Chapter 293 Cute little breasts
The big white goose felt that he could not embarrass the baby An An, so he bent his neck towards him seriously, as if imitating a human nodding and saying hello: "Quack!"

Qin Sui'an's round eyes smiled like a small crescent moon, and he translated for the big white goose: "Master~ the big white goose said, you are also good~"

Chu Youlin couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes. For a moment, he didn't know whether to ask Xiao Naituanzi whether he could understand the goose language, or whether to exaggerate that the white goose was spiritual and would respond to his words.

However, how could Xiaonuituanzi understand goose language?Thinking about it, it seems a bit outrageous, it must be just a coincidence.

The sudden arrival of the big white goose caused them to temporarily stop painting.

Qin Sui'an carefully put away the drawing paper and brushes and said to her master: "Master, let's continue learning next time!"

"Okay, let's learn next time." Chu Youlin smiled.

Qin Sui'an packed up his things and sat on the children's rug in the living room with the big white goose, playing with toys.

Chu Tonglin sat next to Xiao Nai Tuanzi and listened to the back and forth conversation between Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Big White Goose. He felt that it was childish and very interesting.

His hands were itchy. This scene was really warm and loving, and he wanted to record it.

Thinking of this, Chu Youlin came to the door of the living room and asked the bodyguard guarding the door for drawing paper and brushes.

Then, he casually sat on the floor outside the children's rug and began to paint.

Lunch time was getting closer, and the delicious smell of food began to come from the restaurant, and there was some movement at the gate of the castle.

Qin Sui'an's two little ears twitched slightly, then he blinked his round eyes happily and said cheeringly: "Grandpa and grandma are home~"

The big white goose also imitated the baby An An and shouted: "Quack~" The grandparents of the baby An An are home~
A baby and a goose performed a duet.

Qin Sui'an got up from the children's carpet, "Master, An An goes to find her grandparents~"

"An'an, go ahead, I'll finish the painting soon." Chu Youlin was so cute by the cuteness of the little breast dumplings that she warned, "Walk slowly, don't run."

"Okay~ An An, let's go slowly~" Qin Sui'an immediately slowed down obediently and swayed towards the entrance of the castle.

Behind her, the big white goose followed her behind.

Chu Youlin watched Xiaonuituanzi and the big white goose leave the living room, the smile on his face did not diminish, and he continued to busy completing the painting in front of him.

Qin Sui'an approached the castle gate and saw her father talking to her grandparents who had just returned home.

She stepped lightly and moved slowly to the door. She grabbed the edge of the door frame with her two little hands and curiously poked her little head out. Her big round eyes blinked and looked at her family members.

"So An'an is now accepted as a disciple by Chu Youlin?" Mrs. Qin said worriedly: "Teacher Chu Youlin has not had a disciple before. I don't know if he can teach our family An'an well."

Mr. Qin said comfortingly: "We just need to pay attention to follow up. Don't worry too much. If the teaching is not good, then we will change the teacher."

Qin Haochen said: "An'an is in the living room with her master now. I watched for a while and found that Teacher Chu Youlin has his own teaching method, which is okay."

After saying that, he looked at the time and said, "It's almost time to have lunch, parents, let's go in."

"Okay, let's go in first, An An should be hungry too."

Qin Haochen, Mrs. Qin, and Mr. Qin turned around and found half of the little breasts hiding behind the door.

They laughed at the same time. They were not frightened by her sudden appearance. Instead, they just thought she was extremely cute at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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