Chapter 8 One more punch and it’s mine

"It's not an alien." Qin Qianyi chuckled and couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently pinched Xiao Sui'an's soft little face.

He explained patiently: "An'an means outsiders, people other than An'an's family."

"Oh~~~" Qin Sui'an understood and nodded obediently: "Okay, An'an won't tell anyone else!"

Qin Qianyi praised the small breasts without hesitation, "Yes, An An is awesome!"

Qin Sui'an's cheeks were filled with pink clouds, and his big round eyes looked at his little brother, obviously very happy with his praise.

Ahead, Qin Yanyi saw his sixth brother Qin Qianyi holding a small breast, and immediately walked over quickly: "Qin Qianyi, did you go to the ice cellar and beat someone unconscious?"

He was busy arranging breeders for the one hundred cows in Xiaoniutan when he heard the bodyguard say that the people locked in the ice cellar had been beaten unconscious by his sixth brother.

The bodyguards were worried that Zong Jianren would die. After all, the president had specially ordered that no one should die. Just in case, they ran to ask Master Yan Yi, who was a skilled doctor, to come and take a look.

Qin Qianyi was so innocent that he complained: "Second brother, I just lightly 'touched' him and he fainted. It's none of my business!"

Qin Yanyi glanced at his iron fist.

With Sixth Brother's brute force, even a "light" blow would be enough for an ordinary person.

What's more, based on what the bodyguard just said, the fact is definitely not "a light touch".

"Okay, don't do anything in the future, it won't be good for An An to see." Qin Yanyi looked at the small breasts in his sixth brother's arms, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and his voice softened: "An An, have you ever been teased by you? Brother, are you scared?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head and said in a sweet voice: "No, little brother is not scary~"

"That's right! What a gentleman I am!" Qin Qianyi echoed.

Qin Yanyi glanced at his sixth brother with disgust.

Other gentlemen may talk but not move. This gentleman, Liudi, is on the contrary, use his words but not talk.

It was important to save people, so Qin Yanyi said goodbye to them and walked to the ice cellar with the medicine box in hand.

Zong Jianren was unconscious for more than half an hour. When he woke up in a daze, his face seemed to have been forcibly plastic surgery, and he screamed in pain.

"woke up?"

Next to him, a cold voice came.

Zong Jianren twisted his neck and looked around, and saw a man in white standing with his backlight, like an angel.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?" the cold voice asked again.

Zong Jianren cried: "My face hurts so much, please help me!"

"The brow bone, nose bridge bone, and cheekbone are broken. It's not a big problem. You can't die." The man added, "Oh, by the way, you lost ten of your teeth and threw them in your coat pocket."

"Wha, what?!" Zong Jianren swept his tongue around his teeth, and the upper row of teeth was obviously a lot sparser, "My, my teeth!"

Qin Yanyi completed his mission as a doctor and turned to his bodyguards: "Go and call Qin Qianyi over."

The bodyguard asked doubtfully: "What do you think, Master Yan Yi?"

"Let him punch me again and it will be my share."

It had only been less than half an hour since Qin Yanyi told his sixth brother Qin Qianyi to "stop doing it."

Just a punch, that's right, don't do anything.Qin Yanyi turned around and left the ice cellar. As if he suddenly remembered something, he paused and warned him very thoughtfully: "By the way, tell him not to punch him in the face. I'm afraid that if he punches him in the face again, he will accidentally knock Zong Jianren's brains out." If it rots, it will be difficult to save.”

"Okay, Master Yan Yi!" The bodyguard couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine. No one in the Qin family is easy to mess with!
Zong Jianren realized that it was not an angel in white at all, but a devil from hell wearing the skin of an angel!
Qin Qianyi did not take Xiao Sui'an back to the castle, but wandered around the Bay Villa.

Because Haiwan Villa was so big, Qin Qianyi couldn't hold her and walk around. He was afraid that he wouldn't finish the whole day, so he wanted to go to the garage to pick a car.

All the lights in the garage lit up with a "click" sound, and it seemed to be an endless stretch. It was filled with luxury cars of various styles and colors. It was called a luxury and high-end car exhibition.

Qin Sui'an saw so many four-wheeled cars for the first time, and his round eyes widened: "Wow~ there are so many cars~"

"That's not a lot, it's only a few hundred vehicles."

Qin Qianyi was used to it. The Qin family had so much money that they had nowhere to spend it. Buying a car was just a matter of words.

Because he was not old enough to drive yet, he could only send a bodyguard as the driver and chose a four-seater convertible sports car.

The Qin family has been prepared for a long time. All cars must have a child safety seat, which is pink. You can tell at a glance that it is Xiao Sui'an's exclusive seat.

Qin Qianyi helped Xiao Sui'an carry him into the child safety seat, then fastened the seat belt carefully, and then told the bodyguard: "Drive slowly."

"Okay, Master Qianyi!"

As soon as you step on the accelerator, the rumble of the engine seems to penetrate the sky.

A bright red convertible sports car was driving slowly and leisurely in the Bay Villa at the slowest speed for a car, 15 kilometers per hour.

Qin Qianyi pointed to the surrounding buildings and introduced it to Xiao Sui'an: "An An, this is our garden. There is nothing interesting, but the flowers are quite beautiful. If An An likes it, I will accompany you!"

"An'an, this is an outdoor sports ground. There are basketball courts, badminton courts, baseball fields, and football fields. A little further away, there is a lush green field. That is the golf course. If you want to play, you can come to me! I can play any ball!"

Qin Sui'an stretched his little neck, his big eyes looked at every place introduced by his little brother, and his little mouth was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

Wow ~
It turns out that a home can be so big!

So cool~
Qin Qianyi pointed to the place on the right and said: "An'an, that's the shooting range over there. Did you see it? They are round and dotted with red. Those are the targets. My fourth brother likes to come here to practice shooting. "

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes, tilted his little head, and murmured in confusion: "Shooting range? Fourth brother? Shooting practice?"

No matter which word it is, it is very strange to her.

Qin Qianyi rubbed her little head and explained patiently: "The fourth brother is very busy. It will be a while before he has time to go home to see An An. When the fourth brother comes home, he can let the fourth brother teach An An how to play guns!"

Qin Sui'an didn't know what a gun was, but she knew it was for "playing" and immediately nodded her head expectantly: "Okay~"

The bodyguard who acted as the driver broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the conversation between Master Qianyi and Miss An An.

Miss An An is still so young, so she is not suitable for handling dangerous weapons like guns...

It seems that I need to report it to the president.

Here, little Sui'an was wandering around in their bay villa with her little brother.

On the other side, the office and study room on the second floor of the castle has a solemn atmosphere.

Qin Haochen's eyes without any warmth, scanned every face in the video on the computer, his face was cold and his voice was cold:
"My daughter just came home today. I don't want to be angry. If you want to make my money, you have to listen to me. Otherwise, get out of the Qin Group."

(End of this chapter)

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