Chapter 3 The second brother makes his debut

"Urine ketones were positive, excessive hunger, and severe malnutrition."

The young man was wearing white trousers and a shirt, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his tall nose, and his handsome appearance was like a god descending from heaven.

This is the second young master of the Qin family and An An's second brother. Qin Yanyi specializes in medicine. He is only 19 years old, but he is already a top doctor.

Qin Haochen is only 27 years old. Naturally, he only has one biological daughter, An An, while the other sons are the biological sons of Qin Haochen's eldest brother and second brother.

Mr. Qin couldn't bear the death of both parents not long after the children were born, so he adopted them all into Qin Haochen's household registration and recognized Qin Haochen as his father.

When he received a call from Assistant He Yan, Qin Yanyi thought he had heard wrongly. His sister An An had disappeared for three full years after the kidnapping case, and there was no news.

Qin Yanyi's first thought was to go home and do a DNA test on his 'sister' to prevent her from being fake. After all, these days, there are so many substitutes and fake daughters!
But after seeing An An, Qin Yanyi immediately slapped him in the face: If this wasn't his sister!He used his own scalpel to poke his own eyes out!

Qin Yanyi's expression was solemn, and his voice was mixed with unbearable anger: "An'an is three and a half years old and weighs less than twenty kilograms!"

His character is considered the gentlest in the Qin family, but at this moment, he is full of ruthlessness: "Dad, I am good with the scalpel, let's go and deal with that bullshit Dean!"

"Wouldn't that give him an advantage?" Qin Haochen said in a cold tone, with a frightening chill in his deep eyes: "I want An An to pay back ten thousand times what he has endured."

On the KingSize princess bed, the small breasts only occupied a small amount of space. Her thin hands were placed on the thermostatic handbag, and she had just finished injecting two bags of nutrient solution.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, An An slowly opened her round eyes, and her bright black eyes looked at the unfamiliar environment around her in confusion.

The beautiful lace curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows were drawn, blocking most of the midday sun outside. A cute wind chime hung above the window, making a gentle tinkling sound when the breeze blew.

The walls are painted a dreamy light purple, and valuable paintings by famous artists are hung on the walls. There are also a few photos hanging around that look like work photos and family photos.

The bed was very large, with lace sheets, the quilt cover was replaced with a pink quilt cover, and there were many cute plush dolls placed on the bed.

The whole room is decorated in light pink and purple tones, which is romantic, sweet and bright, making people feel warm and comfortable.

An An looked confused. Is she in heaven?

The room in the orphanage is small, with four bunk beds and a dozen children living there, but this room is super big and beautiful.

As if feeling something from his heart, Qin Haochen, who was standing outside the bedroom, suddenly turned his head and saw that the sleeping little breast had woken up. He immediately walked quickly into the bedroom and came to the bedside.

Qin Haochen was afraid of scaring the newly awakened little nipple, so he raised a gentle smile on his lips and called softly: "An'an."

An An was slightly startled when she heard this familiar voice, and then slowly turned her head to look over.

It's handsome uncle!

"Uncle Handsome, have you come to heaven too?" Her soft, waxy and sweet voice was filled with innocence and purity, and she looked at Uncle Handsome curiously with a pair of bright round eyes.

Qin Haochen laughed first and gently touched her little face with his palm, "An'an, this is not heaven, this is your home."

"An An's... home?" An An blinked her round eyes. Does she also have a home?
Is her home so big and beautiful?

"Also, An'an -" Qin Haochen's voice suddenly became serious, and he emphasized seriously: "If you call me handsome uncle again, I will get angry."

An An immediately shook his little head nervously, "Don't be angry."

Qin Haochen patiently guided her: "Then what should you call me?"

An An was unsure, more disbelieving.

Qin Haochen took out a household registration book, turned to the last page, and pointed it to Xiao Naituan: "An'an, look, this is your name, Qin Sui'an. Mom and dad hope that you can be safe every year."

She opened her round eyes wide and looked at them carefully for a long time, and then said in a frustrated voice: "I can't understand..."

Qin Haochen chuckled and touched her little head, "It doesn't matter. You will understand it after you read the book."

An An raised her little face and looked at him, as if she mustered up the courage to call out in a low voice: "Baba."

Qin Haochen bent down and leaned close to her, his gentle eyes encouraging her to call her again bravely and definitely.An An felt like her whole little body was floating in the air, her heart was pounding, and a smile appeared on her lips involuntarily, and she called out in a loud voice: "Daddy!"

The two small dimples were sweet and soft, coupled with the bright round eyes and the cute little milky voice, Qin Haochen couldn't help laughing.

He couldn't wait to open his arms, and with careful movements, he took the little breast into his arms, "Be good, An'an, daddy's little baby."

An An leaned in his arms, feeling like she was in a dream.

She had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, thinking that she would spend forever in the orphanage. Until the day she died, she would be the dead girl without a father and a mother as described by the director.

But now she has a daddy!

Suddenly, she raised her head, her round eyes full of expectation: "Daba, where is my mother?"

"Your mother, she..." Qin Haochen looked into her bright and expectant round eyes and couldn't bear to say some words.

His wife was seriously injured in the kidnapping and is still unconscious.

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the bedroom, accompanied by a male voice: "Dad! I asked someone to prepare some light food."

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Qin Sui'an was so scared that he subconsciously buried his face in Baba's arms, as if this way the stranger would not be able to see him.

"Don't be afraid, An'an." Qin Haochen's eyes flashed with love, and he quickly patted the little nipple's back comfortingly.

Then, he frowned and glared at Qin Yanyi who walked into the bedroom, "Yan Yi, you scared An An."

Qin Yanyi's footsteps suddenly stopped. He was confused and asked: "Me?"

When he saw the small nipple hiding in his father's arms again, Qin Yanyi immediately admitted his mistake, lowered his volume and reflected seriously: "Sorry, I just spoke a little too loudly."

He walked slowly to the bed.

Xiao Sui'an was still hiding in his father's arms at the moment, and Qin Yanyi could only see the round back of her head.

He cleared his throat, lowered his voice, and said softly: "An An, I am your second brother, Qin Yanyi."

Qin Sui'an slowly turned her little head, her big round eyes curiously and defensively looking at the man in front of her who claimed to be her second brother.

In her eyes, the second brother is very good-looking, dressed in white, like an angel.

Angels are good, she knows, so the second brother is not a bad person.

Thinking like this, Qin Suian called softly and softly: "Second brother..."

Qin Yanyi's whole body swayed when he heard her little milky voice.

An An was kidnapped and disappeared by gangsters before she could learn to speak. Qin Yanyi waited for the call "second brother" for more than three years.

Qin Yanyi was excited inside and tried to keep calm so as not to scare the little nipple again.

Seeing that the little breasts finally dared to look at him, Qin Yanyi pushed the plate he was holding forward slightly: "An'an, are you hungry...?"

He specially added an extra particle, but it sounded very stiff. It was obvious that he would not speak like this normally.

Qin Sui'an's belly seemed to understand his words and immediately started to growl.

Her cheeks turned red, she covered her belly a little embarrassed, and nodded, "Second brother, An An is a little hungry."

A pair of bright round eyes could not help but fixate on the fragrant food on the plate, and he swallowed again and again.

The dean would scold her for eating too much every day, so he wouldn't give her anything to eat, but she actually didn't eat much and was often hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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