After wearing a book, I became a small oil bottle

Chapter 1163 Little girls are easy to coax

Chapter 1163 Little girls are easy to coax

But he has imagined many times that he and she are in the house, and that in the future, there will be his and her baby.Maybe, you can also get a cat or a dog...

These were all things he had never dreamed of when he was a child.

Rong Si looked at her deeply, with a smile on his lips, "Then I look forward to the day I live with you."

"..." Looking at him, Su Jiu's heart skipped a beat.

Is it her imagination? Why does she feel that the boss has some evil intentions?


Back in the villa area, Rong Si dropped her off at the door of his house.

He stood under the street lamp, the shadow behind him stretched too long, watching Su Jiu intently as he walked in.

After Su Jiu took a few steps forward, he suddenly turned back, put his arms around his neck, stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips vigorously, and then said to him: "You want to video chat with me when you get back, before going to bed." A good night call is also a must.”

She always gets a good night's sleep when she hears him saying good night before going to bed every night.

Rong Si also reached out and hugged her, with a smile on his face, "Yes."

His eyes were firmly fixed on the fair and beautiful little face of the girl in front of him. His eyes were deep and he couldn't help lowering his head and getting closer to her——

Su Jiu closed her eyes subconsciously, waiting nervously for his approach.

Just as their lips were about to touch each other, unexpectedly, a cough came from behind, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere.

Su Jiu was stunned, quickly opened his eyes and looked back, and sure enough he saw Su Shengjing and An Yuan.

She was immediately embarrassed, and quickly distanced herself from Rong Si, laughing dryly, "Mom and Dad, are you back so soon?"

Tsk, I don’t know what I would have seen if I had been a few seconds later.Su Shengjing's thin lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but An Yuan grabbed his arm and signaled him to be silent, and then said with a smile, "Xiaojiu, Ah Si, you continue, continue... just pretend that we don't exist."

"?" Su Shengjing was a little dissatisfied, and An Yuan quickly approached him and said, "Okay, okay, the children are older, and we will be the parents to take care of their own affairs."

After saying that, Su Shengjing was taken away by force.

Su Shengjing could only hold back his words and looked back at Rong Si while following her.

Rong Si's throat rolled, and he felt that... his future father-in-law's eyes were a bit fierce.

But he had always been like this, and he was used to it.

In the end, the two gave each other a goodbye kiss before parting.After returning home, Su Jiu took a hot bath and lay on the bed. He looked at the ring on his finger and thought about what happened tonight. He couldn't help but laugh again.

Then he called Rong Si enthusiastically and chatted until he ordered her to rest before she put down her phone and fell asleep. As a result, Su Jiu got up late the next day.

When he went downstairs, Su Shengjing had already had breakfast and was sitting on the sofa, browsing the news on his mobile phone and drinking coffee.He didn't know what he saw, but his expression seemed a little disgusting.

When he heard Su Jiu coming downstairs, he immediately looked at her and said, "Breakfast is being heated in the kitchen. Eat it quickly. Why did you get up so late today? Did you chat with that boy for a long time last night?"

Su Jiu touched his nose sheepishly, "Last night... I must have been too excited, so I fell asleep very late."

Are you so excited?

Little girls are so easy to tease.

Su Shengjing took another look at the entertainment news on his phone. There were a lot of reports about Rong Si's proposal to Xiaojiu. The more he read, the more disgusted he became.That kid has always been very low-key, and he didn't know what was wrong. He made last night's proposal seem like the whole world knew about it.

(End of this chapter)

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