Chapter 102 Angry

Deng Menglan, nearly 30 years old, is a well-known TV queen. She is famous for her gentle temper towards her younger generations and is well regarded in the industry.

The director was almost stunned by the surprise and wished he could immediately pack up and send away this troublesome Lu Ling.

When Jiang Nuannuan heard the news, she knew who did it.

She was quite surprised that Gu Tingyan was willing to help her solve the trouble between women, even though the matter was over in her eyes.

Lu Ling caught a glimpse of Jiang Nuannuan standing at the door and lost all face. He pointed at her and cursed, "I have already apologized to you! What else do you want! Do you really want me to be hidden in the snow? Bitch!"

Lan Shan frowned and moved forward to block, "Sister Lu Ling, don't blame others for this matter. What does your company's decision have to do with Nuan Nuan?"

Jiang Nuannuan, who was lying down and shot, rolled her eyes. If she really had the ability to blow pillows, she would still be able to let this guy dance for so many days. I heard that she even bought her black draft. Thinking about it makes her even more angry. .

People from the program team also came over. They bought her air tickets and were waiting to pack her up and send her away.

After finally getting the emotionally broken woman into the car, her assistant was still standing in the corner shivering.

Jiang Nuannuan went to the refrigerator to get some ice cubes, wrapped it in a towel and pressed it on her face, "This can be considered workplace abuse. Has it been like this before?"

The ugly-looking assistant nodded, with tears in his eyes, "Occasionally, today is the worst."

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "Everyone has to live. I can't say anything to make you brave enough to resign. You have to weigh everything in your heart. If you are not willing to fly with her, I will help you book a flight." .”

The assistant held back her tears and said, "Thank you, Sister Nuannuan, no need, I'll go down now."

Jiang Nuannuan asked her to take a towel and apply ice by herself, and a staff member came up to help carry her luggage.

When she walked out of the bedroom, Hang Panxia poked her and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Gu or Brother Shizhou did it?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked innocent, "How do I know?"

Hang Panxia: "." Just pretend.

During breakfast time, Gu Shizhou slowly came downstairs. No matter how much Lu Ling made trouble in front of him, he never saw his shadow.

He didn't even look at Jiang Nuannuan. After breakfast, he got on his motorcycle and went out again.

System 66 couldn't help but said: "You guys had a complete quarrel last night, can you fix it?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't care, biting into a piece of scone bought outside, "Don't keep asking me such boring questions."

There was no program recording today. After breakfast, she and her fellow guests agreed to go to the hot springs together in the evening.

The bathhouse in the small town of Bath is a must-visit check-in point when traveling.

"Nuan Nuan, your sister is on the hot search again!"

Hang Panxia was sitting in a chair scrolling through her phone and suddenly reminded her with a surprised tone, "Jiang Meng and Ji Yansen still plagiarized high-end jewelry design works."

This morning, the Linggang Police Department made a statement after detecting a jewelry design plagiarism case worth nearly [-] million yuan.

The apology statements from Jiang Meng and Ji Yansen for plagiarizing works were bundled below, occupying the headlines of major news and entertainment sections.

There was also the embarrassing news that Jiang Meng was taken to the police station at her wedding and her tube top wedding dress accidentally fell off, which was also pushed to the climax.

Weibo exploded.

Netizens didn't expect that the matter of the wealthy family's recognized biological daughter and adopted daughter was not over yet, and even set a new lower limit again, and the discussion was heated.

Before Jiang Nuannuan had time to read the specific apology content above, Weibo was paralyzed, and the interface could not be displayed no matter how hard she swiped.

She had no choice but to ask the people next to her: "Did you see Qiaolin Studio appear in the apology statement?"

Hang Panxia: "Yes, Qiao Lin is mentioned in every chapter. What's wrong?" Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Nothing."

Hang Panxia was shocked again and said: "You gave jewelry to Brother Shizhou two days ago. I know Qiao Lin's studio is yours, so they apologized to you all over the network."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, they admitted their mistake faster than she expected.

She walked to the door and called Lu Jin, preparing to strike while the iron was hot.

"Get ready. Except for the jewelry of the [Galaxy] series, which are temporarily unavailable for sale, select a few of the remaining new products to be released. Then go to Weibo to register a new official account in the name of Qiao Lin. We need to prepare spokespersons. It’s over.”

Lu Jin still didn't know what was happening in China, "Why are you so anxious all of a sudden? Has Movie Emperor Gu taken care of it? He wears your works and is ready to accept endorsements? So easy to talk to?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "No, just do as I say first."

Lu Jin: "Okay, and the customized couple ring is finished here. Can I send it directly to the address on the contract?"

Zhai Heng asked her to order it. Jiang Nuannuan replied: "No, send it to the new address I gave you. I will deliver it myself. Remember that new products must be released today."


Creating such a big sensation in the country is the best publicity for her studio. This is why she was willing to let Jiang Meng and others go and only let them write an apology statement.

There are so many section headlines and news feeds, making money.

The online comments are indeed explosive, and the discussion is more outrageous than any breaking news.

Someone detailed Jiang Nuannuan's unlucky life after turning 20 years old.

[My sister was cheated on by her boyfriend of three years. The jewelry she spent more than a year designing was plagiarized by her boyfriend and given to my sister. Finally, she was kicked out of the house. After experiencing rounds of online violence, Jiang Nuannuan was miserable. My heart hurts so much, it's a miracle she kept fighting back. 】

[The Ji family has completely picked up sesame seeds and thrown away watermelons. I found out that Jiang Meng’s resume is basically a third-rate design study in a vocational school, and he didn’t even finish it! 】

[She used to be Jiang Meng’s classmate. She never spoke out when she was threatened. In fact, she smoked, drank, and stayed in a room with others. She did everything. 】

[Have you not noticed that jewelry? Although it has been copied, it is really beautiful!Please give me a link to Qiao Lin’s official website!Open my eyes! 】

[Same request +1]

[By the way, does anyone still remember?She was working for the Gu family, why did she suddenly sell jewelry?Is there something fishy in it? 】

Jiang Nuannuan was not able to log on to her Weibo until the evening, and as expected, her number of fans increased dramatically, including questions about her career change.

She lowered her head and the editor issued.

[Side job as a jewelry designer. I have resigned from my main job. I am currently recording island life. I am in good condition. Thank you for your concern. 】

Below is another blessing from Yi Shui, as well as a post with the beautiful sister.

This wave also brought traffic to the entire program team, and everyone was very happy. The chief director even came to thank her in person, and he treated her to the bath tonight.

As soon as Fan Jiang knew about this, he called Gu Shizhou immediately, "Did your earrings and necklace come from Jiang Nuannuan?"

He said that the thing that appeared on him inexplicably last time had an unknown origin and was very suspicious.

Gu Shizhou leaned against the motorcycle and looked at the calm lake across the sidewalk, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Oh, read the trending searches yourself!" Fan Jiang stamped his foot, "You will understand after reading it that Jiang Nuannuan gave you something just to gain your popularity!"

Gu Shizhou hung up the phone impatiently, turned on his phone, and saw one news feed after another. He clicked on Weibo, and his eyes gradually began to waver.

After a long time, several young British girls wanted to come forward and ask for their contact information. They saw this tall man, like an angry lion, violently pulling off the necklace around his neck and throwing it into the lawn.

(End of this chapter)

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