My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 276 1 Little breast dumpling, can you understand painting?

Chapter 276: Can a small-breasted dumpling understand painting?
Mrs. Qin smiled knowingly and said, "Okay, if there is something you particularly like, tell grandma and we will buy it and take it home."

"Yeah!" Qin Sui'an nodded his head again.

After visiting the first exhibition hall, they continued to the second exhibition hall.

As they were strolling through the exhibition halls one after another, a man wearing a Chinese tunic suit stepped into the exhibition. The five buttons on his placket were rigorously tied to the top, standing upright and solemn.

The security personnel at the door seemed to recognize him and nodded respectfully to him. Before they spoke, the man raised his hand in advance to signal them to be silent.

The man looked back in the direction of the parking lot.

There seemed to be a big shot coming to the exhibition this afternoon. Not only did he arrive in a luxury car, he also brought his own bodyguard into the exhibition hall.

It was only the second day of the art exhibition. Although there were people who spent tens of millions of dollars to buy paintings the day before, he knew in his heart that those people just wanted to buy paintings and show off their culturally influenced appearance.

The man retracted his gaze from the parking lot and continued walking inside.

At this moment, he happened to see a small breast dumpling coming out of the second exhibition hall and walking towards the third exhibition hall.

As she took those small steps, her fluffy skirt swayed, making it difficult not to let him look at her more.

Before he had time to see the face of the little-breasted dumpling, the little-breasted dumpling had already entered the third exhibition hall.

Behind the small-breasted dumpling was an old woman with white hair and a woman in professional clothes who looked like a secretary assistant.

Just as the man was about to look away, he saw four bodyguards in black suits following them into the third exhibition hall.

I was about to walk towards the first exhibition hall, but suddenly stopped.

The man looked a bit enlightened.

It turns out that the "big shot" in the luxury car outside and bringing his own bodyguard to the exhibition today is that little breasted dumpling.

I don’t know which family’s little daughter came to the art exhibition at such a young age. Can a little girl understand those paintings?
He secretly sneered, the richer the people, the more they like to "cultivate" their children into such unrealistic hobbies in order to "grant money" to their children.

Maybe he was curious about whether Little Boobs Dumpling could understand those paintings, or maybe he was in a theater-watching mood, or maybe he hadn't seen the face of Little Boobs Dumpling yet.

All in all, the man gave up his plan to go to the first exhibition hall, turned around, and walked towards the third exhibition hall.

At the same time, Qin Suian was slowly admiring the paintings one by one.

While appreciating the painting, Mrs. Qin paid attention to the changes in her little granddaughter's expression. As long as her little granddaughter showed a "wow" expression, she would ask: "An'an, do you want to buy this painting?"

Qin Suian shook his little head every time and said, "I won't buy it~"

Mrs. Qin smiled and leaned against her granddaughter, "Okay, I won't buy it then."

The little granddaughter seems to have her own ideas in mind, and she must buy the painting.

Mrs. Qin really wants to know at this moment, after visiting all the exhibition halls, which painting will capture the heart of her precious granddaughter, or whether there will be no painting at all.

If not, then she would most likely suggest to her son Qin Haochen to find another painter for her granddaughter to be her master.

After visiting the third exhibition hall, they walked to the fourth exhibition hall.

Not long after entering the fourth exhibition hall, Lu Xi suddenly stepped forward and whispered in Madam Qin's ear: "Madam, there is a man who has been following us since 10 minutes ago."

At first, Lu Xi didn't dare to confirm. After all, there were only a few exhibition halls in the art exhibition.It wasn't until they walked out of the third exhibition hall and entered the fourth exhibition hall that Lucy was sure that the other party was really following them.

Mrs. Qin's heart jumped suddenly, but she kept her calm expression.

She was only focused on visiting the art exhibition with her little granddaughter, and she didn't even notice that someone was following them 10 minutes ago.

Mrs. Qin secretly regretted her lack of care.

Lu Xi then whispered: "Old madam, that man looks like Teacher Chu Youlin."

Lu Xi had never met Mr. Chu Tonglin in person, but after learning that the old lady and Miss An An were coming to Mr. Chu Tonglin's painting exhibition, she checked the relevant information about Mr. Chu Tonglin.

It is said that Teacher Chu Linlin particularly prefers Zhongshan suits.

After hearing what Lu Xi said, Mrs. Qin breathed a sigh of relief and felt baffled.

This teacher Chu Tuolin is so good, what are you doing with them?
Could it be that the precious little granddaughter who recognized her was the person he was looking for?

This possibility is unlikely. After all, the Ye family kept it secret and did not leak any information about their granddaughter.

Mrs. Qin inadvertently scanned the people around her and immediately noticed the man wearing Chinese tunic suit not far from them.

She turned her head slightly and asked Lu Xi in a low voice: "Is that the man in the Chinese tunic suit?"

"It's him, old lady." Lucy nodded.

"Okay, I understand." Mrs. Qin did not dare to take it lightly, "Everything is business as usual."

Lu Xi immediately responded: "Yes, old lady."

Mrs. Qin no longer paid attention to the man who was suspected to be Teacher Chu Tuolin. Whether he was right or wrong had nothing to do with them. They came here just to visit the art exhibition.

Qin Sui'an was not affected by the subtle changes around her. She continued to concentrate on admiring every painting hanging on the wall.

She appreciates these paintings as if she were reading a story, which is fun and full of novelty. For her, every story is a fresh story that she has never encountered before.

Slowly, the fourth exhibition hall was finished, followed by the fifth exhibition hall.

The art exhibition divides the booths according to the order of value. By the fifth exhibition hall, the prices have dropped to the range of 20 to [-].

Perhaps those who came to the art exhibition wanted to get acquainted with the reputation of the painter Chu Taolin. The paintings they bought were basically from the first to the fourth exhibition hall. In the fifth exhibition hall, more than half of the paintings have not yet been sold. out.

When we walked to the last exhibition hall, the price range was below [-] yuan. In the sixth exhibition hall, only one painting worth [-] yuan was sold.

Mrs. Qin followed her granddaughter into the sixth exhibition hall.

She glanced around at the paintings in the sixth exhibition hall. She didn't know whether the lighting was not as gorgeous as in other exhibition halls, or the price gave her some psychological effect. She always felt that the paintings here were more ordinary than those in the previous exhibition halls. , does not give people a strong visual impact.

She seemed to predict that her granddaughter would not want to buy a single painting.

Mrs. Qin secretly thought in her heart that after returning home, she must let her son find a new painter to be the painting master of her precious little granddaughter.

If you don’t even have the thought of letting your little granddaughter buy a painting, how can you be your little granddaughter’s master?
(End of this chapter)

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