Chapter 274 Heading to the Art Exhibition
In Qin Sui'an's opinion, as long as she stays with her family, she is happy wherever she goes.

The whole body of the little breasts was leaning on grandma's arms, and the little face rubbed happily: "An An can go anywhere~"

"An'an, don't think about saving money for grandma, grandma has a lot of money." Mrs. Qin narrowed her eyes with a smile, her heart filled with the sweet voice of her little granddaughter.

Qin Sui'an raised her face seriously, "Grandma, An An is rich too!"

She has not spent the money she won from the competition, nor has she spent the money given to her by her brothers and uncles.

Although she didn't know how much money she had, she knew that she was also rich.

Mrs. Qin reached out and gently rubbed her little head, "Grandma, think about where you want to take An An to play."

When Qin Haochen went downstairs, Xiao Naituan was playing the second game of chess with her grandfather.

There was no bet this time, it was just the grandfather and grandson practicing each other's chess skills. From time to time, Xiao Naituan would teach her grandfather which move would make him lose more slowly.

Qin Suian heard the footsteps first and immediately looked towards the door of the living room. A few seconds later, she saw her handsome father walking into the living room.

She immediately stretched out her two little hands in the direction of her father, "Daddy~"

"An'an." Qin Haochen hurried forward to greet her, bent down and picked up the small breasts from the sofa into his arms.

Mrs. Qin moved a seat to the side and asked him to sit on the sofa, while asking him, "Are you done?"

"Well, I'm done." Qin Haochen nodded gently, then looked at the small breasts in his arms, his brows and eyes full of tenderness, "Are you sleepy, An'an?"

"Not sleepy yet~" Qin Sui'an shook her little head seriously, looked at her father with her big round eyes, and asked in a sweet voice: "Are you sleepy?"

"Like An An, I'm not sleepy yet." Qin Haochen raised his lips, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead.

Mr. Qin saw that his granddaughter was throwing herself at her father and stopped playing chess. When he saw He Yan just leaving upstairs, he asked by the way: "Did you encounter something difficult? You and He It took a long time for the special assistant to go upstairs."

"It's not too difficult." It's just that when it comes to small breasts, Qin Haochen always puts more thought into it.

Speaking of this, Qin Haochen gently hugged the small breast in his arms and asked her softly, "An'an, do you still remember the painter who wanted to get to know you?"

After the Ye family told him about this matter, Qin Haochen also told Xiao Naituan's grandparents. Just as the matter was found out, they talked about it together while the two elders were there.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes and quickly remembered, "I remember, it's Teacher Chu Tuolin~a teacher who is very good at painting~"

"An An is so smart." Qin Haochen smiled, and then continued: "This teacher recently had an art exhibition in City A. Let's go to this teacher's art exhibition tomorrow, okay?"

The little girl had never been to an art exhibition before, so she vaguely understood that it was related to painting. She immediately nodded her head and agreed readily: "Okay~"

"Okay, then dad will ask someone to make arrangements." Qin Haochen took out his mobile phone and sent a message to He Yan.

Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin looked at each other, and then she looked at her son Qin Haochen, "Why do you suddenly want to see this teacher's painting exhibition?"

Qin Haochen explained: "Teacher Chu Linlin recently wanted to recruit an apprentice. He wanted to find An An. Actually, he wanted to accept An An as his apprentice. I thought An An was still young and didn't have much contact with painting, so I took An An first. Take a look at the art exhibition of Teacher Chu Youlin." As for whether to meet Teacher Chu Youlin in the future and whether to let Xiao Naituan become his disciple, after visiting the art exhibition, it will be determined based on Xiao Naituan's interest in painting and his preference for Teacher Chu Youlin's paintings. To what extent, they will decide later.

This was Qin Haochen's arrangement after careful consideration. Mr. Qin couldn't fault it and looked at him with approval, "Yes, this is good."

Mrs. Qin looked at her son's face and had another concern, "Hao Chen, maybe Teacher Chu Linlin recognizes you."

Although Qin Haochen usually keeps a low profile and only appears in financial newspapers once at most, he still cannot resist his status as the president of the Qin Group.

Qin Haochen didn't care whether he would be recognized, he only cared about whether it would bring bad trouble to the little nipple.

He frowned, "Mom, what do you mean?"

"How about this? It just so happens that your dad lost a bet to me just now, and I haven't decided where to take An An to play yet—"

Mrs. Qin glanced at her husband, then bent slightly and looked at her granddaughter, "An'an, grandma will take you to the art exhibition tomorrow, okay?"

Qin Sui'an listened to the conversations of the adults. When her grandma asked her a question, she showed a serious expression and looked at her father who was holding her with her big eyes as clear as glass.

Qin Haochen rubbed her little head and gave her an encouraging look, "Whatever An An decides, dad can do it."

Qin Sui'an turned to look at her grandma again. After a while, she nodded her head and said, "Okay~ An An will go to the art exhibition with grandma~"

"So good, then it's decided." Mrs. Qin pinched her soft little face with a smile, and said to her son: "I'll take An An, just think of it as a play."

Qin Haochen nodded, "Okay, then you go tomorrow, but I won't go."

If Mr. Qin hadn't lost the bet, he would have wanted to go with him. At this moment, he could only sigh with regret and warned: "Xiaojin, you must be careful."

"I will bring more bodyguards tomorrow." Mrs. Qin did not dare to take it lightly. She would never take her granddaughter out to play rashly without sufficient security.

Chu Tuolin's paintings are exhibited in a bustling urban section of City A. People who come to the exhibition are received at different times every day, and there is even a limit on the number of people who come to the exhibition.

Taking into account the rest of the little breasts, Mrs. Qin chose the afternoon time, waiting for the little breasts to take a nap before taking her with her to the art exhibition.

The dark green Rolls-Royce drove away from the Bay Villa under the watch of the little boy's grandfather, father and six brothers.

Mrs. Qin looked back at the row of people standing at the gate of the castle, and couldn't help but chuckle, "An'an, look, they are all eager to follow us to the art exhibition."

Qin Sui'an turned his little head and looked back, his round eyes curved into small crescent moons, "Grandma, is the art exhibition fun? Why does everyone want to go with it?"

"The art exhibition is just for viewing and buying paintings." Mrs. Qin stretched out her hand and tapped her little nose with the tip of her index finger. "They want to follow An An."

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips and smiled, with a shy blush on her cheeks, "Grandma won, so I can only take An An out to play~"

"Yes, so they can only watch us leave." The smile on Mrs. Qin's face gradually deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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