Chapter 299 A tall mysterious man
Qin Haochen couldn't hide his worry, and looked at the big white goose with his dark eyes.

When the big white goose heard what An An's cub's grandmother said, he immediately nodded his little head vigorously, "Gah!" This is what this goose meant!
Mr. Qin was worried, "We need to be careful next. We need to be more vigilant when taking An An to places with cars."

Mrs. Qin sighed, her voice trembling a little, "Not to mention the outside, we also have a lot of cars in Bay Villa."

This is a potential danger even at home!
Qin Haochen was afraid that the two of them would worry too much, so he comforted them: "I will tell them to go down to Bay Villa and ask them to pay more attention. An An will not be in danger at home."

However, if they want to go out in the future, they need to be more careful.

Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin looked at each other.

Regarding the safety of their little granddaughter, they cannot just "try their best", but must eliminate all crises 100% and not put their little granddaughter in danger.

The atmosphere in the restaurant is so solemn that it makes people breathless.

the other side.

After Chu Tuolin left the restaurant, he walked to the living room.

Hearing some movement in the living room and guessing that it might be a small breast dumpling, Chu Youlin subconsciously slowed down his steps and slowly approached the door of the living room.

He first looked inside and saw at a glance the cute little girl with her back to the door sitting on the children's floor mat, playing with the Barbie doll on the floor mat.

The round back of the head showed the cuteness of the little master. Chu Youlin couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and just stood at the door of the living room, quietly not disturbing the little breast dumpling's play.

I thought I was not "exposed", but unexpectedly, I was discovered the next second.

Qin Sui'an raised his little head from the pile of toys and looked back curiously and doubtfully.

Her round little face showed a healthy pink and white skin, and her skin was really breakable. She blinked her big round eyes, looked at the master outside the door of the living room, and asked puzzledly: "Master Why don't you come in?"

She heard her master's footsteps and stopped at the door of the living room. She didn't speak or come in for a while.

"I'm afraid of disturbing you." Chu Tuolin stepped into the living room with a gentle smile on his face, "An'an, was it you who taught the big white goose to draw?"

"No teaching." Qin Sui'an shook his little head, "The big white goose is very smart. It drew it by itself. An An just helped the big white goose hold the drawing paper as it ran around~"

Chu Tuolin smiled, suddenly thought of something, and asked tentatively: "Does An An know what the big white goose is drawing?"

"Well..." Qin Sui'an stopped playing with Barbie's hair, tilted his head seriously and thought about it, "Big White Goose drew many cars, a child about the same age as An An, and a There is a spacious road, and there is a tall, big uncle who seems to be fierce but not very fierce."

Although the painting of the big white goose is not very clear, it is not difficult to understand~
What's more, An An drew it while watching the big white goose, so he understood it more thoroughly.

Chu Tuolin was stunned for a moment.

He could only see the car, the child, and the road. Not only could Xiaonuituanzi see the three things in front of him like him, but he could also see a tall and big man.

According to the description of Xiaonuituanzi, Chu Youlin recalled the content of the painting. There was indeed a place that looked like a tall man!

(End of this chapter)

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