Chapter 138 Skydiving
Jiang Nuannuan resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her phone and replied politely, "My jewelry sold at the Linggang Exhibition for nearly [-] million yuan. This year's turnover is over [-] million yuan. After deducting the cost, our income is also very considerable. , this brand is currently not well-known in China, but for me, it really doesn’t matter if it’s a movie.”

"I won't accept this role."

It was originally a favor to Deng Menglan, but now that the favor has been repaid once, there is no reason to extend it again.

She hung up the phone and waited for Lu Jin to pick up Hang Panxia. She personally confirmed that the contract was correct before officially handing it over to the other party.

Hang Panxia originally came here to take a gamble, but when she saw Gu Shizhou also appearing in the studio, she suddenly felt extremely confident.

"I sign."

Jiang Nuannuan shook hands with her happily and said with a smile: "If you trust me, I won't let you down."

Hang Panxia: "I will be in France recently, please let me know if you need to shoot later."

After she left the office, Lu Jin came in and apologized to Jiang Nuannuan for what happened last night. There was some fear in his expression, probably because he had watched the morning news.

She rarely comes to the studio here. In the past few years, Lu Jin has been helping to organize all the business. Nothing has gone wrong. This time, Jiang Nuannuan can give her a chance if she is eager for quick success.

However, for a jewelry brand that is gradually growing in size, it is time to replenish its personnel. At least, Lu Jin's power and large customer base must be diverted away to avoid similar problems from happening again.

She said a few words to Lu Jin Heshan and asked her to entertain Hang Panxia before asking Gu Shizhou to leave.

"Have you figured out what we're going to do?"

On the road, the heavily armed Gu Shizhou stood by the bus stop. Jiang Nuannuan couldn't even see clearly what his expression was under his sunglasses.

He pointed to a certain stop on the sign, "Amusement Park."

"I don't see you liking amusement parks and using such a simple way of traveling."

Thinking that he would go racing or something, Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, then took out a few coins and took him to the bus.

The so-called amusement park is Dream Castle Disney.

Gu Shizhou bought two VIP tickets and walked her in with a familiar familiarity, as if he had been here several times.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't come often, so she dragged him to the castle, took his mobile phone, took off his mask and sunglasses, and took a group photo at the castle.

Gu Shizhou looked at the wrist she was holding, and a smile appeared on his lazy face, "Do you come here often?"

"I've had it happen a few times before, but it was so dreamy."

When she grew up, she was busy with endless work, which made her lose her little girlish heart.

After being reborn, Jiang Nuannuan was still in a trance when she went into a nearby store and looked at the wall-to-wall Xingdailu and various plush dolls.

It was cute, but she wasn't interested at all.

Gu Shizhou paid attention to her expression and asked, "Don't all girls like amusement parks?"

Fu Shiliu often clamored to go to the amusement park with him when he was in college. Fan Jiang also told him yesterday that girls like fantasy castles and furry things.

The women around him became pretentious. In addition to giving money and resources, the most important thing they pretended to want was stuffed dolls.

He thought Jiang Nuannuan would also like it, but she showed little interest. Except for showing some pleasure at the beginning by dragging him to the castle gate for a photo, it was more like a must-check-in behavior at a tourist attraction.

Today's date was set by him, and Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to be disappointed. She held two Xingdai in her hands and said, "If you like it, how many more projects can we go out for?"

Gu Shizhou walked over, took the two dolls out of her arms and put them back, took her wrist and left, "Change somewhere."

Within half an hour of entering the amusement park, Jiang Nuannuan got on his motorcycle with a confused look on his face.

The accelerator roared, and Gu Shizhou led the people to a private playground.This place is located in a vast area, the sun is shining brightly in the afternoon, the sky is clear, and the weather is perfect.

When Jiang Nuannuan was asked to change clothes, she thought she was going to play go-karts or something like that.

She didn't realize something was wrong until she walked to the helicopter with Gu Shizhou, who was wearing the same uniform and was very handsome.

She saw a big bag on his back, her wide eyes showed fear, and her voice suddenly rose, "You don't want to take me skydiving!!"

Gu Shizhou laughed at her appearance. He touched her head with his gloved palm and turned her over to face him. "Why are you panicking? You have all the qualifications."

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against his chest, looking at herself like a koala being connected to him by various locks, and her legs were shaking, "I thought the amusement park just now was quite fun."

"Stop telling lies." Gu Shizhou leaned towards her ear, "Why don't you go on a date with me? You will like it."

The rebuttal was futile, and he put one arm around her waist and stepped onto the helicopter.

The propeller turned, and Jiang Nuannuan sat close to Gu Shizhou. His legs were spread apart, just enough to hold her whole body inside, making her inseparable.

When it reached a certain height, the door of the helicopter was wide open. Looking at the square fields and mountains of different colors below, Jiang Nuannuan sat at the door of the cabin with her legs in the air, the wind blowing on her cheeks, and her palms were sweating. Scared out.

Gu Shizhou asked her, "Are you ready?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and said tremblingly, "Probably."

He hooked his lips, let go of the armrest, and jumped down with the people.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't describe this feeling at all. Her body plummeted, her heart was in her throat, and the strong wind blew her collar. She couldn't even say a word, she just closed her eyes tightly.

Gu Shizhou was above her, with a smile on his lips, and he opened the umbrella in his hand. The huge pulling force instantly stabilized the two of them from falling.

He lowered his head and the wind carried the sound into her ears.

"Open your eyes and see."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyelashes trembled fiercely, and her eyes under the goggles opened cautiously. The scene in front of her made her suddenly lose consciousness.

The sun breaks through the clouds, like a shape, and the mountains in the distance are covered with clouds and mist, and the mountains are green.

The scenery is magnificent and beautiful.

At this moment, even the wind seemed gentle.

"How about it?"

As Gu Shizhou said, she will like it.

The two landed safely, and the umbrella cover was spread on the grass. Jiang Nuannuan lay on her back on her strong body, her head resting on the crook of his neck, looking at the blue sky before she recovered.

Gu Shizhou helped her sit up, unbuttoned her body, but still spread her legs, letting her stay in his arms, "How is it?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head, the evening sun shrouded her body, and her eyes were faintly red.

Gu Shizhou's Adam's apple rolled when she saw him, and he unnaturally brushed the messy hair around her ears with his hand, which almost got into her eyes, and said awkwardly: "Isn't it fun? Then try another one next time."

God knows what she likes to play with, whether it's gentle or exciting, why is she so squeamish.

"It was quite fun, but I was a little scared when I jumped down." She wiped her eyes, her heart still beating rapidly.

Hearing her soft voice, Gu Shizhou's heart skipped a beat and he was almost aroused.

(End of this chapter)

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