning around, she saw her grandma waking up, and happily rushed towards her: "Grandma, good afternoon~"

"Good afternoon, An'an." Mrs. Ye stretched out her hands and firmly caught the cute little breasts.

She stood up holding her small breasts and walked out of the room while saying softly: "An'an, give your father a call. After dinner, we will take you back to Bay Villa."

"Okay~" Qin Suian nodded his head obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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