Chapter 86 Fresh lawyer’s letter
Qin Fuga said calmly: "I have already sent it to Lu Zheng, and I will let Lu Zheng handle it tomorrow."

The trillions of compensation was just the price for Shao Xinxin's stealing of the little apple. Qin Qianyi and Qin Fujia had not forgotten the empty words of Shao and his wife to slander An An.

Their sister naturally cannot tolerate anyone's slander and rumors. If they don't teach the Shao family a lesson, they are not worthy of being An An's brother.

Mr. Qin's expression was serious. He came late and seemed to have missed a lot.

From the brief conversation between the eldest grandson and the younger grandson, Mr. Qin guessed that the recording was related to the younger grandson, and said, "Fujia, send me the recording later."

Mrs. Qin looked at her little granddaughter with fondness in her eyes, with a smile on her face, and her words could not be objected: "Send me a copy too."

Qin Fujia pondered for a few seconds, and was about to refuse when he heard his grandfather speak before him:
"Xiaojin, what do you want with this recording? We can just take care of it." The recording can involve Lu Zheng, so it is definitely not a good content. Mr. Qin doesn't want her to get angry because of these troublesome things. body.

Qin Fuga was thinking the same thing, "Grandma, just play with An An. We will handle these things."

"Did I ask for your opinion?" Mrs. Qin turned her eyes and glanced at their grandfather and grandson, showing no anger or authority.

What she said was a declarative sentence.

Mr. Qin was stunned and didn't dare to say "no" again. He coughed slightly in embarrassment and said, "Hey, Fujia, remember to give us a copy."

Qin Fuga nodded helplessly: "Okay."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Qin Qianyi quickly said with a smile: "Grandpa, brother, what's there to worry about? Grandma is in good health! What's more, there is also second brother here. If you feel uncomfortable, let second brother see Just one look and the medicine will cure the disease."

Qin Sui'an listened to everyone's conversation and looked at them seriously with his big round eyes.

After a while, she looked at her grandma with worried eyes, and asked nervously: "Is grandma feeling unwell?"

Mrs. Qin had been unwell before, mostly due to the disappearance of her little granddaughter.

There was no improvement in Haiwan Yi Villa, and her heart ailment still required careful medicine. Qin Yanyi suggested that grandma leave Haiwan Yi Villa and go somewhere else to recuperate.

Now that the "heart medicine" has gone home, Mrs. Qin's mental state has improved significantly in the past two days, and she will be able to return to her former health in a short time.

Hearing the caring voice of her little granddaughter, Mrs. Qin's smile gradually deepened. She shook her head repeatedly and said, "No, grandma, I'm in good health! You see, your grandpa still has to use crutches to walk. I No need!"

"Ahem..." Mr. Qin, who was brought out for comparison, looked very helpless.

But he had nothing to say. After all, she was telling the truth. She really didn't need a cane to walk.

After a few minutes, Qin Haochen slowly walked down from upstairs.

He walked straight to Xiao Naituan, stretched out his hands, and took her from Qin Qianyi's arms very calmly.

Qin Sui'an adjusted to a comfortable position in Dad's familiar arms, then blinked his round eyes and asked, "Is Dad finished?"

Qin Haochen raised his lips and responded to her gently, "Well, we're done, let's go home."

Qin Qianyi looked upstairs and asked curiously: "Dad, how will the compensation be handled in the end?"

Qin Haochen glanced at him, and the tenderness towards the little breasts disappeared completely, and he frowned slightly, "Why are you asking so many questions?"


He is not an adult yet, technically he is just a 14-year-old child.

The trillions of compensation had a huge impact on the Shao family, and they didn't even come downstairs to see off guests.

The servants had no choice but to send off the aggressive Qin family tremblingly.

When we returned to Bay Villa, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, almost ten o'clock.

Qin Sui'an couldn't take a good nap in the afternoon. Now he was so sleepy that he couldn't bear to close his round eyes.

In the living room, Qin Qianyi volunteered to reconnect An An's broken little apple necklace.He squatted in front of the table and carefully fiddled with the safety rope and the diamond apple.

Qin Sui'an leaned in her grandma's arms, opening her round eyes hard and watching her little brother help her repair the necklace.

Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin flew home directly from country F and have not had a good rest yet.

But because of the presence of their little granddaughter, they were in good spirits and their eyes almost never left their little granddaughter.

Qin Haochen noticed that the little breasts were sleepy, smiled silently, and coaxed softly: "An'an, go to bed first, and you can see the intact little apple necklace tomorrow."

"Well..." Qin Sui'an shook his little head, raised his little hands, and rubbed his eyes, "An'an wants to wait for Little Apple to be repaired."

Qin Haochen couldn't bear to refuse the little nipple, and seeing that her youngest son's movements were unfamiliar, he didn't know when he would be able to fix the little apple.

He sighed secretly, knowing that he should have stopped Qian Yi from repairing the little apple necklace.

Qin Qianyi felt a particularly sharp gaze falling on him. Without turning around, he knew that this gaze came from his father.

"Well, An'an, why don't you close your eyes and sleep for a while, and then I'll wake you up after I've fixed it." Qin Qianyi asked cautiously: "An'an, is that okay?"

Qin Sui'an frowned slightly and thought seriously. After a few seconds, she nodded again, "Then sleep peacefully for a while~"

"That's right, go to sleep. Go to sleep." Qin Qianyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Haochen reached out and took the little breasts back into his arms, adjusted the position of the little breasts, and gently patted her body, "Go to sleep, An'an."

Mrs. Qin also coaxed in a soft voice: "Go to sleep, go to sleep, don't worry."

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips and showed a sweet smile. She closed her eyes and fell asleep soon.

Mr. Qin brought a small blanket and covered his little granddaughter with a very gentle movement.

Qin Fuga walked down the stairs, holding another safety rope in his hand and handing it to his sixth brother, and whispered: "Two twined together, they are stronger."

"Okay." Qin Qianyi, while watching the explanation video on his phone, speeded up and reattached the little apple necklace.

After 5 minutes, the little apple necklace was finally completed.

He stood up, put it on An An's neck gently, and shouted in his heart: Done!

Qin Haochen looked at the small breasts sleeping soundly in his arms and was reluctant to wake her up from her sleep.

He stood up carefully, took steady steps, and walked upstairs with her in his arms.

As if sensing something, Qin Sui'an opened his eyes drowsily, "Papa..."

Qin Haochen lowered his head and said softly: "An An's little apple necklace has been repaired and has been put on. An An can continue to sleep."

After hearing what Dad said, Qin Sui'an stretched out his little hand and touched his neck, and sure enough he touched the little apple.

She raised her round eyes happily, "An An would like to thank little brother..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Sui'an closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Qin Haochen couldn't help laughing, with a smile in his eyes, and kissed her forehead lovingly, "Good night."

Late at night, Bay Villa is quiet and quiet. Everyone has gone back to their rooms to rest. Only the bodyguards are left to patrol around from time to time to protect the safety of Bay Villa.

The Shao family, however, received a lawyer's letter in the middle of the night from Qin Luzheng, the third young master of the Qin family, who worked overtime all night.

(End of this chapter)

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