Chapter 70 Little Apple is missing
Seeing that there was not much time left to be alone with Qin Suian, Shao Xinxin began to feel anxious.

She looked around, a new plan forming in her mind.

"Sister An'an, go hide somewhere else. We are not friends, and I don't want to hide with you anymore." Shao Xinxin pretended to be angry and glared at Qin Sui'an.

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips. Just as she was about to argue with Shao Xinxin, she clearly entered this place first, she should have gone somewhere else, when she heard Shao Xinxin say:

"If you don't want to leave, just give me the little apple necklace!" Shao Xinxin stretched out his hand towards her, speaking in a domineering tone, as if the little apple necklace was not Qin Suian's, but her own.

Qin Sui'an frowned unhappily, "An'an doesn't like sister Xinxin anymore."

After saying this, she stopped looking at Shao Xinxin and ducked out of the flowers.

Qin Sui'an left not because she couldn't quarrel with Shao Xinxin, but because she didn't want to stay with Shao Xinxin, not even for a second.

Shao Xinxin chuckled, "I don't like you either."

The moment Qin Sui'an emerged from the flowers, Shao Xinxin saw the opportunity and immediately "threw" out of the flowers while she was not paying attention.


Shao Xinxin rushed towards Qin Sui'an, and accidentally broke the small apple necklace around Qin Sui'an's neck with one hand.

Qin Suian's little hands supported his little body, and he was almost pushed over by Shao Xinxin.

Shao Xinxin fell hard and rolled on the grass.

Her arm was slightly bruised, and the pain made her gasp, but the corners of her mouth raised.

Qin Sui'an stood up and immediately felt that something was missing from her neck. She hurriedly stretched out her little hand and touched her neck, "Little Apple..."

The little apple necklace is broken!
Shao Xixin grinned and climbed up from the ground. His palms were spread out, and there was only a safety rope, which was the chain rope of the Little Apple necklace.

Regardless of being covered in mud and grass from the fall, she quickly came to Qin Sui'an, handed over the safety rope in her hand, and said: "Sister An'an, I'm sorry, I didn't stand firm just now and accidentally pulled your necklace." Cut it off and give it back to you.”

Qin Sui'an took the safety rope and held it in her hand. She asked anxiously: "Why is there no little apple? Where is An An's little apple?"

Shao Xinxin seemed to have heard this term for the first time and asked in confusion: "Sister An'an, what little apple is this?"

"Why is the little apple that grandparents gave to An An not with the safety rope?" Qin Sui'an quickly touched his neck again and patted the little skirt on his body, "The little apple is gone..."

"Ah? I didn't take it!" Shao Xinxin also patted her skirt.

Then, she lowered her head and bent over, looking for it on the grass: "Did it fall in the grass?"

Qin Sui'an pursed his lips, his eyes were slightly red, and he looked at the surrounding grass seriously.

The little apple her grandparents gave her was lost just a few days ago.

Qin Suian felt aggrieved. He squatted down and groped on the grass inch by inch with his little hands.

No, the little apple was gone, not in the grass. She went back into the flowers to look for it, but couldn't find it.

Qin Fuga originally wanted to "find" An An later and let An An hide for a while, but suddenly he noticed the movement on An An's side. An ominous premonition flashed through his heart and he ran over quickly.

Seeing An An squatting on the ground and groping for something, Qin Fuga immediately helped her up and asked softly: "An An, what's wrong? What are you looking for?"

Before Qin Suian could answer his question, Shao Xinxin next to him said first:
"Brother Fujia, I'm sorry. I accidentally fell down just now and broke Sister An An's necklace." Shao Xinxin pursed her lips guiltily and started crying as she spoke: "I'm sorry, wuwu...I It wasn't intentional..." Qin Sui'an held back from crying, but she started crying first.

"Big brother..." Qin Sui'an's eyes were red and he pursed his lips in grievance.

At the age of three and a half, this was the first time she encountered this situation, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Qin Fuga hugged her little body distressedly, "The necklace can be repaired, An'an, don't worry."

Qin Sui'an spread her little hands, with only a safety rope in her hand. She whispered: "Brother, the little apple that grandparents gave to An An is missing..."

As soon as he finished saying this, Qin Sui'an could no longer hold back the crying, and the tears rolled down one after another, hitting the back of Qin Fuga's hand.

Qin Fuga's heart felt as if someone had grabbed her. He gently wiped her tears and coaxed softly: "An'an, don't cry. Let's look for it and we will definitely find Little Apple."

Qin Sui'an sobbed softly, as if the grievances in his heart had been vented, and tears kept pouring from his eyes.

Shao Xinxin cried louder, with snot and tears running down her face, "I'm sorry, sister An'an, I didn't mean it. I can compensate you."

"An An doesn't want money." Qin Suian was extremely aggrieved and shook his little head, "An An only wants little apples."

"Sister An An, I'm sorry... I really didn't mean it. I will go and apologize to Grandpa Qin and Grandma Qin..." Shao Xinxin continued to cry loudly, as if he didn't hear her words, and kept repeating: "Sister An An, I can I’ll pay you any amount of money!”

Qin Suian pursed his lips tightly and stopped talking, just sobbing quietly.

Qin Fuga hugged An An into his arms and gently patted An An's little body, "Don't worry An An, you will find Little Apple."

He turned his head and glanced at Shao Xinxin.

Shao Xinxin's skirt was dirty, her arms were scratched, and she was crying so hard that she looked miserable, as if she had been bullied by their brother and sister.

Qin Fuga took a deep breath and called all the bodyguards standing nearby, asking them to search carefully and dig three feet into the ground to find An An's little apple.

The far side of the garden.

Qin Qianyi hid for so long that his feet were numb, and he didn't wait until his elder brother came to find him.

He was very puzzled.

Brother is so powerful, how could we not find him?

Could it be that the eldest brother didn't want to find him on purpose?
Thinking like this, Qin Qianyi got out of the flowers. As soon as he stood up, he saw a group of people gathered around on the other side, making it very lively.

Listen carefully, there seems to be a child crying.

Qin Qianyi's expression changed drastically. He ran over quickly, grabbed a bodyguard nearby, and asked, "What's wrong? Who is crying? What happened?"

The bodyguard simply explained: "Master Qianyi, Shao Xinxin fell down and seemed to have accidentally torn off Miss An An's necklace. The little apple on Miss An An's necklace disappeared."

"Little apple?" Qin Qianyi frowned, "That was given to An An by her grandparents! It's so precious!"

Cold sweat broke out on the bodyguard's back. They also knew that this little apple was worth hundreds of millions of yuan. "Master Qianyi, we are looking for it."

Qin Qianyi thought for a moment and glanced around, "I'll check the surveillance."

(End of this chapter)

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