Chapter 347 Dad’s Double Standard
He Yan knew that his president was going home, but as a special assistant, he could not handle those documents for the president, so he had to take the risk of being scolded and bring the documents with him so that the president could process them while he was on his way home.

You can see your little breasts when you get home later. The atmosphere in the car is not serious, but it is much more comfortable than during the meeting.

Qin Haochen glanced at ten lines and processed the documents attentively. He only occasionally glanced at the time to determine how long it would take to get home.

Although He Yan was sitting in the passenger seat, he was paying close attention to the president in the back seat. As soon as the president raised his eyes and made a look, he immediately reported: "President, we will be at Bay Villa in 10 minutes."

"Yes." Qin Haochen responded and continued to process the documents.

After the Qin family and the Ye family became in-laws, the two major groups also had business contacts and developed some mutually beneficial cooperation. After the accident between his wife Ye Chaosi and his daughter Qin Suian, the business of the two major groups was completely cut off.

Now that Qin Suian has returned home, the relationship between the in-laws and the Ye family has eased slightly.

The document placed in front of Qin Haochen is the project contract for the future "recombination" of Qin Group and Ye Group.

Qin Haochen couldn't help but pay more attention and looked at the contents of the document carefully.

It is said that there have been changes in the shares of the Ye Group, but there are no external reports within the Ye Group, and outsiders cannot find out if they want to. They can only vaguely hear some movements.

Even though both parties are relatives of Xiaonuituan, the money earned will not go to outsiders.

However, Qin Haochen thought that he was now working for Xiao Nai Tuan to make money. It didn't matter if he made less, but when he thought about Xiao Nai Tuan also making less...

Qin Haochen's eyes were deep in thought, his expression solemn as if he had encountered something difficult.

After thinking for a full minute, Qin Haochen took up his pen, scribbled on the project document, and modified some of the profit sharing aspects.

After flipping through all the documents, Qin Haochen closed the cap of the pen and looked up at the road ahead.

He Yan responded quickly and immediately reported: "President, we will be here in 3 minutes!"

"Okay." Qin Haochen nodded gently, the expression on his face relaxed a lot, and his voice softened: "The file has been processed and will be brought back later for them to execute."

He Yan immediately responded: "Yes, CEO!"

Three minutes later, the luxury car parked steadily at the entrance of Bay Villa.

Before the bodyguard could come and open the door, Qin Haochen had already opened the door and got out of the car.

He strode into Bay Villa and headed straight towards the castle.

At the gate of the castle, several bicycles belonging to the Qin family were neatly parked. The most outstanding and eye-catching one was Xiao Naituan's cute and pink mini bicycle.

Just looking at the mini bicycle parked there makes people couldn't help but raise the corners of their lips slightly.

Qin Haochen was no exception. He hadn't reached the gate of the castle yet, but was just nearby. When he saw Xiaonuituan's mini bicycle from a distance, his eyebrows softened instantly, and there was a faint smile on his lips.

When he reached the gate of the castle, a brisk and joyful footsteps came from inside, accompanied by a cry of milk:
"Daddy is back~"

The soft and waxy sound of the little breasts first reached Qin Haochen's ears, and the next second, the cute little figure with the little breasts flew out of the castle.

Qin Haochen quickened his pace to meet her, squatted down, opened his arms, and firmly hugged this milky little body.

"An'an, dad is back." The smile on Qin Haochen's lips deepened, with gentle longing in his voice.

The exhaustion from a day's work, and even the document that he had revised after careful consideration not long ago, at this moment, for the little breasts, everything was worth it.

Qin Sui'an could not only feel his love for her from her father's arms, but she could also clearly hear her father's inner thoughts.Qin Sui'an was so happy that she raised her little face and kissed her father on the side of his face: "Daddy, it's hard to make money~"

Qin Haochen laughed, "It's not hard."

He didn't feel it was hard at all, and he was more grateful that he could still help Xiaonuituan make money.

Qin Haochen held the little breast in his arms and kissed her on the cheek, "An'an went to your elder brother's temple today, was it fun?"

"Yeah, it's fun~" Except when Qin Sui'an felt uncomfortable hearing too many people's inner thoughts, under other circumstances, she basically had a great time shopping.

Qin Sui'an's big round eyes were shining, "There are many, many hairless people like big brother! Dad, when they meet An An, they will also say, Anita Buddha~"

When he came to the words "Anita Buddha", Qin Sui'an also imitated those monks, clasped his two little hands together, then lowered his little head and bent over.

Qin Haochen's heart softened because of her milky voice, sweet words, and cute movements. He couldn't help but kiss the top of her hair, "An An is very similar."

Qin Sui'an bent his eyes and smiled, "Hey~"

Qin Haochen slowly walked into the castle with her little breasts in her arms.

Qin Qianyi laughed enough in the study, but finally came out. When he saw his father coming home, he said "Hey" in surprise, "Dad, don't you usually come home around six o'clock?"

Dad must have been absent from work!
Humph, even if he is absent from work, why not allow him to be absent from school!

Isn't this a double standard?
Qin Haochen glanced at him, and with just one glance, he could guess what he was thinking in his heart.

"I want to be safe, so why don't I go home early?" Qin Haochen said frankly.

On the way back, he had already processed all the documents that needed to be processed, not to mention that he also had a special assistant, He Yan, so he would not delay the group's affairs because of his personal affairs.

"Okay, of course." Qin Qianyi did not dare to refute.

Qin Sui'an heard her little brother muttering something in her heart, but she couldn't understand it, so she curiously asked her father who was closest to her, "Dad, what does 'double standards' mean?"

Qin Qianyi was shocked.

No, An An, why do you ask this?Or ask the twins, their father!

Qin Haochen turned to look at Qin Qianyi, who had a guilty look on his face, "Can you please explain?"

"Well, the double standards are..." Qin Qianyi racked his brains and reluctantly justified himself: "It's just two people racing there, yes, double racing!"

Qin Qianyi secretly wiped his sweat, and after a random explanation, he hurried away: "Ah, I remembered that I have something else to do, let me go and deal with it."

He ran very fast and disappeared from their sight in a short time.

Qin Suian didn't understand after hearing his little brother's explanation, "Two people racing?"

"Don't listen to him." Qin Haochen patiently re-explained: "It means double standards. For example, on the same thing, there are different standards for different people."

"Oh~" Qin Sui'an understood and said in a sweet voice: "So daddy can miss work, but little brother can't miss school~"

(End of this chapter)

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