Chapter 67 That man is like a ghost
The big white goose felt aggrieved and did not dare to say anything due to Qin Fuga's intimidation.

Qin Fuga stepped forward and half-crouched in front of An An, with a smile in his eyes, "Are An An awake?"

"Brother, An An has been awake for a while~" Qin Sui'an repeated in a milky voice.

"You're so good." Qin Fujia picked her up and looked at his sixth brother inquiringly, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Qin Qianyi came to the corridor and glanced at the first floor, "Brother, just now Mrs. Shao came with her daughter, and Mrs. Shao was kicked out by me."

Qin Fuga only raised his eyebrows slightly about his expulsion and did not ask him why, "What about her daughter?"

"I don't know." Qin Qianyi said, "Maybe she followed her mother."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Sui'an shook his head and said, "Brother, Sister Xinxin hasn't left yet~"

"Ah?" Qin Qianyi was extremely surprised, "Didn't you leave?"

Qin Sui'an nodded his head and said seriously: "An An heard it~"

She heard the conversation between Sister Xinxin and her bodyguard uncle downstairs. Sister Xinxin didn't want to leave, so she returned to the living room.

Qin Fuga and Qin Qianyi looked at each other, then took An An, followed by a big white goose, into the elevator and returned to the first floor.

in the living room.

Shao Xinxin sat obediently on the sofa. Her mother's departure didn't seem to have much impact on her. She was very calm and calm now.

She raised her eyes and looked at the bodyguard at the door of the living room with watery eyes, and asked: "Uncle bodyguard, brother Qianyi and sister An'an, will they come back?"

The bodyguard looked back at her and replied expressionlessly: "I don't know."

Even if he hears the sound of the elevator door dinging open and knows that Miss An An and Master Qian Yi are coming, he will not answer questions from outsiders at will. This is the most basic duty of being a bodyguard of the Qin family.

Shao Xinxin felt that the bodyguards here were more ruthless than the last.

In the past, no matter where she went, as long as she was well-behaved, sensible, polite, and wanted whatever she wanted, a bunch of people would support her and pamper her.

But in this Bay Villa, whether it was this life or the previous life, she was treated with unprecedented indifference.

At this moment, several footsteps came from outside.

Shao Xinxin put away her thoughts and immediately stood up, looking at the door of the living room with an earnest expression.

Qin Fuga hugged An An and walked slowly into the living room, followed by Qin Qianyi and Big White Goose.

As if he didn't expect that there would be one more person, Shao Xinxin's expression froze when he saw Qin Fuga, and panic flashed in his eyes.

The tonsure, the Buddhist beads, and the indifferent but compassionate eyes are Qin Fuga!

"Brother Fujia..." Shao Xinxin took a small step back uncontrollably.

how come?
Didn’t Qin Fuga become a monk?Qin Fuga didn't show up until the day of the banquet.

In the last life, Shao Xinxin was "kicked out" of the Bay Villa with her mother, and she didn't see Qin Fuga until the day of the banquet.

Shao Xinxin has not forgotten that this man looks like a Buddha who saves all sentient beings, but inside he is a ruthless person. Even at certain times, this man can see through everything, like a ghost.

But now, Shao Xinxin was afraid that he would see through that she was a person who had lived a new life.Shao Xinxin clenched her fists to calm herself down. She raised a smile and asked innocently, "Brother Fujia has gone down the mountain? When did you come home?"

Qin Fuga glanced at her lightly and did not answer her words.

Qin Sui'an did not miss the fearful expression shown by Shao Xinxin just now. She frowned in confusion and raised her face to look at her elder brother.

Sensing An An's gaze in his arms, Qin Fuga lowered his head slightly and asked warmly: "An An, what's wrong?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head, "Huh~"

Big brother is not scary~Sister Xinxin is so strange~
Qin Qianyi took the opportunity to sit next to his eldest brother and An An, sitting casually, and glanced at Shao Xinxin, "Why didn't you go with your mother?"

Shao Xinxin remained calm even though she was ignored by Qin Fuga. She looked at Qin Qianyi, raised a smile, and replied obediently: "Brother Qianyi, Mommy asked me to play with sister An'an."

Qin Qianyi let out an exaggerated "ha" and said, "What your mother just said didn't mean that."

Shen Shuwen opened and shut her mouth, and her words were full of hostility and disdain for their family An An. Qin Qianyi did not think that Shen Shuwen brought her daughter here just to play with their family An An.

"It's a pity that my grandparents are not at home." Qin Qianyi hummed softly.

Otherwise, he could let his grandparents see Shen Shuwen's mask. He remembered that his grandparents had mentioned before how elegant and dignified Mrs. Shao was. Hey, he was just a pretentious person.

Shao Xinxin's fingers moved slightly, and she was stunned for half a second. "Isn't Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin at home?"

She quickly recalled it and was very sure that she remembered the timeline correctly.

At this time, Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin have gone home, right?

"Hey, you want to find my grandparents?" Qin Qianyi said with a smile: "Shao Xinxin, that's not what you said last time."

Shao Xinxin waved his hands hastily and immediately explained: "Brother Qianyi, that's not what I meant. I just wanted to pay a visit to Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin."

Her eyes were eager and full of concern: "I haven't seen Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin for a long time. I heard that Grandma Qin is sick..."

"My grandma has been unwell for three years." Qin Qianyi counted on his fingers, "There are a total of 95 days in three years. During these more than 1000 days, I have not seen you enter the Bay Villa."

Shao Xinxin pursed her lips slightly, but she didn't expect him to be aggressive about this little detail.

This Qin Qianyi has really not changed at all, he is just as annoying!

Shao Xinxin tried hard to think of an excuse, "My mommy is busy at work, and I usually have to go to kindergarten and training classes."

"Yeah, I understand." Qin Qianyi nodded and said in agreement: "Not long after we returned home An An, your mother was no longer busy at work, and you didn't have to go to kindergarten or training classes. Mother and daughter came to the door hand in hand. Come and find trouble for our family."

Shao Xixin looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She seemed to have been greatly wronged and choked up: "Brother Qianyi...why do you say that to me? Did I do something wrong?"

Qin Qianyi wanted to say something more, but Qin Fuga glanced over and he silently closed his mouth.

I almost forgot that An An was still here, but I can't let An An misunderstand me and think that he is bullying a six-year-old child!
Qin Fuga gently rubbed An An's little head, saw the chessboard on the table, and asked, "Is An An teaching Qian Yi how to play chess?"

"No, big brother, this game of chess is played by An An and sister Xinxin~" Qin Sui'an shook her little head, and then she said: "Little brother is not very good at playing~"

There was still a little helplessness in Xiao Nai's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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