Chapter 96 The weird and scary Quietness
The salesperson carefully helped Qin Suian measure it, "It's ready, kid."

"Thank you, sister." Qin Suian thanked her with a sweet voice, and immediately came to grandma and held her hand, "Isn't grandma happy?"

Mrs. Qin was slightly startled. She didn't expect that she was just distracted for a short time, and her little granddaughter noticed thoughtfully.

She quickly shook her head, "No, grandma is very happy. Come, An'an, let's go to other stores and buy more."

Qin Sui'an nodded his little head and looked at his grandma seriously with his round eyes, as if to confirm whether her grandma was unhappy.

Mrs. Qin stretched out her hand to rub her little granddaughter's head, held her little hand tightly, and walked out of the store slowly.

The salesperson saw them off enthusiastically.

I am really lucky today. I met such a cute little distinguished guest, who is refreshing and easy to get along with!
This huge order is enough for her to eat for a year!

Shao Yongkang has not seen his wife Shen Shuwen since he got up.

Last night, he and Shen Shuwen broke up on bad terms. After he had a good sleep and left the study, he heard the servant say that she had gone to Bay Villa.

Shao Yongkang never received a message from Shen Shuwen, and he was a little worried that Shen Shuwen would mess up the matter and make the Qin family even more angry.

He sent several messages to Shen Shuwen to inquire about the situation, but did not receive any reply from her.

Shao Yongkang comforted himself in his heart: There is no news, but it is actually the best news.

It wasn't until 02:30 in the afternoon that Shao Yongkang received a call from his family's driver.

"Sir, my wife fainted! She was just taken to the hospital by ambulance!" The driver drove the car and followed the ambulance carrying his wife in front, while reporting the emergency situation to his husband.

"Fainted?" Shao Yongkang was stunned, "Did you faint at home?"

He thought Shen Shuwen should have apologized to the Qin family and gone home.

"No, not at home." The driver replied, "I fainted in front of Bay Villa."

"At the entrance of Haiwan Villa?!" Shao Yongkang stood up suddenly, "What's going on? Did she faint just after leaving Qin's house?"

"Uh, um..." the driver said cautiously: "Madam didn't enter the Qin family, and the Qin family didn't let her go. Madam has been standing outside the gate of Bay Villa since the morning until she fainted just now."

"From morning to now?!" Shao Yongkang was confused.

Things were completely different from what he expected!

"Which hospital is she in? Send me the address." Shao Yongkang hurriedly left the office and went to the hospital where Shen Shuwen was located.

Central Hospital, inside the VIP ward.

After a night of no rest, coupled with the sun exposure and the outburst of anger, Shen Shuwen fell into a coma for more than three hours before slowly waking up.

She opened her eyes and looked around.

The smell of disinfectant in the air, the clean environment, and the needle inserted into her blood vessel for infusion.This is, a hospital? !
As her chaotic thoughts gradually became clearer, Shen Shuwen propped herself up with her other hand and sat up. Her voice was hoarse, but as if it was squeezed out from between her teeth, with strong and lingering hatred: "This damn Qin family!"

Shao Yongkang was looking through documents in the small living room outside. When he heard Shen Shuwen's curses coming from inside, he frowned first, then stood up and walked in, "Are you awake?"

"Yongkang, the Qin family has gone too far!" Shen Shuwen thought about what happened today and was filled with hatred: "The Qin family doesn't take our Shao family seriously at all! I am the wife of the president of the Shaw Group! They still dare to Such neglect of me!"

"Okay, don't make yourself faint again later." Shao Yongkang frowned and asked, "So you haven't apologized to the Qin family yet, right?"

"I can't even enter the Qin family's gate, how can I apologize? Should I stand at the gate and shout?" The fire in Shen Shuwen's heart was instantly ignited by his words, and she was so angry that she cursed at the top of her lungs:

"I arrived at Haiwan Villa at nine in the morning! I waited until two in the afternoon! The door of Qin's house was not opened for me! That damn bodyguard didn't know anything about it! In the end, he even told me whether Qin Sui was safe At home, let me go!”

Shen Shuwen's breathing was rapid, her face flushed, and her expression was ferocious with a hint of madness. This was the first time that she had been so angry. She didn't have any image of the wife of the president of Shaw Group.

She had never hated a person so much, and that person was only a three-and-a-half-year-old child.

Shao Yongkang listened to her hysterical roar, his expression was not very good, "Then you can just sit in the car and wait. Why do you have to stand in the sun and wait?"

"If I don't show some sincerity, will the Qin family let me go so easily?" Shen Shuwen patted the bed hard, "But even if I have reached this point, the Qin family still doesn't take me seriously! You don’t take the Shao family seriously!”

Although they knew in their hearts that the Qin family was indeed better than the Shao family in every aspect, this was not the reason for the Qin family to bully her!
Shen Shuwen saw that Shao Yongkang's expression was slightly relaxed, and tears welled up in her eyes. She cried as much as she could, and choked with sobs: "Yongkang, I was bullied like this by the Qin family, not for our Shao family! You actually, you still... Blame me..."

Shao Yongkang took out a tissue and handed it to her, "I don't mean to blame you."

Although the lawyer's letter was her own fault, as her husband, Shao Yongkang could not sit idly by.

"But you have never cared about me from just now until now. You only care about whether I have apologized to the Qin family!" Shen Shuwen blamed him aggrievedly while wiping away tears.

Shao Yongkang sighed in his heart, sat on the edge of the bed, patted her shoulder, and said comfortingly: "Qin Luzheng's legal fees are astonishingly high. Aren't I afraid that his legal fees will keep rising?"

His daughter Xinxin stole someone else's diamond apple, and the compensation of [-] times has not yet been paid. Coupled with the terms in the lawyer's letter, Shao Yongkang is worried that even if he sells Shaw, he won't be able to compensate the Qin family enough.

"The Qin family is really bad! Bad and ruthless!" Shen Shuwen was jealous now when she mentioned the Qin family, "How could the Qin family treat us like this before? Look, it must be Qin Sui'an in front of President Qin. , said bad things about us!"

"She is only three years old." Shao Yongkang frowned upon hearing this.

"Don't look at her for being young, she is very evil!" Shen Shuwen clenched her palms tightly, resentment flashed in her eyes, "If it weren't for her, our Xinxin wouldn't have accidentally done something wrong, let alone what happened later. So many troubles!"

"You..." Shao Yongkang felt frightened as he listened. He looked around cautiously, fearing that the Qin family would record him again and use it as evidence to sue them.

Shen Shuwen seemed to suddenly remember this and immediately stopped talking.

The ward fell into a strange and fearful silence.

After a while, Shao Yongkang said to her: "Let's go to Qin's house again in the evening."

(End of this chapter)

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