My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 74 The well-behaved, sensible and considerate Shao Jiajin

Chapter 74 The well-behaved, sensible and considerate daughter of the Shao family
Mr. Qin looked towards the front of the car, and sure enough there was a big white goose standing there. He first explained to his wife: "Xiao Jin, this is An An's pet white goose."

Then, he opened the door again and got out of the car.

Mr. Qin looked at the big white goose that refused to give way and frowned, "It's dangerous to stand in the middle of the road."

The big white goose ran to his feet and said, "Quack!" Take the goose to Shao's house!
It's a pity that no one understands its goose language.

As soon as the Rolls-Royce wanted to move, the big white goose ran to block the front of the car, going back and forth to prevent the Rolls-Royce from moving forward.

Mrs. Qin sat in the car and looked at the big white goose with interest, "This big white goose is so smart. Ahuo, does it want to play with An An?"

"An An is not at home?" Mr. Qin frowned in confusion and called the bodyguards around him, "Is no one at home?"

The bodyguard stepped forward and replied respectfully: "Old sir, the president took Miss An An, Master Fujia and Master Qianyi to the Shao family."

"Shao family?" Mr. Qin immediately noticed something was wrong, "What happened?"

The bodyguard reported the afternoon's situation to Mr. Qin in every detail.

Mr. Qin gasped for breath when he heard this. He held his crutch tightly and knocked the ground hard: "The Shao family bullies people too much! How dare you treat An An like this!"

Mrs. Qin was also so angry that her heart beat faster, "That's too much! Ahuo, let's go, let's go to Shao's house too!"

If the bullying comes to their precious little granddaughter, how can they let it go?
"Okay, let's go to Shao's house!" Mr. Qin immediately got in the car.

Just as the car door was about to close, the big white goose got into the car with a plump body and nimbly said, "Quack!"

Mr. Qin now somewhat understood what it was squawking about, "You want to go too?"

"Gah!" The big white goose nodded its head.

"Okay, let's go together." Mr. Qin turned to the driver and told the driver: "Go to Shao's house."

The driver immediately responded: "Okay, old gentleman!"

Before the Rolls-Royce reached the gate of the castle, it turned around and drove out of Bay Villa again, heading for Shao's house.

There are three main big families in the wealthy family, the first is the Qin family, the second is the Shi family, and then the Shao family.

The Shao family lives in a villa area with a beautiful environment.

As night fell, the sound of an engine broke the surrounding silence.

The Bentley parked in front of the Shao family villa.

Special assistant He Yan got out of the car first from the passenger seat and rang the doorbell of Shao's house.

At the same time, in the living room of the Shao family villa, President Shao Yongkang, Mrs. Shao Shen Shuwen and their wife Shao Xinxin were sitting on the sofa.

Shen Shuwen was worried about the psychological shadow left by her daughter Xinxin being bullied by Qin Sui'an, so she specially played her daughter's favorite cartoon. But what she didn't know was that her daughter was no longer the six-year-old Shao Xinxin, but the six-year-old Shao Xinxin. An adult who lives another life.

Shao Xinxin could hardly continue acting. This cartoon was so childish that she rolled her eyes inwardly.

After enduring the episode of cartoons, Shao Xinxin couldn't stand it anymore. She pretended to be sleepy, covered her mouth and yawned, "Daddy, Mommy, I'm a little sleepy and want to go to bed."

"Sleepy? Why are you sleepy so early today?" Shao Yongkang looked at the time and was very puzzled. It was only after eight o'clock, and it was not yet the usual time for his daughter to go to bed.Shen Shuwen gave him a charming look, "I took Xinxin to Qin's house in the afternoon. I didn't take a nap, so Xinxin was naturally sleepy early."

Shao Yongkang thought of this and looked at the gauze bandaged on his daughter's arm with distress, "The Qin family is becoming more and more unreasonable."

"I was saying before that the little daughter of the Qin family beat the young master of the Bai family into cerebral palsy. I still don't believe it..." Shen Shuwen showed a frightened expression, and then said with self-blame: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't. I'm thinking of visiting Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin, and taking Xinxin to the Qin family, otherwise Xinxin won't have to be bullied by the little daughter of the Qin family."

Shao Yongkang patted her shoulder comfortingly, "How can I blame you? Alas, this Qin family... I will go to the Qin family tomorrow and talk to President Qin. His daughter is a precious daughter, my daughter She’s also my baby!”

Shao Xinxin held her arm in time and said obediently: "Daddy, Mommy, don't be sad. Sister An An is not very strong, so it won't hurt if I fall."

"This hand is injured like this, but it still doesn't hurt? What a silly kid." Shen Shuwen put her daughter in her arms, "Our family is kind-hearted, and people who are kind will be bullied!"

When Shao Yongkang saw how sensible his daughter was, his inner anger also ignited.

Why should his daughter be bullied by the daughter of the Qin family?Even just a three and a half year old child!How do the Qin family raise their children?Why are you raising a three-and-a-half-year-old child like a devil!
Shao Yongkang stood up, picked up his daughter, and walked upstairs, "Xinxin, if you feel sleepy, go to sleep first. If you still feel uncomfortable, remember to tell daddy that he will go see President Qin tomorrow. Let’s talk.”

"Daddy, don't be angry, it will hurt your health." Shao Xixin said thoughtfully.

When Shao Yongkang heard his daughter's words, his heart felt warm and moved, "Okay, Daddy is not angry, not angry."

After entering the room, Shao Yongkang put her on the bed and gently covered her with the quilt, "Xinxin, go to sleep, good night."

"Good night, Daddy." Shao Xinxin said obediently.

After turning the lights in the room to sleep mode, Shao Yongkang left her room and carefully closed the door.

The next moment, Shao Xinxin's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the innocence he pretended to be in front of his parents disappeared completely.

She sat up and opened a toy combination lock box on the bedside table.

A small, crystal clear and shining apple is placed inside.

Shao Xixin picked up the little apple and raised his lips with a smile.

With this little apple, she has hundreds of millions in savings. After a while, she will sell this little apple!
After Shao Yongkang left his daughter's room, he walked slowly downstairs.

Shen Shuwen immediately stepped forward to greet her, "Yongkang, the Qin family went too far today. First they drove me away, and then they bullied Xinxin while I was away!"

Shao Yongkang put his arm around her shoulders, "Don't worry, I will help you get an explanation!"

At this moment, a servant hurried over: "Sir, Madam, President Qin is here!"

"President Qin?" Shao Yongkang was stunned, "Here now?"

The servant replied again: "Yes, sir, right at the door."

"Okay, this President Qin is really..." Shao Yongkang snorted heavily, "Humph, he came to me first before I found him?"

"What are you doing here, President Qin?" Shen Shuwen frowned. Suddenly, she showed an incredulous expression and whispered, "Is President Qin here to apologize to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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