Chapter 35 Grandpa is here
Qin Qianyi was about to ask clearly when he heard An An's cheerful laughter coming from the other side of the garden.

He immediately stopped being curious and turned around and ran to the garden. It was more important to play with An An and keep an eye on the big white goose.

I heard that geese are very aggressive and will attack with their beaks and wings. It would be bad if their animalistic nature gets stronger and hurts An An.

In the garden, Qin Sui'an touched the fluffy feathers of the big white goose and listened to the big white goose talking.

The big white goose sat obediently in front of the human cub, "Quack~"

Your eldest brother is really a strange human being. He chants sutras from morning to night. Who can withstand this?
Only Bengoose could withstand it.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes curiously: "Big White Goose, what is chanting?"

The big white goose shook its head: "quack quack..."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty...

It has been learned by heart.

Suddenly, the big white goose glanced at the main entrance of Bay Villa: "Quack~"

someone is coming.

It blinked its small, bean-sized eyes and sensed that the person coming was related to the human cub.

Ah, the grandfather of the human cubs.

"Grandpa? An An's grandfather?"

When Qin Sui'an heard this, he immediately followed its line of sight and looked over. The gate of Bay Villa was empty.

She shook her little head, "No, Big White Goose, An An didn't see anyone coming."

Qin Qianyi ran to Xiao Sui'an and sat down on the grass, "An'an, what are you and the big white goose talking about? Who is here?"

"Little brother, Big White Goose said, grandpa is here." Qin Suian said in a sweet voice.

Qin Qianyi's expression suddenly changed: "Grandpa is here?!"

He stood up suddenly again and looked around: "Really or not? It's impossible! Isn't grandpa in country F? Don't scare me!"

A filial son emerges from a stick, and Qin Qianyi was brought up by his grandfather when he was a child. Naturally, he was naughty and had to be served with sticks.

In his eyes, grandpa is undoubtedly a very terrifying existence, even more terrifying than his father Qin Haochen!
Big white goose: "Quack~"

Can what I said be false?I never tell lies!
Qin Qianyi couldn't understand what it was calling, so he hurriedly approached Xiao Sui'an and asked, "An'an, what did it say?"

Qin Sui'an summed up Big White Goose's words simply and concisely: "Don't tell lies~"

When Qin Qianyi heard this, he couldn't stay any longer, "Hey, um, An An, you have fun, I suddenly remembered that I have something urgent to do, so I'll go and do it first."

It's not a good place to stay for a long time, so he should run away first.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion, but still raised his little hand obediently and waved it, and said goodbye to him in a soft voice: "Brother, be busy~"

"Okay! See you later, An An!" Qin Qianyi touched her little head, then turned around and ran away in a hurry.

Qin Haochen, who was still standing at the gate of the castle, caught a glimpse of him running over without stopping, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Qianyi hurriedly replied: "Dad, the big white goose said, grandpa is here!"

Qin Haochen looked surprised. Why did his father return home without saying a word?
He immediately ordered He Yan to check his father's location. Sure enough, he had returned home and was on his way to Bay Villa.

Qin Qianyi didn't look back, and ran into the castle while shouting: "Dad, eldest brother, second brother, don't say I'm at home!"

Qin Yanyi showed an expression of "I see" and looked at his back with disdain, "Did the sixth brother cause any trouble in school again?"

Every time grandpa would settle accounts with his sixth brother, it was his sixth brother who caused trouble in school.

Now that grandpa hasn't arrived at Bay Villa, the sixth brother is busy hiding. His guilty conscience is so obvious that it is difficult for him to guess.Qin Haochen never paid much attention to these sons. After all, he was not much older than them. His father and the grandfather of his sons, Qin Huo, basically took part in parent-teacher meetings at school.

Qin Haochen had a vague impression that He Yan once mentioned to him what Qin Qianyi did in school, but he didn't worry about it and couldn't remember what it was at the moment.

Qin Fuga was twirling the beads with one hand, his expression did not change at all, and his eyes were still looking in the direction of the garden.

at the same time.

A dark green Rolls-Royce was driving in the direction of Bay Villa.

In the back seat of the car, a middle-aged man was lying half-lying, holding a mobile phone in his wrinkled hands and talking on the phone:
"I'm almost at Bay Villa, Xiaojin, don't worry, wait until I'm sure it's our little granddaughter who's back, and then I'll take our little granddaughter over to see you..."

"Your health is important. Okay, you can rest first. I'll beat you later."

He didn't put down his phone until there was a "beep" sound from the receiver.

The personal butler Lin Bo immediately brought warm tea and said, "Old sir."

The man known as "Old Gentleman" has almost completely white hair. He is now over fifty years old. He is usually stern and unsmiling. Wrinkles have not left many traces on his face. You can see the handsomeness and elegance of his youth.

He is Mr. Qin, Qin Huo.

Mr. Qin took the tea handed over by Uncle Lin and took a sip: "How long until it arrives?"

Lin Bo checked it and then replied: "There are about 5 minutes left."

Mr. Qin looked out the window, with no emotion on his face. He was once a powerful figure in the business world and was not easy to see through.

5 minute later.

The dark green Rolls-Royce drove into the gate of Bay Villa and finally parked slowly at the main entrance of the castle.

Lin Bo got out of the car first and held the door carefully.

Mr. Qin turned his head slightly and saw his youngest son Qin Haochen and his two grandsons Qin Fuga and Qin Yanyi standing at the gate of the castle.

Getting out of the back seat of the car, Mr. Qin held the crutch handed over by Uncle Lin with his right hand.

"Dad." Qin Haochen took a few steps forward and came to his side.

Qin Fuga and Qin Yanyi called, "Grandpa."

"Well." Mr. Qin's expression was calm and intimidating. He looked back and forth between them, and finally frowned: "Why are there just the three of you? Didn't you say that An An went home?"

Qin Haochen looked towards the garden, "An An is playing in the garden."

Mr. Qin turned his head and looked towards the garden, squinting his eyes slightly, but the distance was a bit far and he couldn't see anything.

He immediately put aside his youngest son Qin Haochen's hand and said, "I'll go over and take a look."

Qin Haochen was about to follow, but he seemed to notice it and turned around and said seriously: "No one is allowed to follow."

Qin Haochen frowned and waited for him to walk a certain distance before quietly following him.

in the garden.

The big white goose Quack teaches the human cubs to get into the flowers and squeeze in the flowers with it.

Qin Sui'an twisted his butt hard and finally got in.

The flower patch is a small place, but it can just accommodate a goose and a human baby.

The big white goose raised its head and squawked very proudly: "Gah~ don't underestimate this flower bush. The location of this flower bush is the best place to gather spiritual energy in the entire Bay Villa~"

(End of this chapter)

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