Chapter 37 All members of the Qin family are good-looking

Finally, Mr. Qin found the right angle and saw the face of the little figure clearly.

It is a thin little breast. She is curled up with her little body, her two little hands are crossed on the wrist, her little cheeks are slightly bulging, and her big round eyes are like bright black grapes. Look at him curiously.

Mr. Qin was excited, but worried that he would scare his granddaughter. He cautiously raised the corners of his lips, smiled at her, and whispered tentatively: "An'an?"

Qin Sui'an also noticed that this grandfather was looking at him.

Feeling the kindness conveyed by this grandpa, An An is not very afraid of this grandpa, nor does she think this grandpa is vicious.

She blinked her round eyes and responded with a roar: "An'an is here~"

With just these few words, the corners of Mr. Qin's mouth began to rise uncontrollably, and he looked at her with a smile.

Not long after his little granddaughter was born, he was kidnapped by gangsters and disappeared for three years. During these three years, his wife missed her too much and often blamed herself. She felt that she was not by her little granddaughter's side all the time. The bad guys will take advantage of her, and she will gradually develop some minor health problems.

And he was worried that his wife would fall in love with him at Bay Villa, so he took his wife to live in a private manor in country F.

After receiving the news about his youngest son Qin Haochen, Mr. Qin was very worried that the granddaughter was fake. He was also afraid that his wife would be disappointed and his condition would worsen, so he went back to China to confirm.

Now, he wished he could fly directly to Country F with his little granddaughter in his arms.

His little granddaughter is back home!Really back home!
Qin Haochen looked at his father, who was about to lie on the grass, smiling stupidly at the flowers, with a subtle expression for a moment.

He was originally worried that his father would not like the small nipples, but now he found that his worries were completely unnecessary.

The father no longer cared about his image and sat on the grass. He almost lay down on the grass just to take a look at the small breasts. If he didn't like the small breasts, what was it?
Fortunately, the bodyguards around him consciously pretended not to see anything, and no one dared to laugh at Mr. Qin's bad image.

The big white goose looked at Mr. Qin, and after a while, it flapped its wings and got into the flowers again.

Qin Sui'an looked at the big white goose and asked in a low voice: "Big white goose, when will they be full?"

"Gah~ There will always be spiritual energy, cub An'an, just come here when you have nothing to do. As long as you haven't eaten spiritual energy for a long, long, long time, you won't be hungry for the silver bracelet."

In order to make An An's cub understand what he meant, the big white goose even used several more words "for a long time".

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion, "Oh~~An'an understands."

She touched the silver bracelet and coaxed obediently: "Then An'an will come and feed you some next time~"

The silver bracelet seemed to understand her words, and a subtle light flickered.

Qin Sui'an raised his little buttocks, twisted and twisted, and got out of the flowers.

When Mr. Qin saw movement in the flowers, he opened his eyes excitedly and stared nervously.

The next second, he saw a small breasted dumpling emerging from the flowers.

Almost at the same time, Mr. Qin and Qin Haochen stretched out their hands to the small breasts and called in unison, softly: "An'an."

As soon as Qin Sui'an climbed out of the flowers, two more hands appeared in front of his eyes.

She looked at the left hand, which was her familiar daddy's big hand, and then looked at the right hand, which was the big hand of her grandpa whom she met for the first time.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes, and then put one small hand on the big hand on the left, and the other small hand on the big hand on the right.

Just right, An An has two hands~
With the help of these two big hands, she stood up happily.

Mr. Qin's hands trembled slightly, and he did not dare to hold her little hand with force, and supported her carefully.Mr. Qin looked at his little granddaughter with loving eyes. He didn't even notice when the corners of his mouth turned up.

Qin Sui'an first leaned into Dad's arms, gently stood on tiptoes, got close to Dad's ear, and asked in a low voice: "Daddy, is he An An's grandfather?"

When the little granddaughter took back her little hand, Mr. Qin's palm was empty, as if his heart was empty as well.

Hearing what his granddaughter whispered to his son, Mr. Qin's heart began to rise again, and he couldn't help but become nervous.

Qin Haochen hugged the small body with small breasts and nodded: "Yes, this is An An's grandfather."

After getting Dad's affirmative answer, Qin Sui'an turned his little head, blinked his round eyes, and called out in a sweet voice: "Hello, grandpa~"

Mr. Qin's heart suddenly softened into a puddle of water, and his eyes filled with warmth.

He reached out his hand and touched her head carefully, "An An is so good."

Mr. Qin looked at his little granddaughter up and down, as if he couldn't get enough of her and couldn't bear to blink.

These big watery eyes, this cute and playful little nose, this little mouth, these little hands, these little feet...

This is his little granddaughter. His little granddaughter has gone home.

Qin Sui'an's round eyes reflected her grandfather's reflection. When his grandfather looked at her, she also looked at him seriously.

Unlike the ferocious dean, An An's grandfather is not ferocious at all.

An An's grandfather is very good-looking and looks a little like her daddy.

Thinking like this, Qin Sui'an raised his little face, took a look at his handsome daddy, and then looked at his grandfather in front of him.

Um!Grandpa and Daddy look very similar~Both are handsome~
Qin Haochen saw the little girl smiling with her mouth pursed, and asked in confusion: "What is An An laughing at?"

"Grandpa looks a bit like daddy~ He's as handsome as daddy~" Qin Sui'an's voice was cute and sweet, and she bent her round eyes with a shy expression.

Qin Haochen raised his eyes to look at his father, and then he also laughed, "Dad is like grandpa."

Mr. Qin was a little nervous at first, but after hearing his granddaughter's words, he laughed out loud, "Hahaha... Thank you for the compliment, An An. An An is also very good-looking."

No one would be happier than being praised by my little granddaughter.

When Qin Sui'an heard his grandfather praising him, he was in a beautiful mood and smiled happily.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Haochen picked up the little breast and said, "Dinner should be ready. Let's have dinner first."

"Okay." Mr. Qin stood up, set up his crutches, and followed them slowly.

Qin Sui'an rested his chin on Dad's broad shoulders and looked at his grandfather behind him, his curiosity about him in his round eyes not diminishing at all.

Qin Haochen gently held her small back with one hand, and suddenly, he heard a thin sigh coming from his ear, which sounded like a little breast dumpling sighing.

He tilted his head slightly and asked softly: "What's wrong with An An?"

Qin Sui'an's little nose wrinkled slightly, he put it close to Dad's ear, and said in a breathy voice: "Daddy, is grandpa's foot injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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